Street Guardian SGGCX2 – (2018 New Model)

Summer is coming :cool:
My home town can fit in a Minsk back yard or maybe a industrial area.

And far less light at night.
Now to see if i can remember to change the plate stamp when i set off in a few hours to do a little work on my RC car, that is if my old place of work will let me borrow their shop, which i think they will cuz i never burn bridges behind me.
Dont you just love these bright summer nights, still a little light at 10 in the evening and the sun come up again in a few hours.
We had a little more blue sky today, still 30 degrees.
Please send more good weather north-east
But the Belarus trucker that yesterday went the wrong way on the motorway and extremely drunk, him we will be returning :giggle:
Is that with or out without the CPL?
That Video Quality looks pretty good to me ... I'd be happy with that.(y)
Now to watch the Vid a little further up the page to check night time Quality

Same query as Mikk (above) re: CPL esp in night footage.
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I really liked the effectiveness of the CPL on the VicoVation I had which was better than the CPL on the VIOFOs I am now using. Tbf ...The Vicos are quite a bit more expensive, so you'd expect them to be better quality and more effective.
I'd pay the extra for a better one. I use CPL's day and night and wouldn't run a Cam without one these days.