Problems with my X2

It's weird isn't it - I've just double checked my Samsung Pro cards but they're both still writable and files are retained post reboot.

I half wondered if something similar caused my front channel not to record anything but that does look different.

Daft question but what USB adaptor is being used in the PC?
Sorry I've just seen they are - it is feeling like the cards are causing your issue for sure - where are they from?
I purchased them from 'My Memory Ltd.'
It's weird isn't it - I've just double checked my Samsung Pro cards but they're both still writable and files are retained post reboot.

I half wondered if something similar caused my front channel not to record anything but that does look different.

Daft question but what USB adaptor is being used in the PC?

I am using a Pro-gear Card Reader
OK so we've got multiple Transcend cards with the same issue in the X2 all from different sources so it's not just one vendor with potential bad stock.

It sounds like at least one of them needs returning - did the other card work ok in the format and h2testw?

It may be worth trying just the working card in the front slot to see how the camera responds then?
The newer USB3 readers usually go through various firmware updates to make them more compatible with the newer cards - I'm wondering if maybe there's an update for your reader but looking at the dates it's quite old.

It shouldn't be the reader but I'm just trying to rule our everything - the fact that the X2 goes nuts is suggesting it's the card though.

It maybe worth trying one of the Lexar cards that @niko sells?
I tried to format both cards and got the same error message for both
OK actually a Google search is kind of indicating that that reader device is from 2004 / 2005 so it probably won't support SDXC fully and could be the problem here.

Do you have any other ways you could try and get these connected to a PC?
OK actually a Google search is kind of indicating that that reader device is from 2004 / 2005 so it probably won't support SDXC fully and could be the problem here.

Do you have any other ways you could try and get these connected to a PC?

I had forgotten that I have an in-built card reader in my pc )in fact there are 4 slots for different cards) I have inserted each card in turn but it keeps giving the message "Please insert a card into removable disk E:"

I have just found a 'Compact Flash' card and inserted that into the appropriate slot and it has given me access to what is on it and so I am confident that the slots are working OK
Unfortunately they changed the spec of SD / microSD when it went to SDXC and microSDXC - I have an old Tesco Technika reader that can't handle SDXC or microSDXC - basically anything over 32GB.

Have you got an Android phone or tablet that maybe takes them and could format them as a test as at least that would point us in the right direction of card or reader?
Unfortunately they changed the spec of SD / microSD when it went to SDXC and microSDXC - I have an old Tesco Technika reader that can't handle SDXC or microSDXC - basically anything over 32GB.

Have you got an Android phone or tablet that maybe takes them and could format them as a test as at least that would point us in the right direction of card or reader?
No sorry, haven't got anything like that I'm afraid. Got an iPhone and an iPad that's all.
Daft question but have the cards ever worked in the USB reader you have?

It is sounding like you need something like the Transcend RDF8 - maybe if there's a local PC World or Tesco they'll have USB readers that would work with larger than 32GB microSDXC cards?
That is sounding like half the problem there - to be honest I'd nip down to the local supermarket or PC World now if you have one near you and pick up a reader as at least that way you will know if the cards are the problem or the camera.

It may well be that both cards are faulty but for two to die as quick as they have seems a bit scary (or just really unlucky!!)
Daft question but have the cards ever worked in the USB reader you have?

It is sounding like you need something like the Transcend RDF8 - maybe if there's a local PC World or Tesco they'll have USB readers that would work with larger than 32GB microSDXC cards?
Yes they have worked and, I can still read the cards and watch the files on my pc but I can't format them.
R u serious? Doesn't feel like a capacitive screen!

To me it feels like high quality resistive, but still not same as capacitive.
To me it feels like high quality resistive, but still not same as capacitive.
I thought so... Smartphones have capacitive and this is nowhere near that level
I suspect there is something wrong with a large batch of Transcend cards or the latest firmware triggered some rare software induced read only mode event as well. I'll be talking to SungMoon first thing when he is awake Korea time.

This is one possibility explaining why myself dont get any of those errors discussed lately here.
I bought my 64Gb half year ago. Not sure about present batch.
S = Resistive
X2 = "enhanced" Resistive
G & X1 = Capacitive

And yes Niko your transcend 64GB cards are older than everyone else's for sure.