Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBay

Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

Yeah, fair price was when it was $164 on ebay.
I don't know if ohmyblackbox is a trusted source because still have it for $189.
And this is not an ebay seller so I am curious how the official mafia from Itronics and from Singapore seller will force to not sell the camera. Bin Laden is dead, so maybe they must to find another way, maybe to hire Chuck Norris. :lol:

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Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

You won... the lost. :lol:

No itronics product on any ebay store even the ones at $300. So no more worldwide sales for itronics, and of course no more money and profit for Korea and Itronics in US Dollars.
And also you are here only because of DashCamMan which created a good site, with correct information for the users and google showed to you his site. Because of this site, forums and users feedback, Itronics sold a lot of 100hd cameras.
Because DashCamMan created the site for the users and not sellers, I hope he will review the new conditions of the itb-100hd and not recommend it anymore because of high price. Now the itb-100hd is still $180 on his articles which is wrong now and I think he must to change that price for the price of an approved seller. I hope to put in the table the value of the singapore sole distributor which sold this camera worldwide including shipping for $427 (320 Euro). I know somebody which paid that money for itb-100hd to the "sole distributor".

Maybe is time to introduce the IT-ON LB100 which is about $150 on ebay

Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

I've had my ITB100HD for about a week now, and it's an awesome piece of kit!

But honestly, no way I'm paying more than $200 for it, just not work that kind of dollar.

When I came here looking for a dashcam, if the Itronics cam wasn't an option because of the high price, I'd definitely have bought something else.

Seems to me Itronics had a good thing going, but it just doesn't look good for them to take 100 customers buying their products elsewhere, and saying good things about the great value they got on a nice little unit, and instead turn those 100 customers into only 10, because those 10 are crazy enough to pay the high $$$ that Itronics is asking for full retail.

It's user forums like this, full of enthusiasts like us, that tell our friends about our awesome dashcams, and their friends as well, and our families, and anyone who will listen. We generate sales for that company.

This kind of behavior though that Itronics has partaken in, does the exact opposite.

Sad that they can't see it.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

Ordered my itb100HD just before being removed from ebay - the price had gone up a little - but not to where the asking price is now.
I wouldnt also pay anymore than $200 for a camera - but have seen it for $339 through a retailer! - and their talking of "unreasonably low prices" - more like they wanna update their Merc every year...

I bought it based on the review on this site - and based on how well it performs (hoping it will turn up) would have purchased a second one for the rear of the car - not anymore thanks to the likes of toddler08.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

Hi Mtz,

I have updated the Itronics pages and the comparison page with the official $350 price for their cameras. Really, Itronics would have been better off setting up an alternative channel (eBay, Amazon, their own site) to sell their products to English speaking countries before stamping out the eBay sales. I don't even know where one can buy an authorized ITB-100HD in the United States!

For an emerging technology, one would think they would want their product to be as widely available as possible. They could build a good brand name and a strong customer base which will really help drive referrals to friends/families and future sales. Unfortunately that is not the case.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

Thanks! This is what I call a good customer (visitors and forum users) support. You made the true, smart and correct decision.
Some of us still remember the itb-100hd was $164 on ebay with free shipping. And at that price, the ebay seller still had a profit.

Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

I also got lucky buying one from ebay on the 13th for 178AUS(190 CAD) with free shipping which was a good price for me.

Thanks to this forum and to all the comments, I managed to buy a great camera at a great price.

Now I have to wait for it to arrive.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

Nobody loves great electronic gear at great prices more than me but let's consider the following points:
We have no idea what it costs itronics to manufacture and distribute the itb-100hd or any of their other costs that have to be factored into the retail price of the camera.
If the ebay sellers are offering the camera for prices that are considered too low by itronics, then something is up. How did the ebay sellers acquire the cameras? Are they stolen/refurbished?
For all we know, a price of more than $200 might be the proper retail value of the camera which simply puts it in a different category - competing with higher end models.
By clamping down on unauthorized sellers, itronics is protecting itself. As the itb-100hd gains popularity, the market will be flooded with fakes/refurbs and consumers will have no way of knowing if they are getting what they paid for. Will consumers have to start counting buttons or comparing menu colours in order to spot fakes?
I'd stay away from that and so would most consumers. Itronics knows this and is putting a stop to it right now.
We may not like the price increase but I, for one, can understand why the manufacturer might do it.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

I have to agree with ExMet.

As a business owner myself I can picture exactly what has happened. I'm sure the ebay vendors have purchased the cameras from itronics at the regular wholesale price and decided to ignore the suggested retail price and have decided to make their money with high volume sales. Their ebay ID is probably different from their actual business name, so it makes it difficult for iTronics to know exactly who these vendors are.

