SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

Nope, also second time round it starts up normally and gives me the 20151109.V2
I notice that the screen does nt stay blank longer that the normal boot delay, So I guess no update is done at all.
If you're a Linux user I'm not sure if the permissions get changed like that, for a windows user you'd just extract the file and copy the bin file to the card and off you go

What permissions do the file show, it will need to be executable
$ ll /media/G9665/SGGCV2.bin
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 feitelijk users 2568416 2016-01-06 10:39:58.000000000 +0100 /media/G9665/SGGCV2.bin
I use the SG as the card reader but I guess that's not a problem.
The card appears to be on VFAT system, is that correct?
Well thats one testresult for you then. Been running this 32GB (sandisk !) card for a week now, and VFAT works like a charm.
Actually it has been formatted in the cam so I assumed things were ok.

Or does it have to be FAT32 for upgrades only?
Wait thats strange, fdisk says it is a FAT32, DF -T says it VFAT.
Guess fdisk is right.

Something else must be wrong....

Try #3...
the camera formats it FAT32, the camera shouldn't be connected directly to the PC so I don't know if that's part of the problem, best to use the card reader we supply
Didn't get that, as I have the basic.
I'm now trying with the original disklabel "VOLUME1" perhaps my change to G9665 was the problem

Edit: Nope, still no upgrade.

I use a wallsocket for the boot/upgrade process.
Ok, I'll use my GT680 as a reader then.
No joy.
How long does the upgrade blank screen normally take?
Nah, doesn't do anything then.
Also tried with the HAMA 16GB from the GT680, but I'm still on 20151109.

Looks like I'll have to try it on an evil windows box...
How do you do the deletion of files from the card? Just delete them (well only the CARDV directory) in an explorer?
Step two from the "SG9665GC Firmware update instructions"

Extract the firmware file
Delete any files from the memory card
Copy the firmware bin file to the empty memory card

The extraction actually makes it a non-executable, I'll try once more by setting them to x before copying. but that shouldn't matter...