The Definitive [Xiaomi Yi RAW] Guide

you cant take raw files in that short intervals.. thats the first problem, camera is not that fast, plus your card is not that fast I guess
second, when you use script to take raw files, and set incamera timelapse , files will be always corrupt ( tested it myself ) , only way to take raw files for tamelapse is script on loop , meaning when you turn on camera, it starts taking files till you turn it off, then you will not get corrupted raw files, lowest setting is 5 sec ( taht I tested and works for me )

sleep 7
t app test debug_dump 14
sleep 1
#MAIN LOOP thanx VOTerra
while true
t app key shutter
sleep 5
rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.jpg
You are right... These smaller RAWs (~13mb) are useless.

As i need to take shots in 1 to 2 sec intervals i guess i need to stay with the regular JPGs.

Is there anything i can do to get more detailed photos and reduce this watercolor efect? Any script?

The goal is to use them with Pix4D.

Thank you for the help.
there are some scripts about jpg, but to tell you the truth I wasnt paying attention to them, you wil lhave to look around this forum, there is for sure more info about jpg and watercolor effect.. I just dont remember where
the smaller raws can be fixed. they are compressed. we only need to know how to decompress them, then they will turn into standard RAWs.
yeah, well.. till then. .they are useless :D
yeah just archive them if you make one accidentally, you might just one day get to see it :-P
Can't get the Lightroom camera profile to work.
I put it here: C:\Users\[ME]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\LensProfiles\1.0
But it's not showing up in Lightroom (CC2015)?!

Any ideas on that? Should be in "Lens Correction" under "Profiles", right?

EDIT: Ok, got it, it only works with the RAW files not with the jpegs. Too bad but that's probably how it's supposed to be...
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yeah, one could make a jpeg profile, I have never tried though. also mind that the vignette correction is a little overkill. 40% of my profile is enough as you will see.
you cant take raw files in that short intervals.. thats the first problem, camera is not that fast, plus your card is not that fast I guess
second, when you use script to take raw files, and set incamera timelapse , files will be always corrupt ( tested it myself ) , only way to take raw files for tamelapse is script on loop , meaning when you turn on camera, it starts taking files till you turn it off, then you will not get corrupted raw files, lowest setting is 5 sec ( taht I tested and works for me )

sleep 7
t app test debug_dump 14
sleep 1
#MAIN LOOP thanx VOTerra
while true
t app key shutter
sleep 5
rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*.jpg

Thank you Tokra for this script. Id like to disable jogs but the same way do nor rename the folder because this is delate my proves raws which Id like to keep.
How to decibel jogs only?
BTW RAWs for OSX +1

Thanks for this.

I'm on a Mac, and made use of the XYC utility to create Raw files. I spent hours last night trying every RAW processing utility for the Mac and none can deal with the Xiaomi Yi raw files.

Thanks for the raw2dng and file setup - worked great for me.
how did you convert RAW files on OSX. Please share with us ...

@Dan99c - sorry to get your hopes up. What I neglected to mention in my post is that I used raw2dng on my work PC.

I tried using so many other osx apps to convert the raw file - but no luck with any of them.

One tool I did find was this osx raw2dng utility. I could get it to run, and thought I was close, but it didn't recognise the Xiaomi raw file.
I have the "unsupported format" error with Raw2DNG and my raw files are 23Mb (instead of 31Mb right ?) so what i do wrong ?
Here is my autoexec.ash :
#enable raw+jpeg stills
t app test debug_dump 14
sleep 9
I was having issues with the originally provided RAW_Correct .bat script. When I tried to drag and drop more than 100+ RAW files onto the .bat script nothing would happen..

This script needs to be in the same directory as exiftool and all you need to do is execute it!

This script will find all .dng files in the directory and apply the correction to them.


There is another way of creating raw files with autoexec.ash script:
t cal -raw [mode] [count] [compress]: raw caputre
    mode = [0..8], 0:VIDEO
                  2:LOW-ISO STILL
                  3:HIGH-ISO STILL
                  4:MID-ISO STILL
                  5:LOW-ISO MULTI-CAP STILL
                  6:HIGH-ISO MULTI-CAP STILL
                  7:MID-ISO MULTI-CAP STILL
                  8:MULTI-FRAME HIGH-ISO CAPTURE (old pipe only)
                  9:VIDEO HDR(dump Raw, idsp config only)
    count = number of pictures to capture
    compress = [0, 1] optional, capture and dump the compressed raw

I have tested mode = 8 and it works fine.
I wish this worked... I have tried MANY methods of both taking (it takes raw) and converting and had NO success Converting.
I am running OS X 10.11 El Capitan And Prior 10.10 Yosemite.
I have used the following to capture RAW:
1) t cal -raw 8 1 0
2)t cal -raw 4 1 0
3)t app test debug_dump 14

I have tried RAW2DNG in both Mac and Windows to no avail despite both having the Xiaomi Yi listed in them
All I get is "error: unsupported format"
I have been over every forum.... no answers to this yet.
This is a RAW and the exif jpeg for anyone to try.

Here is a second set that for some reason uses 2 jpegs for exif but has same error

Good Luck
Xiaomi Yi - YDXJ01XY
Firmware Version - 1.2.13
Model - YDXJ_v22
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Uh oh. I just shot a timelapse with the raw photo option enabled in a script. It gave me 713 13MB raw files and a bunch of crappy jpegs. From what I am reading here, those raw files are 8+GB of uselessness?

That is really sad. Any info on how to fix them?
"error: unsupported format"

I solved this error by creating files at the maximum possible resolution (4:3)

and unluckily the raw files then are still looking horrible and you cannot really use them