Problems with my X2


Dec 29, 2014
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
Nextbase 622GW
I seem to be having a couple of little problems with my X2.

On two seperate occasions I have had a flat battery, it has happened for the second time today. I have the battery on charge at the moment. I thought that there was a built-in system to stop this from happening.

The other problem that I have is that often when I come to go into the menu or whatever, I have to tap the screen time after time before the icons will appear allowing me to go into 'setting' or whatever else I might need to do do.

Yesterday I came across another slight problem. I was parked on a car park waiting for my wife and, when she returned and we set off, she noticed when we had travelled about half a mile, that the X2 was still showing an image of the car park, it then cleared itself and the showed the normal travelling view. Any thoughts?

Finally, I was given a link to and I have downloaded this but, it doesn't seem to do what I was told it would do, and that is, it doesn't automatically recognise that there is a memory card inserted and, whatever I do I can't get it to play unbroken sequences of files.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Only use parking mode power control of 12.4 don't use the 11.x settings. 11.x is too low.

Swap cards and format them inside the cam

Registratorviewer isn't perfect but it depends are you watching driving or parking videos?

Also try
Only use parking mode power control of 12.4 don't use the 11.x settings. 11.x is too low.

Swap cards and format them inside the cam

Registratorviewer isn't perfect but it depends are you watching driving or parking videos?

Also try
When you say 'swap cards' do you mean try a different make or just swap front to rear and vice versa
I already format the cards in the camera.
I am trying to watch driving videos.

Any idea why I have so much difficulty getting the icons to appear. Sometimes I have to give up and try again later.

Thanks again for your help.
Swap same cards front to rear rear to front and then format both at least once.

Are you saying the built in X2 playback isn't working or playback via Windows/Mac isn't working well?
12.4V power cut off is recommended to use in winter time.

Regarding touch screen: do you have a transportation protective film on the screen ? , if yes, then it should be removed, its only for transportation purpose.
In cold weather ( when inside car temperature is low ), LCD touch screen LCD may take few attempts before responding. As soon as in car temperature along with unit gets warmer, LCD touch screen become more responsive.

Swapping microsd cards between memory cards slots. Card from slot 1 insert into slot 2, and card from slot 2 insert into slot 1. After that please formatt memory cards inside unit.

Easiest way to playback files: Insert memory card into PC memory card reader, After you run a Registrator Viewer, click CTRL + O on your PC keyboard and select memory card from your My Computer.

Please report how did you get on.
Swap same cards front to rear rear to front and then format both at least once.

Are you saying the built in X2 playback isn't working or playback via Windows/Mac isn't working well?
Problem is with playback after inserting cards into reader connected to the pc (Windows 8.1)
12.4V power cut off is recommended to use in winter time.

Regarding touch screen: do you have a transportation protective film on the screen ? , if yes, then it should be removed, its only for transportation purpose.
In cold weather ( when inside car temperature is low ), LCD touch screen LCD may take few attempts before responding. As soon as in car temperature along with unit gets warmer, LCD touch screen become more responsive.

Swapping microsd cards between memory cards slots. Card from slot 1 insert into slot 2, and card from slot 2 insert into slot 1. After that please formatt memory cards inside unit.

Easiest way to playback files: Insert memory card into PC memory card reader, After you run a Registrator Viewer, click CTRL + O on your PC keyboard and select memory card from your My Computer.

Please report how did you get on.
Hi Niko, I dont think that the protective screen is still attached. I will have a look in the morning. I will try your CTRL+O tomorrow and will let you know how it goes. Any thoughts on the frozen image (car par) in my original post?
Hi Niko, I dont think that the protective screen is still attached. I will have a look in the morning. I will try your CTRL+O tomorrow and will let you know how it goes. Any thoughts on the frozen image (car par) in my original post?

