Review: Dome D201 Ambarella A12 2560x1440p HDR GPS Dashcam (

Hi guys,
I received my D201 camera, it works great but I have a problem.
When I try to play a file recorded with HDR option all my players (Car DVR Player, BlackView Player) stop working. Do you have this problem. I use on my camera 2135L firmware with normal bitrate.
I've tried three players, they all work to a certain extent:
Blackview Player : video works (no seamless continuous playing) GPS tracking works
Registrator Player: video works (seamless continuous playing, a great feature) GPS tracking not working
PotPlayer: video works (beautiful video quality, no seamless continuous playing) no GPS function

I just search the internet for downloads of those players.
I thought v2135 was the high bitrate version? When I tried that version, it would only record about 1 minute of video then stop. It would then start recording again, then after about one minute, stop. This would repeat over and over. Seems even though I was using a class 10 card, it wasn't fast enough due to the high bitrate. I'm using 2287 now with no issues.
I thought v2135 was the high bitrate version? When I tried that version, it would only record about 1 minute of video then stop. It would then start recording again, then after about one minute, stop. This would repeat over and over. Seems even though I was using a class 10 card, it wasn't fast enough due to the high bitrate. I'm using 2287 now with no issues.
Same here. I am using 2287 and Samsung MicroSD Pro. No issues at all so far.
sure, no harm trying...

same problem with 2240... will revert back to 2287 for now... guess I will just disable the motion detection for parking mode... hopefully the guys at Dome can address the problem and come up with a new FW...
@D201 SG I'll send along this info and see what they say.

Just to clarify, after it no longer detects motion and it stops recording, the screen saver never kicks in? Even after the 1 minute you have it set for? The screen will stay on until you restart the camera or start the car?
@D201 SG I'll send along this info and see what they say.

Just to clarify, after it no longer detects motion and it stops recording, the screen saver never kicks in? Even after the 1 minute you have it set for? The screen will stay on until you restart the camera or start the car?

that's right.
I've tried three players, they all work to a certain extent:
Blackview Player : video works (no seamless continuous playing) GPS tracking works
Registrator Player: video works (seamless continuous playing, a great feature) GPS tracking not working
PotPlayer: video works (beautiful video quality, no seamless continuous playing) no GPS function

I just search the internet for downloads of those players.
Correction - PotPlayer does have seamless continuous playback function. If you just want to play video this is a very nice player.
@D201 SG Dome engineers tried to replicate what you told me about backlight issue. They were unable to. They said backlight turned off after 1 minute with no motion detection.

I will try to replicate this today.
@D201 SG Dome engineers tried to replicate what you told me about backlight issue. They were unable to. They said backlight turned off after 1 minute with no motion detection.

I will try to replicate this today.

Thanks for the effort, i really appreciate it...
I was able to replicate the issue. For me parking mode/motion detection worked fine the first time. Screen shut off after 30 seconds or so, but when activated a second time then the screen remained on. This was the case every time I tried it. This was version 2287.

Anyway, I made a video of it and I'll send it over to Dome. I'll let you know when I hear anything.
I was able to replicate the issue. For me parking mode/motion detection worked fine the first time. Screen shut off after 30 seconds or so, but when activated a second time then the screen remained on. This was the case every time I tried it. This was version 2287.

Anyway, I made a video of it and I'll send it over to Dome. I'll let you know when I hear anything.

great, thanks !
Hi Guys, i installed firmware 2287 and now my windows 10 asking me to format the G Drive (F drive where my external Micro card and G drive is the original Dashcam storage) .

Any one willing to share me the Car DV Player software inside the dash cam? as i cant install the software for this issue, Thank you.
Private message me your email and I can send it to you. Won't be until tomorrow though.
I would suggest you install a desktop player and use a usb card reader connected to your desktop to play your video
Then install Blackview player, it can display GPS info.
Maybe it's a Windows 10 thing. I am using Windows 8.1 and it's working fine. Have you tried compatibility mode?