RAW video samples and temperature issues


New Member
Nov 12, 2015
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I'm thinking about buying a SGZC12RC, especially because its lens is really small so it can be easily concealed which is a must for me.

However, I haven't found any raw video samples of the camera. Could somebody tell me where can I download raw footage with different lighting conditions (day, night, dusk, and direct sunlight), please?

On the other hand, as I live in southern Spain where the summer is really hot, I'm worried about the temperature that the DVR may reach. I've read that it gets so hot that you cannot touch it, and that scares me because I was thinking about storing it in the glovebox, but I obviously don't want it to start a fire or melt something. In electronics the environmental temperature does clearly affects the working temperature of the device, so it will always work at a certain margin above the atmospheric temperature. Does anybody know what is the maximal differential temperature the DVR is usually working?

Thank you very much.

Best regards.
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they don't run particularly hot, not sure where that comes from

@niko has probably posted raw footage links somewhere before, he might be able to advise
Thanks for your quick response @jokiin,
they don't run particularly hot, not sure where that comes from

Well, I read it here:
I am not having any problems so far (with my new card), but when I check the base unit after a day in the car(hardwired) the bottom of it is scary hot, like i can only hold a finger on it for a second or so.

Normal? Its getting about 90 degrees in the afternoon these days

I'd really appreciate some samples of raw videos.

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isolated case maybe, only person that has ever mentioned heat issues with the base unit

lens had heat issues previously but that has been sorted since then, all current stocks are updated and previous customers were sent replacement cameras at no cost
Thanks again @jokiin.

As Brian Platzbecker lives at Albuquerque (NM, USA), where the temperatures should get as high as where I live, he made me wonder if this dash cam may be suitable for hot climates.

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we use them in Australia, gets as hot or hotter here, @Pier28 is in Nevada and runs two of them 24/7 in one of their cars and the base units are in the glovebox
If I understand you correctly, you can place the recording unit inside the glovebox in those locations (which as you say seems as hot or hotter than Spain) without experiencing any damages or temperature issues, right?

If not, should/could I hide it in the boot instead?

If I understand you correctly, you can place the recording unit inside the glovebox in those locations (which as you say seems as hot or hotter than Spain) without experiencing any damages or temperature issues, right?

If not, should/could I hide it in the boot instead?


we have people that have mounted them in the boot also
I am preparing videos from latest upgraded lens along with raw / original download files made in different day / evening / night conditions. It will take few days to finish and post. Stay tuned.
Ok. And what about the glovebox? Had you or Pier28 mounted it in the glovebox without temp. issues?


as I said @Pier28 has two in the glovebox of one of their cars and they run them in parking mode also, they're in Nevada, not a particularly cool climate
Sorry, I missed the last part.

Thanks once more.

On the other hand, as I live in southern Spain where the summer is really hot, I'm worried about the temperature that the DVR may reach. I've read that it gets so hot that you cannot touch it
as soon as I read this part I thought he was talking about blackspews. they from my experience are like this, burn ya finger to touch after been running a while, I cant take the SD card out until it cools down a bit.
never had any of these heat issues with street guardian.
I can confirm that the main unit does not run hot at all. I've ran it 24/7 in parking mode through Death Valley, Palm Springs and southern Arizona on a recent road trip. no hiccups at all. and keep in mind I keep mine on the dash in direct sun. the updated lens has not shown any signs of heat related focus issues like the previous one. I can wholeheartedly recommend this unit now in its present state.