Site Not Available


Jun 30, 2012
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Some members have indicated that they can no longer visit the site from their normal IPs and have to resort to using TOR and other browsers. My hosting provider has tweaked the firewall to make it more difficult for people to rip off the whole site but this may be having unintended consequences. If you are having this issue, please let me know and I will investigate further.

I've noticed I can't access the site for short periods of time a few times per day the last several days. I'll report if it happens again. I can PM my public IP if you're not able to look it up already (which I'm sure you probably can)
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I've noticed I can't access the site for short periods of time a few times per day the several days. I'll report if it happens again. I can PM my public IP if you're not able to look it up already (which I'm sure you probably can)
Just before I lost total access on two different occasions that's what I was experiencing. Most recently this past weekend, and prior to that the weekend before.
I have the same issues as Pier and DT.
I had a few times in the last week I couldn't get on the site, just figured it was an outage maybe
So far it appears IPs from some ISPs are being blocked by the firewall:
1) Fairpoint Communications
2) WideOpenWest

This problem is loss of complete access to both the main site / forum since the firewall blocks the connection. This is not intermittent but a full block.

Site was down for some time on May 11th but since then it should have been up. Perhaps the intermittent problem is different.
Also sometimes after getting the site to load, the site will fail to respond. It took hours to get the site to load a few days ago and then longer to post anything.
Also sometimes after getting the site to load, the site will fail to respond. It took hours to get the site to load a few days ago and then longer to post anything.

This happens to me also from time to time. It is like the site takes a few minutes break. It happened on 5/9/15 during the day.
Back on the site just now with firefox, for the first time in at least a week.

Have been using epic browser to tie me over, but going that route have made my fat cable connection feel like a dial up modem.
Hi. Today is the first day in the last week when I could connect via Firefox on a PC. Using the Dolphin Browser over an mobile internet connection, I could easily connect every day.
I did have problems a couple of days ago but just had to flush the DNS cache on my UTM appliance and that fixed it instantly for me - to be honest I probably should have checked what the addresses were pre and post flush but that did the trick.
Flushing DNS was my first idea, but dident help, then i tried explorer which i dont use much, and same result.
Even whent as far as installing Crome, but that was a no go too.
My tablet was allso out for the duration, or at least the bookmarked, but then again i mostly read news on the tablet.
Back on the site just now with firefox, for the first time in at least a week.

Have been using epic browser to tie me over, but going that route have made my fat cable connection feel like a dial up modem.
I'm back connected with Firefox through my ISP (WideOpenWest - WOW). Let's see how long that lasts. I've had an open ticket with WOW Tech Support for a couple days now and they were looking at it from their end. I'll forward a link to this and the other thread so maybe they can get involved in a solution.
I've been having problems too... Sometimes it's OK but when I couldn't access I thought the problem was at my end. Good to know it's not just me but bad to know it's a widespread issue :(
It was weird few days ago that the site was inaccessible from my work network but worked fine in my phone.
I thought my work blocked the site but after few days, it started working again. :confused:
If anyone is having the issue where you cannot access the site (main and forum) from a particular IP address while you can access it via other means (i.e. mobile phone, work), please let me know. Best thing would be to send me a conversation message with the IP address and I will ensure it is not blocked on the firewall.
If anyone is having the issue where you cannot access the site (main and forum) from a particular IP address while you can access it via other means (i.e. mobile phone, work), please let me know. Best thing would be to send me a conversation message with the IP address and I will ensure it is not blocked on the firewall.
It's very random when I can't get on not consistent
Just had the issue here when I opened a load of tabs in Chrome - I guess he firewall flags it for too many connections as a potential DoS maybe.

I'll pm you my IP :)