Smallest Ambarella Car DVR a.k.a. Mini 0801

look at the drop down options for board, you would need different to what you've selected here, I can't see your options but will probably be named a2s_1Gb or similar, choose the right option here will make all the difference
No such option. The only options i have are;


In another direct USB program i have tried a2s_512Mb.
actually that should be fine for that version, something else at play maybe, tried it on another computer, what operating system are you using?
i am on windows 7 64bit. I have also tried it on a windows xp computer. Same problem. When the writing is about to start i can hear a device disconnect and "Ambarella evaluation board" disapears from my hardware list. Is this normal? After writing its unable to find the device again.
disappearing after writing when it does the search is usually a USB issue

not sure what else to suggest, have never had issues doing this personally, could always be a hardware failure I guess
I notice E-Prance are now selling the GPS base and non gps base separately on the Amazon Market place at 16.99 and 6.99, just in case anyone needs an extra base.

I've just ordered a couple of spare non gps bases, thought I'd get a couple while they are available. Already have 3 GPS bases, but I only really need 1 camera with GPS, the other 2 have the GPS turned off.

On the subject of E-Prance, I've been running the latest 20131026 firmware for the "E-Prance GPS only" model.for about 10 hrs now, and it's looping fine, and so far everything is looking good.
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I was just about going to pull the trigger on an 0801 from eprance on Ebay. But after reading through 50+pages, I changed my mind, for now anyways.
I was just about going to pull the trigger on an 0801 from eprance on Ebay. But after reading through 50+pages, I changed my mind, for now anyways.

be worth holding off until some of the latest version get into more users hands I would think, early reports suggest things have improved but worth waiting I would say
Well I have just ordered one should be here today, plan to do a YouTube Video for it. Next day delivery from amazon is just what I wanted.
Hi again just a update on my 0801 purchased from amazon from E-prance .
Software 20131026 with gps no internal memory . Sd card purchased from amazon Samsung 16gb class 6.
After now running nearly a week still no problems still recording.
Can anybody advise me if they recieved a mini Hdml cable with there camera mine didn't .
Also when I playback the video ( VLS player ) on my computer ( dell win xp 5years old) the play back is very blocky keeps pausing and starting not very watchable not like the playback on techmoan review does the same when using the software on the supplied cd.
If you play the file while viewing on its small screen seems o/k have I set up something wrong in the menu ??
Any advise please
Hi again just a update on my 0801 purchased from amazon from E-prance .
Software 20131026 with gps no internal memory . Sd card purchased from amazon Samsung 16gb class 6.
After now running nearly a week still no problems still recording.
Can anybody advise me if they recieved a mini Hdml cable with there camera mine didn't .
Also when I playback the video ( VLS player ) on my computer ( dell win xp 5years old) the play back is very blocky keeps pausing and starting not very watchable not like the playback on techmoan review does the same when using the software on the supplied cd.
If you play the file while viewing on its small screen seems o/k have I set up something wrong in the menu ??
Any advise please
The camera I got has no HDMI cable but they are available from pound shops and yes they work fine mini HDMI to HDMI.

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Hi again just a update on my 0801 purchased from amazon from E-prance .
Software 20131026 with gps no internal memory . Sd card purchased from amazon Samsung 16gb class 6.
After now running nearly a week still no problems still recording.
Can anybody advise me if they recieved a mini Hdml cable with there camera mine didn't .
Also when I playback the video ( VLS player ) on my computer ( dell win xp 5years old) the play back is very blocky keeps pausing and starting not very watchable not like the playback on techmoan review does the same when using the software on the supplied cd.
If you play the file while viewing on its small screen seems o/k have I set up something wrong in the menu ??
Any advise please

Good to hear your camera is working well, I updated 2 of mine to 20131026 firmware yesterday, and after about 19hrs testing it does indeed appear to be a good stable firmware version. Certainly no issues here.

These cameras only come with the mini B usb cable, No mini HDMI cable is supplied, not with my 3 cams anyway.

Most of us tend to use a free program available online called REGISTRATORVIEWER.EXE to replay the video files, it also handles the GPS logs too showing your position on a google map. Make sure you use version 5.3 or later or it wont read the GPS logs files properly. Its a single executable file, so can be run from virtually anywhere on your PC or directly from your camera if you copy Registrator to the root directory of the card, just bear in mind that it searches the current directory it's run from to locate the video and GPS logs files, it will then search any directories that may be within/below that same folder you ran it from.

It does sound however as though your computer system may be a little slow, with perhaps a older graphics card, or is the graphics built-in the motherboard, ? the symptoms you describe do appear to indicate a slow system.

Did you download Techmoans original video files which he gave the link to on his site, if so how well did those those play back, were they still stuttering ?, and lastly, do you copy the video's to your hard drive and play them back from there, or direct from the camera or perhaps a usb card reader or pen-drive ?
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Good to hear your camera is working well, I updated 2 of mine to 20131026 firmware yesterday, and after about 18hrs testing it does indeed appear to be a good stable firmware version. Certainly no issues here.

Most of us tend to use a free program available online called REGISTRATORVIEWER.EXE to replay the video files, it also handles the GPS logs too showing your position on a google map. Make sure you use version 5.3 or later or it wont read the GPS logs files properly. Its a single executable file, so can be run from virtually anywhere on your PC or directly from your camera if you copy Registrator to the root directory of the card, just bear in mind that it searches the current directory it's run from to locate the video and GPS logs files, it will then search any directories that may be within/below that same folder you ran it from.

It does sound however as though your computer system may be a little slow, with perhaps a older graphics card, or is the graphics built-in the motherboard, ? the symptoms you describe do appear to indicate a slow system.

Did you download Techmoans original video files which he gave the link to on his site, if so how well did those those play back, were they still stuttering ?, and lastly, do you copy the video's to your hard drive and play them back from there, or direct from the camera or perhaps a usb card reader or pen-drive ?
Do you have a link to the 20131026 firmware?
No.. but I do have the file on my hard, Where did you buy your camera from ? and is it the GPS ONLY version ?

It's GPS only, purchased from Aliexpress Givoe. I've used Eprance fw on it before though (and currently using ProCam CX4 firmware on it). Would you be able to upload it to dropbox or another file sharing site?
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Thanks for your info.
I have now done as you suggested download the techmoan clips and run them using VLC player and as you predicted these are stuttering also . I downloaded the registrator player inputed one of my clips but would not play displayed a error can't rember what it said will ty again latter. At first I did try playing files from sd card but have now tried running from h/ drive but still not watchable. I believe I have a graphic card fitted as standard.
buzzy copy all the clips you want to watch from your sd card onto your computer then play them, i had same problem videos play perfect when copied to computer