RUIYOU Announcement to Customers Suppliers (DashcamTalk - @Jokiin)

It has been a while since I was last on DCT - my SG9663DC has been working so strongly for many years until now, which is a testament to Rick and his products! - and I only came across the sad news of his passing now :cry:.

I will never forget his level of customer support that far exceeded any other company I have bought from. To know that you had a direct line to the boss and that help was literally just a couple of mins away (it was uncanny just how quickly he responded, no matter the time of day!), was exactly the reason why I've stuck by Street Guardian all these years and recommended them to as many people as possible.

The dashcam world is a far dimmer place without this exceptional man and I truly wish his family my deepest condolences - RIP Rick, you will forever be missed around here :cry:....
I hadn't logged on to this forum for a few years until three days ago. The SG9665GC I bought in June 2015 was still giving stellar results and life has been busy. I logged on to get some info and I noticed in one post a reference to "the late Jokiin". I am deeply shocked and saddened to hear about his death and extend my belated sympathies to his family and friends. He was one of the good guys.

I came to this forum after a couple of bad experiences with other brands of dash cams and Jokiin's responses to people's questions was so good that decided to investigate SG further. He treated everyone the same and was always polite and helpful, even when dealing with difficult people. His continued good, friendly advice led me to believe that there might be an ethical and honest DC company. So I bought my SG9665GC and he continued to give me good advice while I was getting it hard-wired and set up and while I was becoming comfortable with it. One of his good pieces of advice was to buy a 64GB Kingston micro SDHC memory card. It lasted 8 years.
Condolences to Rick and his family, I too have had a long break from this forum but only just saw the news. Devastating, Rick was a nice and patient guy, and a wealth of knowledge. He is dearly missed by all
i still think about jokiin everytime i come here and miss him heaps. someone less to talk to every day with camera feedback.
Wow shocked to hear this news! Got into dash cameras in 2015 I think and had a bunch of SG models, but have not been on here for a few years. So sorry to Lisa and to the whole Street Guardian fam. Rick was a class act on here. Loved the Street Guardian brand and the top notch personal support and feedback provided. He will truly be missed.
Yep. We will probably never see a owner of a dashcam brand have a presence like that on this forum,,,,, that is / would also be a Herkulean effort, hell i have not even passed Jokiin yet, and i post like a SOB
Oh my god, I haven't frequented this forum for the past several years (life got busy) and just found out this news. I'm very sorry to find out now about this tragic loss. I remember jokiin was very helpful on these forums even on issues that had to do with other dashcam brands besides Street Guardian (e.g. Viofo). He was one of the best resources in this community and it's a big loss.
RIP Streetguardian and Jokiin, still awaiting the 4K cam for testing that will never arrive