SJCAM M20: Reviews, video and photo samples, discussion

I plan on using the M20 as a dash cam. When you put the M20 in car mode, does this mode override all the other settings or do I need to go to each setting and turn each either off or on? What would be the best FOV for car mode? I assume wide is 166-degrees. What would medium be; ~133-degrees? I've read that 166 gives more of a fish-eye look which I don't like. Many dash cams have an approximate 133-degree view so I'm hoping that medium FOV would still allow a fairly wide view without the fish-eye look.

Any information and suggestions on car mode would be appreciated.
Hi guys, we are working on a new fw version for the m20. any bug reports / features requests?
Video-comparison of SJCAM M20 with SJ6 Legend, Firefly 8 and Andoer AN300:
Hello guyz, new SJCAM M20 user here from philippines, and I really live this action cam eventhough its little compared to other action cameras out there.
Also just want to share some tips that I read from other M20 PH users when taking photos indoor or outdoor using this M20,
Exposure Time - Auto
Delay Capture - Off
Quality - Fine
Sharpness - Normal
White Balance - Auto
Color - Normal
ISO - 200 or 100
EV - +1
Raw - Off
Gyro Sensor - Off
FOV - Wide
Distortion Correction - On
Time Stamp - Off

Hope it helps (y):giggle::geek: