Powerucc Panorama2

Camcandy said:
Here's a clip recorded by mine, sunny and against the sun
Also if you noticed the left edge of the footage is not as sharp as the right edge, this is probably due to that part of the windshield from the camera's angle acts as another lens so the camera lost focus on the left edge. I tested the camera without windshield and the left side is just as sharp as the right side.

In your clip i can see your rearview mirror windshield bracket can also affect focus. Also if in sunny day there is a strong glare on the windscreen, it may also take away focus. Other thsn that focus is sharp edge to edge. I have tested a DIY CPL lens filter on mine to remove glare. Worked fine.
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OK the dealer got back to me with message from the manufacture, it turned out that the problem of GPS not recording is caused by GPS code (maybe he meant the GPS sytem) differs from country to country. The GPS unit works in USA but the camera doesn't have the firmware to support GPS system here in US. So it doesn't matter if I try to change the GPS unit, the problem won't be fixed until Powerucc releases patch to the GPS issue.

Yes, just like Niko and Jokiin mentioned before, the GPS problem is a matter of firmware upgrade. Hope Powerucc can release a fix soon.

In the meantime, for buyer consideration. If you are planning to buy this unit and you are living in the United States, the GPS unit won't work with this camera, at least for now.
Camcandy said:
OK the dealer got back to me with message from the manufacture, it turned out that the problem of GPS not recording is caused by GPS code (maybe he meant the GPS sytem) differs from country to country. The GPS unit works in USA but the camera doesn't have the firmware to support GPS system here in US. So it doesn't matter if I try to change the GPS unit, the problem won't be fixed until Powerucc releases patch to the GPS issue.

Yes, just like Niko and Jokiin mentioned before, the GPS problem is a matter of firmware upgrade. Hope Powerucc can release a fix soon.

In the meantime, for buyer consideration. If you are planning to buy this unit and you are living in the United States, the GPS unit won't work with this camera, at least for now.

Yes, thats correct info. At least here in Ireland it picks up gps signal, but with longitude reading error. It looks like they still working on other continents gps codes implementations.
I guess manufacturer did not planed to step outside Korean market so soon and not fully developed this unit for outside use.
Maybe it was my fault when I "forced" to sell me this unit on the first place, when it was not yet available on outside Korean market websites. After I tested first unit, ordered second one for my friend and after that Koreans started advertising on eBay seeing that there is a demand from international buyers.
Anyway, for me GPS is not an issue at the moment. Sooner or later it will be fixed, its just the matter of time.
i found a severe bug in the 1.08.03.
(why was i thinking to be lucky, not to be affected from GPS issues?)

What does happen? The device adjusts the system clock according to the gps signal... for korea.....

So at first glance the clock is correct at start, then while the device get's a SAT FIX the next file will be at the new timezone.
and the 2nd next file will as have the wrong system clock in the top title. (it just beginns at the start of the 2nd file after getting the fix.)

BTW: Driving in the dark is quite good: example for motorway and for tunnel&city.
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adorfer said:
i found a severe bug in the 1.08.03.
(why was i thinking to be lucky, not to be affected from GPS issues?)

What does happen? The device adjusts the system clock according to the gps signal... for korea.....

So at first glance the clock is correct at start, then while the device get's a SAT FIX the next file will be at the new timezone.
and the 2nd next file will as have the wrong system clock in the top title. (it just beginns at the start of the 2nd file after getting the fix.)

BTW: Driving in the dark is quite good: example for motorway and for tunnel&city.

Strange, I checked mine and there is no issues with time shifting when using GPS antenna. Switched off engine, left for few minutes, started engine and time was same.

Yes, night video recording is very good. I would say one of the best in this price-range considering all extras this dash cam has ( touch screen display, wide view angle, etc )
First video is private.
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Ups! Video settings changed!
I add a sunrise/sunset video (to frankfurt airport and back, 5:30AM/9:30PM)
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I have uploaded a big collection of RAW video files from Panorama2

Sunny day,
Late evening,
Cloudy day,
Rainy day,
Late night,
Pitch dark
Direct sunlight

You may find them below


To download click "Скачать"


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The dealer from ebay messaged me again regarding the GPS issue. The good news is the manufacture has confirmed they are working on this issue for the next patch. But the bad news is the next patch may take up to 2 months to develop.

Still, very responsible dealer for doing this despite I have already left a positive feedback long ago. The dealer's name is shpkorea
Today a new firmware released v1.09.03

From picture can see that it was written on 10 July, but released only today ( 17 July ), so I guess they were testing it for 1 week.

I have tested it and it fixed a time shift issue.
With all previous firmwares when set time on Panorama2 to correct local time and not using a GPS antenna, turning dash camera ON and OFF time stayed correct in the memory even if not using dash camera for a week or longer, but as soon as GPS antenna was plugged in and connection with satellites established, - instantly time jumped to local Korean time zone.

With new v1.09.03 firmware this issue is now resolved. No time shifting if using a GPS antenna.

Also tested a GPS coordinates ( longitude / latitude ) readings for our area and there are still some issues with latitude reading for Ireland if played on PC Player / Viewer.
For Germany buyer ( adorfer ) GPS latitude / longitude worked perfectly even with earlier firmwares, so for Germany ( and maybe other EU area ) there are no errors. For Ireland playing files on PC player, longitude was and still is correct, but latitude shows somewhere in Netherlands or some time in UK depending on how PC player / viewer decoding +/- readings of longitude / latitude of different video files.
However if analysing manually by copy-past longitude / latitude readings from video into:


Google Map coordinates / position is 100% correct if playing with adding +/- before longitude / latitude numbers.

So there must a minor bug somewhere in the firmware or in PC viewer / player which does not decodes correctly +/- value of latitude / longitude.
I guess it can be fixed easily. Just the matter of time.