Frozen image might come some time from memory cards inserted into wrong Front and Rear slots for example after you remove them and watch on your PC and then after inserting them back to X2, it is recommended to insert them into same corresponding Front / Rear camera slots as they were used before. Best if you write with marker on each memory card "F" for front camera slot and "R" for rear camera slot and always use them in this way in correct slots. Try this technique and get back how it worked for you.
On two seperate occasions I have had a flat battery
There seems to be issues with power protection and parking mode. To be honest I got fed up with the issues and have it on drive only until they're fixed.

I have to tap the screen time after time before the icons will appear allowing me to go into 'setting
I've noticed that on power up or power change say from parking to ignition, the screen won't respond for around 30 seconds. I've put this down to a boot up type procedure.

Yesterday I came across another slight problem.
There does seem to be an issue with lockups and failed recordings. Hopefully this will be fixed soon.

With half the features off and some key power and lockup issues, it does feel a lot like a beta version at the moment, but Jon is a great guy and I'm sure he'll get it sorted with the developers over time.

Not looking forward to Brentford tonight though after the Ipswich game and news of the EGM is very concerning given what Carson wants to do. Surely if the EGM goes ahead that's him having control and therefore the FA can ban him as not fit.
Something interesting happened on Thursday in addition to the points I mentioned in my earlier post. I took the cards out of the camera this morning to have a look at them on my pc and. blow me, nothing had recorded on that trip. I don't know why that would be as, after the 'frozen' picture of the car park, mentioned in my first post above, everything seemed to be functioning normally, my wife was watching the screen as we were going along but, as I say, there was no recording.
I wanted to look at it as there was an 'incident' where a car approaching from my right at a traffic island was signalling that he was going to turn left and so I moved off, also making a left turn, when I looked in my rear view mirror he was behind me and so hadn't turned left after all. Fortunately it was a large island and he was nowhere near me when I moved off. Might have been a different story if the island had been one of the small ones!
Anyway, as already stated, I can't look at it because it hasn't recorded.
Hello Pier28, No I haven't swapped the cards because I put a little white mark on the one that goes in the slot for the 'Front' camera and so they have always been in the same slot. In addition, they have both been formatted twice within the camera.

Tomorrow I will have a look at each of the settings and I will list them for you to have a look at. Thanks again for the help.
The cards are :- Transcend Premium 300X Micro SD XC - 64gb
The cards are :- Transcend Premium 300X Micro SD XC - 64gb

This type of cards I am using for many month in my X2. No issues where there would not be a recording.
Maybe try first to check on PC and see what memory card has "F" and which one has "R" extension. Then mark on memory cards which one is for which slot and after use in correct corresponding slots, also format them inside X2. Select for battery voltage cut-off 12.4V.

Please inform after how it worked for you.
The cards are :- Transcend Premium 300X Micro SD XC - 64gb
Initially i used the exact same sd cards and had freezes, no footage etc, i have tried all kind of different settings combinations, still no success. Than i got to Kingston 64gb class10 , read up to 90mb/s, write up to 40 mb/s, and again same issue. Now i have in it transcend 32 gb premium 300x class 10, and again does it the same. So i don't think is a sd card problem. As niko said he runs those transcend cards for mounts now without any problems. There is something that trigers my cam to cut off. One of the sd card that was used in the x2 i put it in my x1 and for the last 3 days i have no problems what so ever. Could be sd cards that cause problems but not in my case i guess.
Hi Niko, I made a point of clearly marking which card was the front one and so cannot make a mistake with this. Same card always goes into correct slot. And they have been formatted within the camera a number of times.

I thought that perhaps I was doing something wrong but, as other members are commenting along the same lines, maybe I'm not.
I have just been out to my car - 2.45pm, its a lovely sunny day and the inside of the car is nice and warm. I re-inserted the memory cards and switched on the ignition to get the camera going with the intention of firstly formatting the cards again and then to go into each section of the menu/s so that I could list the settings in each for Pier28 to have a look at.

After quite some time I did manage to get the four little icons to show on the screen. At this point I normally just tap on the little gear/cog like icon in the bottom left corner of the screen to then get into the various menus but, after probably more than 100 taps, I could not get the screen to change and so could do nothing further.

Any thoughts anyone?
You're sure you removed the protective layer from the screen?