
Yeah mate it's been fine for me so far - just make sure to run as administrator and it has been fine so far - no need to format first or anything

If you don't do run as admin and have UAC enabled it will spit out an error usually.

Sorry totally missed that other post where you asked before!

Sometimes my machines don't detect a new card when I'm swapping at speed so usually have to do a diskpart - rescan to sort that out - assume that's just a quirk at my end with the USB reader though.
only difference between 0806 and 0819 is a timezone adjustment for New Zealand

did you get with or without GPS?
I am in New Zealand and have one on order, what is the difference? Adding +13 timezone? Mine is with GPS and should arrive in 1-2 weeks. Thanks
After floating around these forums for a few weeks I took the plunge and ordered the SG to be delivered all the way to the UK from Pier28. I was going to get the A118 but after reading here I just thought this would be the better buy with better firmware and night performance. I look forward to receiving it ASAP :)
Can you set the screen to turn off automatically after X seconds after its started recording on ignition?
Can you set the screen to turn off automatically after X seconds after its started recording on ignition?

it would do that already unless you had changed some settings, from default all you'd need to adjust is time & date, or just the timezone if you're using GPS, everything else is preconfigured
The times are set for the screen to go off: 15s, 30s or none.
Am I mistaken, or is this Australian product noticeably more expensive in Australia (about +33%) than in the United States (after allowing for the effect of foreign exchange rates)? Why does this sort of thing happen so often?
Let's see, Australian product, costs noticeably more here than there (like many other things originating here), but it's "not quite as simple as that". In the absence of a better explanation (and of course you are under no obligation to explain) I'll just put it down to the "Australia Tax" we are all familiar with.
Taxo Australis :D still nothing compared with Taxo Danica :oops: