SG9665GC firmware updates and pre release access

No fences around here. Just thousand of acres of forest and fields. I see all kinds of amazing wildlife right off my deck (and sometimes on) every single day. I love it. Jeez, you townies. :D

yeah not for me, I'll stick with being nearer the city thanks
What really scare me is the V8 UTE racing from Winston i am watching right now on motors TV :eek:
yeah not for me, I'll stick with being nearer the city thanks

One of the nice things about where I live is that within a twenty or thirty minute drive I can be in a town or two with all kinds of cosmopolitan amenities; anything from fine dining to nice stores, movies, theater, live music of all types, galleries, museums, etc. etc.
One of the nice things about where I live is that within a twenty or thirty minute drive I can be in a town or two with all kinds of cosmopolitan amenities; anything from fine dining to nice stores, movies, theater, live music of all types, galleries, museums, etc. etc.

yeah me too, no bears though :D
Think I'd rather a Black Bear in my yard than all the Fruit Bats and Lorikeets that keep crapping on my car :mad:
Well bears can crap anywhere they want, don't you know that? Including on your car. And after they've eaten it they'll crap that out too!
Well bears can crap anywhere they want, don't you know that? Including on your car. And after they've eaten it they'll crap that out too!

They really don't ever tend to crap anywhere near anyone's car. At least not North American black bears, anyways.
pfft, black bears, you wait till you smell a Koala, that'll put the fear of God into you. ;)
pfft, black bears, you wait till you smell a Koala, that'll put the fear of God into you. ;)

Hah, You've obviously never smelled a black bear, especially after coming out of a winters' hibernation! I'll bet they can both reek pretty good. :) Black bears use their scent to mark trees in their territory. Looks like they're scratching their backs.
I thought I smelled a black bear once, in one of those drive-thru zoo's. Turned out it was me after sh!tting myself when my grandmother wound down the window.

Hope Grandma was OK after that! :D She probably got to change your diapers when you were a wee one so I guess she would have been OK. :p
I've just bought a new car Dashmellow, what do you recommend for a dashcam? A front/rear would be nice.
Only out of their cold dead hands.

Dashmellow, no all-in-ones?