[SOLVED] Record video in station mode crashes camera

I also noticed, your wpa file using open ssid (without password), have you try to use WPA-PSK(TKIP) password?
Yes I've tried with both. Will have another look at if it's a connection issue.

This is how the router is setup and usually I'm using
proto=WPA2 WPA
pairwise=CCMP TKIP

I tried changing to an open network which is the one you saw. Didn't help. I've also tried going through a Wifi hotspot on both my phone and laptop. They both connect, and do exactly the same thing.


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Here is a debug.txt from CC app.. last thing I did caused it to crash.

This was another completely fresh FM install, Factory settings, installed the scripts you gave me only.


try to disable all the
, this is very heavy load for yicam.
Thanks. Any idea where I do that? Is this the debugger?
Ha yea I've looked into it. I know Java OK, it kind of makes sense!

I could just try sending the record command via telnet and see if that does the same thing, or if there are other settings that are causing it to crash. What is that big block of settings that come after the record command?

Tried sending u'msg_id': 7, u'type': u'start_video_record' via Telnet, got {"rval": -7} in response. Am I doing it right?
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fork my github ponerine, make a new file named: test.py:
import time
from camera import Camera
cam = Camera("your_camera_ip_address")
and run in command line:
python test.py

good luck
Thanks. Did all that - camera starts recording and then crashes.

Here is the output, does it tell you anything interesting?


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the result looks everything is alright. but still don't know why your cams will auto reboot.
These cams are very new. Could the driver ID or something have changed that causes a conflict in the script? Is there anything in the sta.sh script I could change that would have different affects or might enable me to isolate problem?

It's after about 2 seconds of recording, if I start and stop recording the same thing happens. They reboot. Not sure why they don't reboot when live view is working.
sure it's problem of the shell script, but can't help you remotely.
try to read the shell code (sta.sh or wifi.sh), and figure out via telnet to yicam by yourself.
Thanks you've been really helpful.

Yea I need to work out what's going on or send these cameras back!

Be good is someone else who also had these problems could respond and let if me know if they managed to fix them.
Doesn't crash and records fine if you set the camera to start in record mode or select video via the button. Hallelujah!
This is a very good experience, I will pay attention in my app settings.
Glad you enjoyed it!

I have noticed the app crashes when you attempt to change to video mode, so I assume this is the root of the problem. Later I'll try setting the default video and see if that works. Otherwise it's a case of manually setting all the cameras to video.