The problem with that is, these types of vendors probably represent a small percentage of the manufacturer's total sales... and when you're trying to find retailers to carry your product, it's hard to explain they should mark the product up 50% (which is a normal markup), when you have other vendors selling it for ALOT less. It just doesn't make sense for a retailer to carry a product if they can't make enough money on the item when they have alot more overhead than some random ebay vendor who probably has little to no overhead.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

Trollcifer said:
it's hard to explain they should mark the product up 50% (which is a normal markup)
I think 30% is correct, but we can accept your 50% value. :roll: I think the ebay sellers used 30% so they bought the ITB at about $130 (I think under, based on what technology is inside a dashcam). So from $120 to over $360 by "sole distributor" is more than 300%.
The price and marketing are in their hands and the money are in my pocket. At over $200 my money will not fly from my pocket to their pockets, it is so simple. And not only for me.

The only moment when I was interested about the ITB-100HD was when some user announced that it is selling for about $170. In that moment I was interested and studying more and searching for a good trusted price.
Why at that price? For me a dashcam is something that I can suppose I don't use it. I put it in the car and I forgot about it and the only thing I now is that it stay there and record. I will use it only, and if, some (bad) event occur. Even I drive a lot I didn't have any event in the latest... 20 years? I hope no event for entire my life.
A dashcam is not like a smartphone (yes, you can buy 2013 smartphones under $200) which includes much more technology, because I use that smartphone in every second. Or like a photo camera, a tablet, notebook, ipad, etc, these are things which are used by the buyer.

Think to another story: you want to buy a sport car. You will study the internet, some lists, dealers, but I think most of us when will see Lamborghini or Ferrari will be not interested at all because of price. But if some forum users will come on forum and will say: "Hey, Ferrari California is sold now for $10000". And if true?


PS: keep dreaming :mrgreen:
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

I tried to purchase an it-b100hd from, and it kept failing when I tried to complete the paypal payment.

The price there is now $239... but now I'm a bit nervous about going through with this sale since they are a new website, have very limited "contact" and "about us" information.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

I tried to buy one of the new itb-100hd sp models from last month, but also had failures after the paypal or credit card payment entry. I even sent an email to their support reporting the failure but never got a response or fix. I gave up and bought the regular itb-100hd from ebay (just before the removals).

Weird, I wonder how they stay in business.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

mikey94025 said:
I tried to buy one of the new itb-100hd sp models from last month, but also had failures after the paypal or credit card payment entry. I even sent an email to their support reporting the failure but never got a response or fix. I gave up and bought the regular itb-100hd from ebay (just before the removals).

That would be more of a red flag in my opinion.... I am staying away from them for now.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

ExMet said:
Nobody loves great electronic gear at great prices more than me but let's consider the following points:
We have no idea what it costs itronics to manufacture and distribute the itb-100hd or any of their other costs that have to be factored into the retail price of the camera.
If the ebay sellers are offering the camera for prices that are considered too low by itronics, then something is up. How did the ebay sellers acquire the cameras? Are they stolen/refurbished?
For all we know, a price of more than $200 might be the proper retail value of the camera which simply puts it in a different category - competing with higher end models.
By clamping down on unauthorized sellers, itronics is protecting itself. As the itb-100hd gains popularity, the market will be flooded with fakes/refurbs and consumers will have no way of knowing if they are getting what they paid for. Will consumers have to start counting buttons or comparing menu colours in order to spot fakes?
I'd stay away from that and so would most consumers. Itronics knows this and is putting a stop to it right now.
We may not like the price increase but I, for one, can understand why the manufacturer might do it.
Well analyzed & said :!:
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

Yeah, and if the Itronics will close the factory because not selling cameras anymore because of too high price who will cry? The ”sole distributor”? No! The ”sole distributor” will find another small and unknown factory to sell with high prices. If a chinese will make the same camera, same quality he will sell under $100 and will not accept ever "sole distributors". Because the chinese know that he must to sell if he want to live.
If this type of business with just few distributors and "sole" was a good business, then also big companies as Samsung, LG could choose it. But their original, not "fake, refurbished, stolen" products are sold everywhere in the world and they don't care about "unreasonable low prices".

The sole distributor don't care about Itronics, but only to protect his business and put a pressure on Itronics. Can you imagine some "sole distributor" can put pressure on Samsung or LG to not sell somewhere?

toddler08, are you happy when you buy the ITB-100HD for $95 and sell it for $400?

Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

The $239 authorized seller is still on ebay. The price is $239 or Best Offer, so what if we offer for example $170?

Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

Mtz said:
The $239 authorized seller is still on ebay. The price is $239 or Best Offer, so what if we offer for example $170?
It will most likely be rejected.
Re: Several iTronics itb100HD eBay Dealers disapeared of eBa

But is there for more than a week and look at the first screenshot of the product description so you will see is authorized. By who, I don't know, but maybe by the God or by the evil. Maybe toddler08 will come here and tell us who give him the authorization to sell on ebay. :!: :arrow: :?: :arrow: :idea:
