Sony RX0 II


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2013
Reaction score
Dash Cam
10 years, many dashcams
There is a new version, with some fixes over the gen 1 model, but its still not where i would like to see it, not least the price of it but also some features.
But its going the right way for sure.
Trying to work out from the specifications what it can actually record!

Seems that best 4K is 30fps at 60Mbps.
1080 can do 60fps at 25Mbps.

Although if you turn the wifi off then you can get "XAVC S 4K: 30p 100M"bps, so maybe it's OK, or maybe I'm not understanding the reality!

Why would we want interlaced modes?!

Not sure if the image stabilization is in camera, or if you need the phone app?
"the Movie Edit add-on provides automatic image stabilization, producing smoother images similar to what you'd achieve using a gimbal".

Too expensive for a little action camera anyway, even with a 1 inch sensor, I'll wait for a 1 inch Gitup at half the price and recording modes I can understand!
Biggest for me is like some phones it can do bursts of REALLY high FPS ( at 1080p i think )
So you can slow things down by a lot more than 4 - 10 X

But yes i think at this price range i might as well go for one of the small shooters you can get now with massive sensors / mirror-less and actually able to do prettu darn nice low light 4K footage.
Like Panasonic GH5 ASO
See the video review at! Nick blogs from L.A.
I love me some sony cameras but I'm not the target demographic for the RXO II. I know it doesn't have the same uses but for the $699 asking price, I'd get a RX100 V or VI along with an underwater housing if I needed it.