The F750 Captured it, as advertised

Unfortunately your video requires Flash Player to view. I do not (and do not wish to) have Flash Player on my devices. Is there any way you could post your video to a site that uses HTML5 video please?

Thank you and cheers
Sorry but I'm not that tech savvy.

It works for me, and the other 43 people that viewed it.
Not using Flash Player is your choice, and the resulting short comings.
Not being nasty, but cannot justify research and change for 2.2% of the viewers.

Sorry but I'm not that tech savvy.

It works for me, and the other 43 people that viewed it.
Not using Flash Player is your choice, and the resulting short comings.
Not being nasty, but cannot justify research and change for 2.2% of the viewers.

You could make an account at better quality videos, and better place to place your videos as you can have them public\ non public or password protected. :)
Flash is a dead plugin that is being removed from most browsers pretty soon.

Anyway. its nice to have a dashcam when you get into an accident!
It was an incident similar to that which prompted me to install my dashcam. Fortunately since I've had my F750 there haven't been no incidents worth sharing :)
Okay, here's the YouTube version

I see you've been in 'contact' with yet another member of the "one-delta-ten-tango" club :p Hope the damage was minor and the settlement goes fast and easy.

Unfortunately your video requires Flash Player to view. I do not (and do not wish to) have Flash Player on my devices. Is there any way you could post your video to a site that uses HTML5 video please?

Thank you and cheers
Nice capture.
I been hit 2 times with 30 yeas in between, if that keep up i can live with it, but otherwise i have more than a handful of cameras in my car.

Its a good idea to not be a dumbass around my car, hitting my car or not your foolishness will be exposed for the world to see, even if its illegal for me to expose you.
Can I ask the age of the human in the Corolla?

67 years old.

You can see that he was looking to the right for traffic, and turning left.
