Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

(1) Yes you can buy extra support 5$ (see page 34) Someone spoke of removing 3M and add suction cup page 32
(2) No it can only adjust it forward. 90 degrees
(3) Around 10 minutes
(4) yes both
(5) yes
(6) correct
Last edited:
I'm having the same problems with the 32GB SanDisk C10/UHS1. Camera was doing fine until day 2 (I assume that's how long it took for the card to fill). Now it randomly stops recording.

I do have a question about the LED lights though: Mine sometimes flashes purple and sometimes blue when it's recording. Otherwise it's solid blue when not recording. What's the difference between purple and blue when it's flashing? I have the internal 8GB model, does it maybe indicate what card it's using when the SanDisk acts up?
Battery charging or not.
If battery is not fully charged, red light is on.
Purple = red+blue.
:)Ho YES!!!!Victory!!!!:D
I saved my dashcam! And under windows seven.
I had to sacrifice an usb cable but it was totaly worth it!
You have to shortcut pin 4 and 5 of mini usb and then it is detected as an ambarella dev board.
I forced the installation of the driver.
I then used elf usb flashing without problem under windows seven (but launched as an administrator).
Big thanks to giveo for supplying me instructions (not easy to understand) and jokkin for his help and will to test on his side to help me.
When i have some time i'll do a proper tutorial to do it (i think next week end).

Incredible! (Welcome back from the dead!) We need to add this information to the FAQ page. Let's send a message to DashCamMan with that, and the Class 4 vs Class 10 issues soon. (pending final confirmation)
I'm having the same problems with the 32GB SanDisk C10/UHS1. Camera was doing fine until day 2 (I assume that's how long it took for the card to fill). Now it randomly stops recording.

I do have a question about the LED lights though: Mine sometimes flashes purple and sometimes blue when it's recording. Otherwise it's solid blue when not recording. What's the difference between purple and blue when it's flashing? I have the internal 8GB model, does it maybe indicate what card it's using when the SanDisk acts up?

Well according to our testing, if you replace your Class 10 card with a Class 4 card, you will have rock solid recordings. (even the instructions say to stay away from Class 10 cards) Some people are lucky and their Class 10 card works fine, but I wouldn't risk it. I'm going to order one today. My old test 4GB Class 4 card is STILL going strong! (no trip ups)

A few pages back someone pointed out that the camera will flash blue only once the battery finishes re-chargning. If the battery is charging the colors will alternate between blue/red (might look purple'ish) So flashing either way means recording is in progress.
I'll do a proper how to and send it to DashCamMan this weekend. As i need to take some macro photo of the cable.
It was tricky to open. I didn't use any solder. I made contact with a tiny nail.
I formated the sd card as it was totally unstable : I was'nt able to record more than one minute without an error.
Windows was willing to scan the card when plugged on the computer and i had some chineese named file on the card....
Seems to solve the prob so far.I'll keep an eye when it would be full.
For now i'm back to 20130903.
If Class 10 problem is confirmed, i have an old 8gb class 4 laying around.
This is too bad that giveo sell this version with class 10 card if not compatible.
I'll do a proper how to and send it to DashCamMan this weekend. As i need to take some macro photo of the cable.
It was tricky to open. I didn't use any solder. I made contact with a tiny nail.
I formated the sd card as it was totally unstable : I was'nt able to record more than one minute without an error.
Windows was willing to scan the card when plugged on the computer and i had some chineese named file on the card....
Seems to solve the prob so far.I'll keep an eye when it would be full.
For now i'm back to 20130903.
If Class 10 problem is confirmed, i have an old 8gb class 4 laying around.
This is too bad that giveo sell this version with class 10 card if not compatible.

Good stuff, yes please test with your class 4 card. I'm happy we're making progress again!

I just ordered the following 32GB Class 4 card via Amazon (prime, so arrives Wednesday)
And yes we need to let Givoe/eprance know so they can bundle a compatible card.

It's funny how the instructions tell us about the Class 10 problem, yet we all ordered a Class 10 anyways. (wanting "the best")
I think we glossed over this fact and should have taken it more seriously weeks ago. (better late than never)
I learnt this Class 10 lesson a while back with the 808#16's. Plays nice with Class 4 cards but not with some Class 10 cards.
Contrary to popular belief, Class 4 cards are fast enough for 1080p/30f. It's all you need.
I will say on this model MOV version has had recycling errors in the past, the TS version I've had going for hundreds of hours with Class10 cards without ever tripping up, if using the MOV version it may be wiser to stick with the lower speed cards, as mentioned Class4 cards are still plenty fast enough to write the data reliably so not an issue
I think that the black doted area near the mirror is letting the GPS going through. Maybe you should put the GPS part on it.
I will say on this model MOV version has had recycling errors in the past, the TS version I've had going for hundreds of hours with Class10 cards without ever tripping up, if using the MOV version it may be wiser to stick with the lower speed cards, as mentioned Class4 cards are still plenty fast enough to write the data reliably so not an issue

How does one know which version(TS or MOV) he/she is getting?

Thanks! :)
They are only shipping .MOV models if you bought from Givoe or eprance recently. I bought my first 0801 back in August and it came with a July firmware recording in .TS I've since upgraded the firmware to 20130903 and it records in .MOV now. The new .MOV video quality/bit rate is much better than the .TS recordings from the old firmware. I bought a new 0801 a week ago since my original 0801 had a few stuck dead CMOS pixels that bothered me. The new one was from Givoe/Aliexpress and came with 20130903. .MOV is a more compatible video format. RegistratorViewer will only let you edit .MP4 or .MOV files.
How does one know which version(TS or MOV) he/she is getting?

Thanks! :)

ask your reseller, you can change the firmware anyway but MOV is generally the preferred version, even if it's finicky with memory cards it's a lot more user friendly in other aspects
Just an update on the Class 4 32Gb test, it's over half full now and has been fine, stopping and starting (a lot of my journeys are short) the other card would have come up with a storage error by now. Fingers crossed it will keep working, but it's looking good so far.
Just an update on the Class 4 32Gb test, it's over half full now and has been fine, stopping and starting (a lot of my journeys are short) the other card would have come up with a storage error by now. Fingers crossed it will keep working, but it's looking good so far.

That sounds promising, I've ordered 2 32gb class 4 cards myself now....just in case, I will also give my 2 Samsung 32gb class 10 cards a try out when the camera arrive, but I suspect this camera at the moment is a bit fussy with some class 10 cards so maybe best for users to buy class 4 or 6 as advised. Thanks for keeping us updated matey.
Just an update on the Class 4 32Gb test, it's over half full now and has been fine, stopping and starting (a lot of my journeys are short) the other card would have come up with a storage error by now. Fingers crossed it will keep working, but it's looking good so far.
What did you set the loop rate to?
No problems from my end so far.

Gskill 16gb class 6 set to 5min loops. Mine has cycled a couple times now over the last week.
Just a question.
How long does it takes to your cam to have gps fix?
Mine this morning and this evening took 3 minutes each time.
Not that long, maybe 1-2 mins. You will find out that sometimes the satellites aren't in a really good position for you. There were times over the yr that my old iphone would take several mins, and I mean well over 10 mins before it would lock.

Could be other things affecting you as well, interference as well.

Just a question.
How long does it takes to your cam to have gps fix?
Mine this morning and this evening took 3 minutes each time.
My windscreen is very bad for gps.But i tried to put the gps part on the black doted zone.
I see there is a film ending aroud this zone. I was hopping it was a gps friendly zone.
I must add gps fix time was 1 mintue stopped and 2 minutes driving.
I'm so used to my iphone 4 wich is instant fix that i forgot about gps fix time...