
Let's see, Australian product, costs noticeably more here than there (like many other things originating here), but it's "not quite as simple as that". In the absence of a better explanation (and of course you are under no obligation to explain) I'll just put it down to the "Australia Tax" we are all familiar with.

The landed cost in Australia is higher than what it is in the USA, the business models you're comparing are also quite different, online store versus a recommended retail price in stores
Futebol do brazil ( proberly not spelled the right way ) my portuguese dont go far, but i am pretty sure we got them beaten on the field of tax at least.

Portuguese - Spanish and Italian my brain just mess them up, as it do with Chinese - Japanese though those 2 languages have little in common.
Same with Portuguese - Spanish and Italian or at least portuguese stand out in that group.
Damm my freestyle language brain :rolleyes: sucks it up but store it all in the same folder.
The landed cost in Australia is higher than what it is in the USA, the business models you're comparing are also quite different, online store versus a recommended retail price in stores

Let me see whether I understand the economics. You have a middleman in the USA who (justifiably) needs his cut, but if I have a friend in the USA order the product, have it delivered to him, and he then remails it to me in Australia, I'll get it cheaper than I would pay locally, and everyone (including you) is somehow better off than if you sold it locally at the same overseas price and that same middleman didn't get his cut (I did this with a Rode microphone once when they were charging twice as much locally as they were in the USA for a product made right here in Australia). If that's the case you could make everyone better off by permitting your US distributor to export back to Australia and NZ, which I see is expressly forbidden. Also, your website looks like an online store to me:
Let me see whether I understand the economics. You have a middleman in the USA who (justifiably) needs his cut, but if I have a friend in the USA order the product, have it delivered to him, and he then remails it to me in Australia, I'll get it cheaper than I would pay locally, and everyone (including you) is somehow better off than if you sold it locally at the same overseas price and that same middleman didn't get his cut (I did this with a Rode microphone once when they were charging twice as much locally as they were in the USA for a product made right here in Australia).

USA has no duties and GST that we have here, the landed cost into the USA is lower, freight to the USA is cheaper, it's selling online only and the price reflects their lower operating costs, if it were in a US retail outlet the price would inevitably be higher than what they sell it for online, it would have to be, no getting around costs to do business

The price listed in Australia is the RRP, shop around maybe you can get it cheaper than that but there's still more costs involved which puts the price up, if you think it's making me rich you're a long way off the mark unfortunately
If that's the case you could make everyone better off by permitting your US distributor to export back to Australia and NZ, which I see is expressly forbidden.

A customer might be able to land it cheaper than the rrp in Australia, who else exactly is better off out of that arrangement, the US distributor? UPS?

Also, your website looks like an online store to me:

It's cart software used but you can't purchase

Reality is it's dearer to do business in Australia, that's just a fact, a recommended retail price in Australia isn't going to ever compare to an online price in the USA particularly with the state of our dollar
So presumably you won't permit re-importation into Australia to protect the profit margins of your local retailers? Why not have an on-line store so your local prices are closer to your overseas prices, freeing buyers from the apparently false assumption that the "Australia Tax" applies (where Aussies pay substantially more, even for local products, simply because we have been conditioned to accept it)?

Oh, and you'll have to forgive me for thinking that what appears to be your on-line store actually was one - I can't say I remember seeing one that wasn't before.
Interesting discussion one that is reflected in just about every consumer-durable price comparison across the world, but most comparisons are never on a level playing field.

A major reason is the size of the market. The US consumer market is enormous compared to Australia a large market does not make for easy business the US market is generally aggressive, tough and very competitive so price points have to be extremely keen something that clearly benefits the overseas on-line purchaser so local 'homeland' business find it very hard to compete and local wholesalers/suppliers have to build in sufficient margin to get their products listed.

As we the consumer are always looking for the 'deal to beat all deals' and if price is all that matters then there will be casualties and why should we worry! well just think on why - for me price is not always the deal maker after sales service and support come very high on my shopping list.
I have a Street Guardian SG9665GM, and plan to move this camera to my wife's car. Because of travel her car sits for extended lengths of time. How long will the battery stay charged under these conditions? Thanks
I have a Street Guardian SG9665GM, and plan to move this camera to my wife's car. Because of travel her car sits for extended lengths of time. How long will the battery stay charged under these conditions? Thanks

They can sit for a month or two and the battery will still have some charge