The brain dead should not hold a license


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2015
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Dash Cam
Front: 70MAI , Ausdom A261, Mini 0826 , Rear: A118c
No argument from this guy, i captures one of the same idiots today along with the aftermath od a spinout in a turn, and people was just stopped there and did nothing to warn other traffic approaching the same turn.

The spinout is on a 80 km/h highway with a recommended turn speed there of 60 km/h, i often go thru there doing the 80 km/h as its not really a problem at least on a dry road.

The guy running a red light did have a green arrow but that was long gone when he got there, plus he was one of those dumb asses running with his fog lights on all the time.

That compilation video is perfect proof that red light cameras don't work. I'm sure at most, if not all of those intersections there were signs warning drivers of the cameras. So why did they choose to run a solid red light, and in the process total their vehicles? Simple. The didn't. They didn't try to beat the light (like most fractional red-light runners). They simply did not see it. Whether sleep, distracted, drunk, or otherwise impaired, the cameras made ZERO difference.

Yet, videos like this are shown to city councils across the US as proof why they need the cameras. They somehow prevent accidents like this. No. They do provide entertaining forensic evidence AFTER the crash occurred, but they did nothing to prevent them.

What they do accomplish is ticketing fractional red-light runners - those who deliberately try to beat the light, but miss it by less than a second. Those "fractional runners" pose zero safety risk since they are well within the ALL-RED period by the time the clear the intersection. But those are the ones who are ticketed... And rightfully so.

The other thing these cameras do is turn the yellow cycle into an all-out PANIC stop for some motorists. That's a recipe for disaster when the trailing vehicle is bigger, heavier, and has a longer stopping distance - who is not expecting the driver ahead of him to slam on the brakes the instant the light turns yellow.

Another (debatably) well-intentioned .gov action that does nothing to stop the intended ailment (redlight crashes), and instead increases the potential for accidents. Many FL cities have broken their contracts with the various camera vendors to have the cameras removed. Ironically, not because of safety (even though an increasing number of studies now proves accident rates increase at camera intersections), but because the ticket revenue guarantees are falling well short of contract minimums - costing cities millions of dollars. And how many politicians are held accountable?
Police just announced here that in the new year they will clamp down on speeders, but how will they do that when most cops are working the borders now and standing armed guard the most strange places.
Sure they have the new speed trap vans, but i assume they are out on the road making money every day anyway, if not they should be or it will again have been a poor usage of taxpayer money.

Anyways, as we all know speeders will not be stopped by fines, at least not fines as we know them now.
Just like you will not stop alcoholics from driving with fines and in the end confiscation of their car, they will just get a new cheap car and drive on with no license and no insurance as we also see in just about any Danish COP program on TV.

I know what will stop them.
Denmark have lots of small and empty islands, send the dumbasses out there, and let them stay for ever.
We need our own Guantanamo, every country need that in this day and age.

2016 have seen a rise in the number of people killed on the Danish roads, and at once there is a panic attack among people with their hands on taxpayer money.