Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

the bracket, if you don't it won't auto record at power on

ah mine does. I just tried it again just to make sure, whether it's plugged into the base or direct into the top of the camera it still starts recording when power is applied.
On non gps models the base just passes the power straight through via the contacts, and of course you need to power the base if you have GPS and wish to use it.

Note. If you wish to access the memory card via a usb cable to your PC make sure the camera is in standby mode before pluging in the cable.
Congrats, looks like we need to get ahold of the 20130913 firmware now as well. What bit rate are the recordings? (day light with movement should be the highest) Right Click properties, I'm hoping you see >15Mbps again like 0905 had.

And yes my original eprance 0801 had stuck/dead cmos pixels as well. (only seen in still/dark recordings) My new Givoe 0801 arrived with 100% clean cmos pixels.

You know you can order the GPS base directly from Givoe? Just message them and they will send you a special link to buy it for $15 USD.
Yes it has a mini HDMI port, and one of those mini jack A/V ports on old school cameras.(composite)

I've just checked the properties on a few short clips I tried this afternoon taken from our decking over the local countryside at the rear of our home, the longest one showed the Data Rate as 17,645kbps with the total bitrate just slightly higher, the other 2 clips were both around the 16,850kbps mark. I thought the picture quality was very good, but they were only slow panned clips.. not fast movement, I've yet to try it out in the car.

Re. Dust specs on CCD.. I'm not too concerned by them as barely noticable, the LED display itself doesn't have any bad pixels, these are tiny specs of dust you sometimes get on the surface of the ccd sensor itself, I've seen them loads of times on my DSLR camera equipment over the years, they can be cleaned off if you know what your doing, but it means opening up the camera... just not worth messing with as most of the time you dont see them, and like I said earlier it is a low cost dashcam not a 1K dedicated high spec camera, dust specs can be a real pain for DSLR owners especially if you change the lens a lot, which people do of course, which is where the old bulb air blower comes in handy as often it will blow off or as often as not it blows somewhere else on the

Yes there does seem to be a lot of firmware versions being released, which TBH I think we need more definitive info on, we certainly need to establish what versions we can consider to be stable, rather that it being a pot luck

Both my camera's I bought have the GPS base, though I would'nt mind buying a spare non-gps base, just as a spare really.

Lastly JazJon... that clip you posted the link to above, is very impressive indeed, you sure you didn't tweak that clip before posting I'm amazed at the quality you can get from these cheap cams. You sure it came from the 0801...LOL
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So, what's the latest firmware right now? I have the 8gb internal, with microSD slot, GPS version.

Thanks guys.
So, what's the latest firmware right now? I have the 8gb internal, with microSD slot, GPS version.

Thanks guys.

A very good question indeed, and I think most of us would like to know the There does seem to be quite a few versions, from the feedback 20130903 seems pretty stable, some camera's have been delivered with 20130905 which the member mentioned may have issues, the mini 0801 with GPS base that arrived today had 20130913 installed, and other than a brief lockup when plugging in the USB PC cable it's been okay, but early days, I've also seen 20130922 mentioned too in the posts.

My second camera which is on the way to me has the internal 8gb and the gps base similar to your's so it will be interesting to see what firmware that has installed. What version is in yours ?

We could really do with a thread just dedicated to the firmware for this dashcam, but 20130922 is the most recent I've seen mentioned. The problem is getting the right one for your particular hardware version as from what I've read there may be 2 or 3 Chinese manufacturers who make the camera. One things for sure... we could certainly do with more definitive firmware information to establish which versions are okay and which are bad :-) well I can dream can't I .. LOL
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I just received my 0801.

I did not realize that it did not have a built-in battery for video playback outside of the car.

Not a big problem, since I have a portable USB battery for my phone that should be able to
power it. However, the 2000mAh battery's output is listed at 0.7A at 5V. Is this enough
to power the 0801?

Since it does not have a built-in battery, I assume it has a capacitor inside? I recall reading
a thread about battery vs. capacitor. Is it true that the lack of a battery actually makes the
0801 last longer in a hot car? I do not plan to ever remove the 0801 from my windshield.
It's really hot in my area and I usually leave my car outside of the garage.

What about leaving the 0801 inside a parked car in the winter? Will below-freezing weather
be bad for the 0801?