Anyhow, testing side by side Panorama2 within past 4 month with other models ( 9-10 ) dash cameras I had in hand, - Panorama2 still beats all of them by far, especially at night, however I must say that most dash camera models I was doing side by side test, - they are from other ( lower ) price range and it would not be fair to make harsh judgement on them.
Higher price range cameras I tested side by side: Mivue Mio 358, Itronics ITB-100HD and IONE-FU3800 ( Sony Exmor CMOS ), - they had OK day time video, but at night Panorama2 beats all of them.

Let see when GPS readings issue will be sorted, - then I will be fully satisfied with Panorama2, however displaying speed on your video clips is not that good idea ( for some obvious reasons ), so I do not missing having GPS antenna.


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Additional information about new firmware ( Google Translated )

Features and Updates Firmware v1.09.03
- Motion (motion) detection recording 5 seconds before the record store is detected, the motion detection sensitivity of 10% growth, memory information, updates, and other fine-tuning

Also as mentioned in my last post, - new firmware solved time-shift issue.
Regarding the GPS not displaying at all issue I have been having, this patch didn't fix that for me.
Camcandy said:
Regarding the GPS not displaying at all issue I have been having, this patch didn't fix that for me.

When GPS antenna plugged into the port, do you see blue LED blinking on the antenna?
niko said:
Camcandy said:
Regarding the GPS not displaying at all issue I have been having, this patch didn't fix that for me.
When GPS antenna plugged into the port, do you see blue LED blinking on the antenna?
I thought we sorted this out already a few days ago in this thread: a hardware defect is a hardware defect and not a software issue.
So if the gps receiver (or the the socket i/o of the dashcam for the gps module) is defective, a firmware will probably not fix this.

Anyway, for me the new firmware is working fine, the time offset issue seems to be resolved.
If gps antenna blue led light does not come on, then it is ether dash camera gps socket fault,, or gps antenna itself is faulty. I think it might be socket issue. I had similar case last year with some other dash cam gps socket. At the beginning everything worked fine, but one day stopped. After opening a case I discovered that gps socket connector was "broken", maybe due to I was pushing gps antenna plug to hard. Simple soldering helped. Panorama2 2.5mm gps antenna plug fits inside very tight so it might be the same case.
Just need to open a case and check visually if all gps plug board connectors are fine.
niko said:
If gps antenna blue led light does not come on, then it is ether dash camera gps socket fault,, or gps antenna itself is faulty. I think it might be socket issue. I had similar case last year with some other dash cam gps socket. At the beginning everything worked fine, but one day stopped. After opening a case I discovered that gps socket connector was "broken", maybe due to I was pushing gps antenna plug to hard. Simple soldering helped. Panorama2 2.5mm gps antenna plug fits inside very tight so it might be the same case.
Just need to open a case and check visually if all gps plug board connectors are fine.
I have noticed that tight fit GPS connector. The connector has been pushed all the way in till I can see a solid blue light lit up on the GPS antenna. The solid blue light will start blinking after a while. From what I understood that means the GPS has gotten a fix. Everything seems to work fine by themselves but somehow fails when trying to work together. Maybe I have to wait for another patch

PS. There's still no satellite icon on the screen
Camcandy said:
niko said:
If gps antenna blue led light does not come on, then it is ether dash camera gps socket fault,, or gps antenna itself is faulty. I think it might be socket issue. I had similar case last year with some other dash cam gps socket. At the beginning everything worked fine, but one day stopped. After opening a case I discovered that gps socket connector was "broken", maybe due to I was pushing gps antenna plug to hard. Simple soldering helped. Panorama2 2.5mm gps antenna plug fits inside very tight so it might be the same case.
Just need to open a case and check visually if all gps plug board connectors are fine.
I have noticed that tight fit GPS connector. The connector has been pushed all the way in till I can see a solid blue light lit up on the GPS antenna. The solid blue light will start blinking after a while. From what I understood that means the GPS has gotten a fix. Everything seems to work fine by themselves but somehow fails when trying to work together. Maybe I have to wait for another patch

PS. There's still no satellite icon on the screen

GPS socket soldered to the main board via few pins. Some pins connections could be OK and transmitting a power to GPS antenna blue light, but maybe main connector which transmits GPS signal is broken ?
I have made support of GPS format for your dashcam.
There is beta-version: RegistratorViewerB.exe
Try it and write feedback.
I have only 15-secons samples from your dashcam, so I'm not sure about full correct GPS synchronization for long videos.
Vadikus said:
I have made support of GPS format for your dashcam.
There is beta-version: RegistratorViewerB.exe
I have only 15-secons samples from your dashcam, so I'm not sure about full correct GPS synchronization for long videos.
Thank you!
in case you need 3 other samples:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/zei0mdgdfmf34s5/CLIP0027.MP4 (175MB)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/75wl28fvh9td5hr/CLIP0028.MP4 (175MB)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/1t6sxp7tpp6c1gw/CLIP0029.MP4 (28MB)

But for me it looks perfect!
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Looks promising. I will try mine later on and let you know.
Just finished testing a RegistratorViewer Beta with Panorama2 GPS viedo files = WORKED LIKE A CHARM ! Correct gps position, correct speed, time, nice graphics, a lot of useful info, everything as it should be.
Developer managed to adopt his viewer programm to get correct GPS readings of my dash cam ( Panorama2 ), so now I am fully satisfied.
Also tested with some other dash cam GPS log files and I must say, - this is THE BEST dash cam viewer program with a lot of extra option.
Especially I find very user-friendly is the option to chose between different Maps ( in total 24 Maps layouts ).
THUMBS UP to developer a supportive PayPal donation from me.
Thank you to Vadim !