Say Hypothetically, You Get Into an Accident... (You Decide)

If GPS can be used against you, why would you want to use it?
Your video can be used against you as well so the same question could be asked about that.
GPS can also work in favor of you, while it might not be acknowledged as a 100% proof if some one claim well you was doing like 100 in a 30 zone your camera will say well you did 35 according to the GPS speed, and so that might warrant a investigation into your exact speed by distance covered in time.
And maybe there should also be some looking into the largely wrongful speed estimate being given by the other part, maybe that's a attempt of covering something up on his part.

I can live without GPS in a dashcam, but i do prefer if its there.

And as i post videos of other drivers, then if my footage read i am doing 80 km/h and some one just blow past me and disappear off into the distance it at least indicate that that guy was speeding to some degree.

I have been passed at night on a highway with me doing the 80 km/h limit and the taxi passing me i estimate to doing 130 km/h at least, cuz me flooring my little car and eventually reaching 130 km/h too, dident close the gap at all.

Needless to say i do not do that any more, as i cant speed to prove another idiot are speeding, will just have to rely on GPS speed in my footage and the time it take for the other car to be gone + i am actually pretty good at gauging the speed of cars, at least when i am walking.
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