Pics that make you smile

Dwarf wind turbines, and make stupid people regret their action half way up.
But a idiot got to do what a idiot must do some times.
Actually about the same height as the latest offshore wind turbines!
The mast I use is giving off 250KW of radiation from the top - you really don't want to climb up there with it turned on!
indeeed did not go all the way up there, not a good place to be not only for the height.
This 53 YO idiot ( sporting a BMW ) are here photographed passing a speed checkpoint on a 80 km/h highway,,,,,,,, doing 157 km/h
A few km further down the road he left a 21 M long black tidemarks ( no ABS or what ? ) before he rear ended a young girl in her car ( no one got hurt bad )
To top it off when police arrived ( cuz speed checkpoint must call them with so high speeds ) they found out the guy was drunk too.


Sadly this animal will probably be driving soon, even if its not his first offence.
I laugh at Danish society, for caring as much as it do for people like that, personally i think such a person should be treated as the dangerous animal he are.
O there is a black book of boobytraps, i thought that was covered well in black book improvised munitions VOL 1 & 2
Guess i missed out of something then, though reading books on the Vietnam war i also learned a little about the tricks they deployed.
Most of the paperback books like improvised munitions we got on order from the US, via adverts in soldier of fortune and similar magazines,,,,, which sold in select magazine stores here.

Whatever, dishing out pain and agony have always been easy, going the other route are far harder and i think full of even more danger and pitfalls.
BUT ! so much more worth it.

Having been on a VPN connection for a few days now, i have already run into a few web pages that just will not let me onto them when the VPN are on, all pretty mundane pages, one of then a Danish price compare site named pricerunner,,,,, which claim someone from my IP are " crawling" their page so i get a 403 i think it was.
Silencers actually became legal in Denmark a few years ago, seem like hunters are not allowed to scare the animals they dont shoot.
So in that instance my airgun also became legal cuz it have a suppressor too, to take the edge of the horrific :giggle: bark of a airgun pellet being fired.
How and why i have no idea its not like we have anything even remotely like NRA here in Denmark, but clearly some interest groups must have been at play, cuz stuff like that out elect people would never come up with.

A great deal of my apprentice time i made silencers and threading barrels for this and that, from drawings from god know where and my own brainstorming on the matter.
Also did a few conversions from semi to full auto, and someone i knew back then managed to turn a Husqvarna into a deathtrap that would not stop before the mag ran out,,,,,, ( not ironic for me )
Silencers actually became legal in Denmark a few years ago, seem like hunters are not allowed to scare the animals they dont shoot.
So in that instance my airgun also became legal cuz it have a suppressor too, to take the edge of the horrific :giggle: bark of a airgun pellet being fired.
How and why i have no idea its not like we have anything even remotely like NRA here in Denmark, but clearly some interest groups must have been at play, cuz stuff like that out elect people would never come up with.

A great deal of my apprentice time i made silencers and threading barrels for this and that, from drawings from god know where and my own brainstorming on the matter.
Also did a few conversions from semi to full auto, and someone i knew back then managed to turn a Husqvarna into a deathtrap that would not stop before the mag ran out,,,,,, ( not ironic for me )

I'm waiting for the next thing you tell us is that the Danish Army is equipped with air rifles (with suppressors). :smuggrin:
no, but i saw SIG now make their 2 air rifles that use to be CO2 powered in High pressure air too, i like them for their real gun looks.

Only problem "22 are now illegal here, only ".177 if you have no gun permit. :sick:
Domino's are leading the air delivery race, FAA are helpless and can not come up with legislation.

Domino's are leading the air delivery race, FAA are helpless and can not come up with legislation.
At least we are OK in the EU and UK:

COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2018/395 of 13 March 2018 laying down detailed rules for the operation of balloons pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council:

The type of license required for the operation of a balloon is dependent on the purpose of intended operations:

Private usage
a balloon Private Pilot Licence will be required.

Commercial activity
public transport- an AOC(B) and a full Commercial Pilot’s Licence will be required.

Commercial activity
aerial work- a restricted or a full Commercial Pilot’s License will be required.

Important Notes:

BOP.ADD.410 Additional balloon crew member

When a balloon carries more than 19 passengers, at least one additional crew member shall be present on board the balloon in addition to the flight crew as required pursuant to points (a) and (b) of point BOP.ADD.300 to assist passengers in the event of an emergency. That additional crew member shall be appropriately experienced and trained.

BOP.ADD.415 Fitness relating to deep water diving and blood donation

Crew members shall not perform any duties on the balloon where their fitness might be impaired after deep water diving or following blood donation.

BOP.ADD.420 Common language

The operator shall ensure that all crew members can communicate with each other in a common language.

BOP.ADD.425 Psychoactive substances

The operator shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that no person enters or is in a balloon when under the influence of psychoactive substances to the extent that the safety of the balloon, of any person or property carried therein or of any person or property on the ground is likely to be endangered by the presence of that person.

And still a tiny microbe can cause as much death and destruction.

Denmark just got its first corona case today, but our red and white spandex boys on 2 wheels took the AU world record on 4k track
actually trashed that record 2 times in 24 hours,,,, the boys are so fast they are a blur even to the human eye.
A while back i read a Finnish study saying people that drive expensive cars ( often German ) are also the same that behave bad in traffic, running red lights - reckless driving ASO.

Well now University of Nevada sort of say the same about Americans

So in short for every 1000 USD your car is more expensive than the average US car, there is 3 % less chance of the driver not stopping or lowering his speed for a pedestrian.

So once again common knowledge is confirmed.
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Simulated Apollo 13 dashcam footage:
(What our moon really looks like in 4K.)

Apple's latest $5999 Mac Pro's optional $400 wheels, sadly don't come with brakes. Although almost all heavy wheeled furniture do, comes with their own set of brakes to lock it into position, Apple seems to have had a different idea with its latest Mac Pro professional desktop system.


I am also putting wheels under my computer, but it will not even cost 40 bucks, and they will have brakes.
