SJCAM officials trying to "intimidate" websites - I want an apology

Nigel, I've had that very same thought for a long time. Analog will always have some advantages compared to digital, and digital will always have some advantages over analog. Analog will be around for a long time yet.

Back "on the rails to nowhere", the way I see this is that if SJCAM has the legal grounds to do anything, they should do what every other major corporation does: Say nothing and just issue a cease-and-desist order by registered post. If you don't have the legal standing to do that then get over it. You can't control the rest of the world nor should you.

Reasonably intelligent people are NOT going to mistake another product or Pavle's website as having any official connection to you. It is an insult to all of us here for you to imply that. If you have a beef with GitUp then go after them and leave everyone else who simply reviews your products or anyone else's alone. All people, including Pavle, are entitled to their opinions and to state those opinions freely.

With the attitude you've shown here you're highly unlikely to attract more new buyers from this forum, and a whole lot of people come here before they buy. Like I told Pavle, you can do more harm to yourself than anyone else can and you are doing just that.

I leave you with the wish I want most for everybody, including myself:
May you reap the rewards of your actions ten times over

Thanks to @jokiin for searching this:

So back to @sjcam_official 's claim of trademarked in over 100 countries. 5 pending, 5 active. I'm assuming SJCAM added an extra 0 on by accident in their claim.

Sorry 4 pending, as 2 claims against SJCAM in the Philipines.


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Nigel, I've had that very same thought for a long time. Analog will always have some advantages compared to digital, and digital will always have some advantages over analog. Analog will be around for a long time yet.

Back "on the rails to nowhere", the way I see this is that if SJCAM has the legal grounds to do anything, they should do what every other major corporation does: Say nothing and just issue a cease-and-desist order by registered post. If you don't have the legal standing to do that then get over it. You can't control the rest of the world nor should you.

Reasonably intelligent people are NOT going to mistake another product or Pavle's website as having any official connection to you. It is an insult to all of us here for you to imply that. If you have a beef with GitUp then go after them and leave everyone else who simply reviews your products or anyone else's alone. All people, including Pavle, are entitled to their opinions and to state those opinions freely.

With the attitude you've shown here you're highly unlikely to attract more new buyers from this forum, and a whole lot of people come here before they buy. Like I told Pavle, you can do more harm to yourself than anyone else can and you are doing just that.

I leave you with the wish I want most for everybody, including myself:
May you reap the rewards of your actions ten times over

Yes, we have already apologized to Pavle and it seems he has accepted apology.

SJCAM will let our products speak for themselves.

Regarding pending and granted marks this is probably not the place for me to discuss sensitive company matters :cool:

Regarding disputes with competing brands, I will let the bosses deal with it

I just want to help support SJCAM products and get suggestions for product improvement, that is all.
For SJCAM to raise to get better, you need to support your products. Seems like SJ5000+ version 1,2 and 3 are all out of support. Now you support only hardware version 4 or newer, and all mention of older models has disappeared from the website. This is not the way to go. My SJ5000+ has the problem with the lens not always having contact to the PBC; and since it is a few months old, it will supposedly never get firmware with bugfixes again.
The SJ4000 was great (apart from selling a 3Mpix sensor as a 12Mpix camera is bad style). The SJ5000+ was not worth the money and is too unreliable. And changing the form factor was a bad move IMHO. I am done with SJCAM for the foreseeable future, and will not recommend them any more.
Now my GitUp 1 should arrive tomorrow, and it should be stable, supported, and keep the GoPro form factor for compatibility. Things that the 5000+ does not deliver on. And I am not talking about all the other things I expect to be better, these are basic requirements.
Pavle's reviews was some of those that made me go for the SJ4000 initially, and the SJ4000 made me move on to the disappointing SJ5000+. Reviews are important. Even though I bought my SJ5000+ from the UK warehouse of Banggood, I doubt they will honor the EU 24 months of warranty. So if I can't read trustworthy reviews, the risk is too big, and it is safer to pay full price for the GoPro.
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Just out of curiosity, Viofo also has a site called ( that sells all SJCAM models plus two cameras I didn't even know existed: an SJ2000 and an SJ3000! :eek::)
those are copies of different models
I know but I didn't know if the TCL and the other one (can't remember the name right now) were the original or not.
@Module 79L TCL is the original with the SVC200 and SJ3000 is a copy of that. The SJ3000 was actually a pretty decent camera not as good as SVC200 but not bad.

SJ2000 was terrible. Like really terrible. It putt the terrible is TERRIBLE.
not sure where the M10 came from, all the others are copies of, or heavily influenced by something else
But it's a different thing naming a camera SJ whatever from explicitly naming it SJCAM.

It would be generic if the site was called sjguides. SJ could be anything. SJCAM is a specific brand..

But even people like Kyle Martin Tech "GoPro Tips and Tricks" will review other non-GoPro cameras. Though you make a good point about using their name for a non-SJCam site. I think it's an internal issue of some type, like some kind of feud between the two. I also think all these cameras are made at the same factory or something.

Not sure about that. The only thing they have in common is the shape. You can't say the M10 is a copy of the Polaroid just because of it. They're not even the same size.

I think it probably is more of a take on the GoPro Session. And GoPro just got sued for the Session which is a pretty straight forward copy of the Polaroid Cube, just not magnetic. They'll probably win because the GoPro is not magnetic.

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I also think all these cameras are made at the same factory or something.

that's what lots of people think, it's what some of the sellers would like people to think also like it would add some sort of credibility, reality is there are hundreds of factories that make these
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that's what lots of people think, it's what some of the sellers would like people to think also like it would add some sort of credibility, reality is there are hundreds of factories that make these

That would explain a lot.

As long as you are not cybersquatting, you are not legally liable to comply with any of their demands. you are clearly not cybersquatting. if they had the power to do anything, they would go after Just a regular "english speaker" trying to impress the Chinese bosses to justify his pay check. You can put dik pix if you desire... You are not, nor do you intend on using the SJCAM brand to market counterfeit products. please don't let anyone bully you. You are allowed to ask them not to directly contact you and if they do not comply, they may be liable for damages. And yea, how ironic.... a Chinese company having trademark wars bwahahahah.
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Thanks for the tips.
Its a bit older topic that got bumped though. I decided to re-brand the site, not because of them, but because of people who read our content.
Results were great, and to be honest, website is doing much better with a new name.
Regardless the way SJCAM wanted to "handle" this was quite dumb, and I still do not see what benefits they had from it.
As far as I am concerned, I am receiving 90% less SJCAM product support emails which is great.

Something good always happens after something bad I guess. I am no longer thinking about them or any other brand. Now I am fully focus on providing good content to visitors, screw the brands and manufacturers.
Thanks for the tips.
Its a bit older topic that got bumped though. I decided to re-brand the site, not because of them, but because of people who read our content.
Results were great, and to be honest, website is doing much better with a new name.

Dude... Pevly is your site? Wow!
