Stops recording intermittent (sometimes a couple of days)


New Member
Dec 9, 2015
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United States
Hi. The Street Guardian is recording intermittent. Some times it doesn't record for a couple of days. Other times it stops after recording for a couple of minutes. I've had it since December and it's never recorded straight through my travels. It will record 1 trip ok, but then the rest is piece meal.
The disk is the Transcend 32GB from Pier28. I have tried reformatting and it's still doing it.

Any ideas?


Thanks. My motion detection might be on.
I will check/do all 3.

Thank you very much for the quick reply!!!

Had my first failure today. I generally check every now and then to verify everything's been going okay and noticed that this morning's trip to work stopped after just 13 seconds. The afternoon trip home recorded fine as has every other trip since installing the GC.

I'll have to keep a closer eye out for any other problems. Luckily it was just the same old boring trip to work so nothing really lost. I'm using a 128GB transcend card so there shouldn't be a problem there.....

The only other problem I've ever had is sometimes Registrator Viewer misses some files when linking. The files are still there on the card and can be played with Windows Media Player or whatever, just not seen by Registrator Viewer. I'd always assumed it was just a software glitch and nothing to do with the GC itself. Hmmm, has me thinking now....

Had my first failure today. I generally check every now and then to verify everything's been going okay and noticed that this morning's trip to work stopped after just 13 seconds.

the file stopped after 13 seconds?

was the card full?

how long since the card was last formatted?

which firmware version are you on?
Hi jokiin. The card still has 10GB space left. It's only a week and a half old so hasn't actually been filled yet;)

The version number is SG20160323.V2

Not sure if that's the firmware version as the one on your website is older.o_O

Thanks for the reply,

That's defiantly not a known problem.

If you already tried a new card, could be a power supply or hardware fault. I'd try another card though for starters as memory cards are the weakest link. Also make sure you are on the latest firmware. Let's start with that.

Also make sure motion detection is set to off

Motion detect was on. I turned it off, but I'm still having the issue. It really doesn't like recording on my way in to work. Yesterday it didn't start until my 2nd stop, so it missed a near miss (red light runner). Am I missing another setting?

Next I'll try the firmware updates.

Thanks again,

Could be an intermittently bad card. (a new card has fixed your reported problem for others in the past) Are you able use the original transcend card for a week to see how that goes?
Could be a power issue.
Motion detect was on. I turned it off, but I'm still having the issue. It really doesn't like recording on my way in to work. Yesterday it didn't start until my 2nd stop, so it missed a near miss (red light runner). Am I missing another setting?

Next I'll try the firmware updates.

Thanks again,


what's the serial number of your camera?
I haven't had a problem with mine since installing the replacement firmware jokiin sent me the other night but might go for a drive up into the mountains this weekend to give it a proper workout.
Mine didn't like going to work that one morning as well
I haven't had a problem with mine since installing the replacement firmware jokiin sent me the other night but might go for a drive up into the mountains this weekend to give it a proper workout.
Mine didn't like going to work that one morning as well

some days I don't feel like going either, but I drag my carcass into work anyway :P
Hmmm, had another problem tonight. Stopped at the shops on the way home from work and the cam didn't shut down properly. I run it with the screen off and after shutting off the ignition the lights on the cam usually flash a few times as it shuts down (if I remember correctly). Tonight I noticed that when I turned the ignition off, the screen came back on for a few secs then went off then the lights on the cam slowly faded out.

Upon getting home it seemed the last file in that sequence was corrupted and wouldn't play (highlighted yellow in Registrator viewer). The new files that were created when traveling from the shops to home are fine. I used Regitrator viewer to recover the file and it now plays okay, just the sound is glitchy.

I'm not going to worry about it now, just hope when the new firmware comes out I don't have any more problems. I've had the GC for about a month now and this is only the second time something has gone wrong but at least it was actually recording this time so if I had viewed something worthwhile, the recovered file would have been viewable.

Not really expecting anything to be done, just thought I'd mention it :)



Edit: Actually, just noticed that no GPS data shows for the entire trip home up until the shops. From the shops to home it recorded GPS data just fine.
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Hmmm, had another problem tonight. Stopped at the shops on the way home from work and the cam didn't shut down properly. I run it with the screen off and after shutting off the ignition the lights on the cam usually flash a few times as it shuts down (if I remember correctly). Tonight I noticed that when I turned the ignition off, the screen came back on for a few secs then went off then the lights on the cam slowly faded out.

what car do you have and how is it wired?
what car do you have and how is it wired?
Hi jokkin, it's a (nearly) 4 month old Ford Focus LZ. Its hardwired using the power adapter that came with the GC connected to a female cigarette power socket that then connects to 12V using a fuse-tap to an ignition switched fuse in the fuse box under the dash.
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Hi jokkin, it's a (nearly) 4 month old Ford Focus LZ. Its hardwired using the power adapter that came with the GC connected to a female cigarette power socket that then connects to 12V using a fuse-tap to an ignition switched fuse in the fuse box under the dash.

is it an a circuit that comes on with accessories or only with ignition?