Thank you.
it has a battery inside, only good for about 10 minutes, really intended for file saving at shutdown rather than playback
Did you buy a camera that already came with the 0922 fw or did you get the update from one of the sellers/manufacturers?
Came with the camera.

day video bitrate = 12Mbps (approx 100Mb per 1min file)
night/low light videos = 9-10Mbps (approx 80Mb per 1min file)

All recordings set at full hd 30fps.
Seems like the bitrate varies according to lightings?
This, I think, causes a relatively poor night video recordings.
Came with the camera.

day video bitrate = 12Mbps (approx 100Mb per 1min file)
night/low light videos = 9-10Mbps (approx 80Mb per 1min file)

I thought it was supposedly be 15Mbps?
20130905 is the one that records at the highest Bitrate. I originally said firmware 20130905 was not good, but I'm going to test it again now that I have two Class 4 cards, and will no longer be using the dirty power adapter I talked about before. I just flashed my old eprance mini-0801 with firmware 20130905. I'm going to use Laptop power alone and let it record all night long. So far so good the last hour! (using the old 4GB Class 4 card on this test)

Ok my new 32GB Class 4 card arrived today, I'm going to leave it recording all night in my newer Givoe mini-0801 (the one with internal) I'm going to leave firmware 20130903 installed so I don't change too many things at once.

If both Camera's are rock solid, I'll flash 0905 on the newest Givoe cam so I can get the higher bitrate. 0905 has the card selection so it's perfect for my new camera should it prove solid.

This is why the sample looks so clear here, it was done on the 0905 @ nearly 17Mbps

So again I think I jumped to conclusions when I originally said 0905 was bad. It was probably a combination of the Full Class 10 card and Dirty USB Power Adapter at home that made it fall over constantly. I blamed the firmware update too soon!

So yeah here we go I'll let you know if 0905 is good and we can all have higher quality HD recordings with even more detail. You won't be able to record as much but that's fine with me. 1 minute = 140MB on the higher bitrate recordings. (so you'll lose 30%'ish)
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I forgot to add, I'm going to run h2testw.exe full write/verify first on my new 32GB Class 4 card first. (to make sure it's good good)

Here's the file if anyone wants to do it too. (Windows only)

I read the alternative app for Mac/Linux users is


EDIT: Success! (clean new card)
Test finished without errors.
You can now delete the test files *.h2w or verifiy them again.
Writing speed: 4.72 MByte/s
Reading speed: 20.7 MByte/s
H2testw v 1.4
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do these two photos look different purely because of the sunlight?(or lack of?)

I have already decided on the 0801 and placed an order.... but just wondering. :)

from Mini 0801 video on Techmona

from Mio 356 video on Techmoan
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two very different weather conditions, unless they're shot side by side it's hard to make direct comparisons
It's kind of hard to tell based on the photos....... or are they all from the same factory? :)

there are a few possible factories it may have come from (4 at last count) but the mainboards all come from the one solution company so there will always be some similarity, just because they all share major components though doesn't mean they are identical, there are still specification options available that can be used to separate the product from other lookalike versions, even the lowest spec version is still quite ok though
do these two photos look different purely because of the sunlight?(or lack of?)

I have already decided on the 0801 and placed an order.... but just wondering. :)

from Mini 0801 video on Techmona

from Mio 356 video on Techmoan

If you look there are NO shadows at all in the 0801 test, so the sun was obviously blocked by clouds in that frame.
The Sun is pretty low in the horizon on the Mio test, lighting everything on the left directly and with extra red. (near sunset color)
I think the brain is mistaking all this as "better" when it's not even a fair comparison.

I posted my sample with late afternoon direct sun. (you can see it's just as clear if not clearer)
Here are a few frame captures for those that don't have time to download the large MOV file.

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Running the H2testw again on the 32Gb Class 4 to double check it, but it passed last time and the camera still comes up with "STORAGE IO ERROR". Gone and ordered a Trancend 16Gb class 4 to test.
Running the H2testw again on the 32Gb Class 4 to double check it, but it passed last time and the camera still comes up with "STORAGE IO ERROR". Gone and ordered a Trancend 16Gb class 4 to test.


Ok well my Sandisk 32GB Class 4 passed.
"Test finished without errors.
You can now delete the test files *.h2w or verifiy them again.
Writing speed: 4.72 MByte/s
Reading speed: 20.7 MByte/s
H2testw v 1.4"

I'm letting my Givoe 0801 (newer cam) record all night with new above card, should be full and in recycle mode by morning. If that's good I'll then drive around with it and start/stop the car a bunch. I'll also switch from 1 min to 5 min. After that I'm going to upgrade firmware from 20130903 to 20130905 (to get the nicer 17Mbps)

The spare older eprance 0801 is still going strong on upgraded 20130905 firmware on the generic 4GB class 4 card. It has to be full and in Recycle mode by now too, but I'll let it go all night.
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I find it odd that it records all night no problem, it only seems to fall over when it's being started and stopped. I wonder if it's not shutting down correctly?