SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

the other two tables are not find tuned yet, one will be adjusted to something that is going to suit @Dashmellow and @Feitelijk better than the current one size fits all table as we'll be taking emphasis off that bottom section of the video which will allow the camera to be tilted further down without having a heavy impact on the AE results, it's still a work in progress

Are you suggesting there will be a specific option for this? I guess you are referring to the "low" setting? What percentage of the screen would the "low" setting cover? 25% perhaps?
Are you suggestion there will be a specific option for this? I guess you are referring to the "low" setting?. What percentage of the screen would the "low" setting cover? 25% perhaps?

the low table is being rewritten and will be more suited to your situation (currently it's the opposite of what you need), will ask you to try it out when it's ready
the low table is being rewritten and will be more suited to your situation (currently it's the opposite of what you need), will ask you to try it out when it's ready

I'd be happy to try it out, of course. I think the menu option should say - "Dashmellow/Feitelijk" setting when it's ready. :p
I'd be happy to try it out, of course. I think the menu option should say - "Dashmellow/Feitelijk" setting when it's ready. :p
I am so jealous with you. SG will made a new firmware just to fit with your car :eek::cool::D
I am so jealous with you. SG will made a new firmware just to fit with your car :eek::cool::D

In the scheme of things, I think I'm not the only one or it likely wouldn't be happening. :)

There's something about this DSP/sensor combination that apparently presents some real development challenges despite the obvious benefits.
There's something about this DSP/sensor combination that apparently presents some real development challenges despite the obvious benefits.

all processor/sensor combinations have their challenges, some get better vendor support than others and develop faster as a result, some just seem to work together better in some situations, we've just had to redo a PCB on another model and change processors after spending six months trying to debug a sensor compatibility issue, these were processors and sensors we've used before in other combinations but in this combination they just wouldn't work together to deliver acceptable results, lose six months work and start over, but what do you do, can't put it out half working with no end in sight
... but what do you do, can't put it out half working with no end in sight
mini 08xx.

EDIT: Actually, that isn't fair of me. There are a few samples of each mini model that work great. Otherwise, the QC seems to be lacking. I suppose if the mini devices had excellent QC and international support, they'd have something the quality of the GC... (and have to charge similar prices.)
there are some products out in the market that never should have been released in their current state, they get manufactured by people that don't know or don't care and sold by sellers that couldn't care less, the big loser in those is the end user unfortunately, we're not perfect, we have issues from time to time, we don't however knowingly pass those issues to consumers, when we've found problems we work to fix them, I've killed two models prior to release due to issues, another one we did actually release and found out it had issues which couldn't be overcome so we recalled it from dealers and replaced or refunded for anyone that had bought one, there is no perfect product in the market from any manufacturer, all have room for improvement, our aim is to just keep improving our products to be the best that they can be
I have just upgraded the firmware to the latest Beta 21. The version comes up as SG20160623V2. Just wanting to check if that is the correct version number. Thanks.

Edit: Fixed the error in the version number.
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I have just upgraded the firmware to the latest Beta 21. The version comes up as SG201660623V2. Just wanting to check if that is the correct version number. Thanks.

you put an extra 6 in there but yes that's correct, dated yesterday
you put an extra 6 in there but yes that's correct, dated yesterday

Oops, got carried away with the 6ers. Unless it is the stupid autocorrect on my tablet.
Its not monumental changes in the new firmwares, but you damm near get a new firmware every day :cool:

If only other companies could see this and learn from it, make it so much better to own a product with a beauty mark.