Suction cup mount for SG9665GC

EDIT (April 2018)

A new suction-cup mount option is now available for the SGGCX2, SG9663DC, SG9665GC V1, V2, V3, & V4
  • A great temporary mount while on vacation or when switching vehicles often.





The description says it is for Panorama G, but I see it has the same square contact as the SG9665GC. Can I used this to mount the SG9665GC so I don't have to use adhesive mount? Thanks!

I just tried it, nope the slot on the GC is too big.

Your best hope for a suction cup mount is this:

If you have multiple cars, best to use the spare mount that comes with it. You can also try sticking the spare mount to the included 3M Static Sticker
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Thanks for the clarification and additional info. I am not happy with the solutions there. I have a follow up question:
Can the cap with the wrong-size square be twisted off the suction mount?
If so, I can remove it and superglue the spare mount onto it.

I am concerned with using the adhesive on windshield because removal procedure seems messy and may damage the glass if not done carefully.

So far, the closest alternative I found was the combination of the following two pieces:
Ideally, if StreetGuardian can offer a suction cup mount similar to:
then it would make a huge difference to the consumers like me. Not having the option of using a suction cup mount makes it a very frustrating shopping experience. I literally spent days researching for the right solution. From the links above, I think others out there have also done the same.
Thanks for the clarification and additional info. I am not happy with the solutions there. I have a follow up question:
Can the cap with the wrong-size square be twisted off the suction mount?
If so, I can remove it and superglue the spare mount onto it.

I am concerned with using the adhesive on windshield because removal procedure seems messy and may damage the glass if not done carefully.

So far, the closest alternative I found was the combination of the following two pieces:
Ideally, if StreetGuardian can offer a suction cup mount similar to:
then it would make things so much better. I literally spent days researching for the right solution. From the links above, I think others out there have also done the same.

The "cap" on the PANOGSK only click swivels around and around. You could hack saw off the T-peg or potentially forcibly pop off the cap/carousel. It might make for an interesting DIY project, but not sure how suitable that would be long term.

The 3M VHB adhesive is not all that permanent. It's not like the cheap chinese generic "glue" adhesive no name stickers that are a nightmare to scrape off the glass. (fake non 3M adhesive pads are terrible) Authentic 3M VHB is very friendly. All you do is run the string between the adhesive and the glass, done and done. (no residue).

The Amazon suction looks interesting, but you're better off finding one that has the secondary clamp down double suction.

Keep researching, we're always interested in providing more options.
I am concerned with using the adhesive on windshield because removal procedure seems messy and may damage the glass if not done carefully.

the adhesive works by surface tension, it can be a challenge to get it to move initially (you just saw through it with a bit of string, we even provide the string), once it gets a bit of air under it though it's not hard to get off, it will not damage the glass and is easily cleaned off
The "cap" on the PANOGSK only click swivels around and around. You could hack saw off the T-peg or potentially forcibly pop off the cap/carousel. It might make for an interesting DIY project, but not sure how suitable that would be long term.

I need to find a flat plate that is slightly larger than the spare mount. It looks like this: you please tell me the exact dimension of the spare mount? Thanks!
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Thanks for the detailed specs, much appreciated!
I found a working suction cup solution: A suction cup with a flat surface. It will be the best of both worlds: the advantage of the solid mount and the flexibility of the suction mount.

The parts can be bought from for $7.58:
The part's surface is a little curved in, so I stacked up a couple layers of double sided tape. Tried in my car today and worked very well.

In addition, the suctions cup adds about half an inch of space between the unit and the windshield, a space can be used to add filters, or other DIY lens hoods to further improve the image quality of the video.


I found a working suction cup solution...

Why mount it so far down the windscreen? There appears to be plenty of room to mount it closer to the rooflining, where it'll be better shielded from view by the rear view mirror.
Why mount it so far down the windscreen? There appears to be plenty of room to mount it closer to the rooflining, where it'll be better shielded from view by the rear view mirror.

The reason is image quality. After watching many SG9665GC videos on YouTube, I noticed that when the dashcam is positioned near the top, the camera has to bent downward in order to get 1/3 sky and 2/3 road into the picture. But due to its wide angle lens, bending at this angle also included a big portion of the dashboard, along with its annoying reflections, at the bottom portion of the picture. Also the flat dashboard outline gets distorted into a big curve due to the wide angle lens. So you end up with a very unpleasant looking image with botttom 1/3 distorted.

I have not yet found the perfect solution for this, but noticed when I move downward near the center, I get a more "normal" point of view and less of the dashboard, distortion, and reflection. Below is a comparison:


the effect will vary with different vehicles, windscreen angle, how much curve in the glass, dashboard design and material but if you find something you prefer than nothing wrong with that
The reason is image quality...
The two photos are taken from different locations & angles of camera inclination. The first photo has roughly 37% above horizon. The second is more difficult to judge, but roughly 58% is above the horizon. Not a fair comparison. If the camera is angled for 1/3rd above horizon, it's almost inevitable that dash & bonnet / hood will intrude into the image, but that the higher the camera is mounted the lesser the intrusion.

Ultimately, we're recording evidence of our innocence for study by the Police &/or our Insurer, not shooting a remake of Vanishing Point. An Insurance Claims Handler couldn't care less about screen reflections or how much dash is visible ... he/she is thrilled to have proof that the third party is to blame.

The real problem with your setup is that you've taken a discreet camera (when mounted at the top of the screen so it looks like OEM equipment), & made it obvious to opportunist thieves with a conspicuous suction mount & mounting location. Good luck with it, but you're inviting it's theft :eek:
No matter where it's mounted stick to the 40/60 rule.
40% sky maximum
60% road cars dash
This will allow a dashcam to handle auto exposure correction best.
Dashcam is named dashcam, not video camera. :D
The more dash you get in the FOV, the better it is in case someone hits you as it covers the sides of hood better.
But if the plan is to use as video camera and enjoy the footage, yes, mounting further down or even using like GoPro dash stands will have better looking footage.

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Thanks Russ331, Pier28, and Sunny for the useful advice. I am still quite new into using DashCams (so far only 2 days) and will take your suggestions into consideration. Much appreciated!