The G1W Sellers listing.

Which of these sellers are located in the USA and the product comes from the USA?
USA and the product comes from the USA?
SpyTec, which is in the US
This I have gotten my Vicovation cameras and my C3 off of them. You should buy through their website though because a lot of sellers on Amazon have hijacked the listing they created.

The listing still says By SpyTec ships from USA but if you look at the list of sellers they are no longer there.
Here is their official site listing.
ok,we will also stock some newest version legal G1W for sale soon this week
Is eStore009 best for firmware support? if not, who is?

Talk to whoever you bought it from, there are many versions of this same looking camera and not all firmware is compatible between them


Need to order a few more, this time I want to go with vendors who offer firmware support.

Is Estore009 is better or Gearbest?
Hard to say, Chinese sellers don't normally do anything beyond very basic support if at all, firmware updates are not really their thing
Is Estore009 is better or Gearbest?

While I have had no problems with GearBest talking in terms of firmware support my G1W from eStore is over a year old and still working and I have flashed every firmware from the other thread with no issues
Anyone know where I can buy the G1W-CB?
I'm just curious...
are you sure BangGood is a safe bet for g1w ?
Please take a look at this review:

what do you think?

another strange thing, how come G1W is more expansive than G1W-C?

another +1 to eStore009 as I bought G1W one year ago.... and it still works great!
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Our webshop Safeye is selling the G1W too in Europe. It's the original one with the NT96650 / AR0330 :-) Maybe interesting.
Got a fake G1W-C from Amazon seller URSmart LLC (in correct box listing correct processor, but video was in AVI format, MJPEG). Seller was on Amazon Prime, no less. Sent camera back, Amazon refunded the money
Got a fake G1W-C from Amazon seller URSmart LLC (in correct box listing correct processor, but video was in AVI format, MJPEG). Seller was on Amazon Prime, no less. Sent camera back, Amazon refunded the money
sucks you got a fake, but thanks for sharing the info with us so we can avoid that seller. also good that amazon refunded so easily.
I had noticed quite a few threads talking about what's real and what is fake. I have combed through a bit and made a quick list to help others from falling to the fate of getting a fake G1W

Everything on this list has been confirmed by a member here.

Safe Bets
eStore009 I personally bought my G1W off of them over a year ago
GearBest I have gotten other cameras off of them.
SpyTec I have gotten other cameras off of them
banggood A lot of other users have bought off of them
FoxOffer A lot of other users have bought off of them

Confirmed by a few members as legit.
KeepInGame Few users confirmed real deal
dreamlover2013 confirmed by scrappy
jingjiniao20070922 confirmed by bebop
easyshopping20142014 confirmed by Alvine9x (Currently out of Stock)

Stay Away


Stay Away

Sport Fort


I'm a little lost. What should I be looking for?

It can be a little harder to tell before hand what you are getting if you are buying from someone not listed here because some but not all sellers are dishonest to move product and others honestly don't know they have the lower end device or might have even been mislead by a supplier or orders get mixed up. It happens as well.

If you are looking before buying

All legit G1W cameras have an HDMI port, but be careful knock offs can too.
All legit G1W cameras have the NT96650 processor

Don't ask the seller Does the camera have the NT96650 processor
Ask the seller what kind of processor does the camera have
This way instead of them assuming you know what you are talking about and just saying yes they have to look.

Whoops! I already bought one before I noticed this thread. How do I tell if I have the real deal?

Besides making sure it has an HDMI port it is really easy to tell if you have the real deal in your hand.
The most easy way it to download Registrator Viewer open a file created by the camera in it and make sure it is in .mov format and has 30FPS.
Lower end models record in .avi and do 25 FPS in 1080P mode.

Real G1W

Should say .mov format

Knock off

Picture credits Mtz

Yes,If you bought BLUESKYSEA Logo B40 from us Estore009 Or other stores on Ebay and Amazon,you are feel free to contact us Estore009 for sale-after service,and we offer software for update indeed or warranty also! Regards,Vicky
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Just to add another seller to the list.....I received my G1WH today which appears to be the real thing.
Ordered off Amazon late on Monday afternoon. Tuesday morning at 8am I received an email from Amazon telling me it was out for delivery. The delivery driver handed me the parcel at 6pm, just a little over 24 hours after ordering. The camera arrived well packed and is a 'Monkon' G1WH, the sellers were ukjerryshopping. The enclosed user manual was quite sufficient and easy enough to follow with regards settings etc. After charging the battery, carrying out a card format and adjusting the settings, I checked the file information from a short clip that I had taken in the house, and as I say, all indications (MOV etc.) are that the camera is what I had hoped for. I'll be installing it in my car in the morning before having a drive out when I can give it a decent test.
I recently received a testamonial message via Skype from one of the sale guys at ShenZhen Dome Technology Co Ltd. He certifies and assures me that GearBest are one of their agents/sellers.
This is where I recently purchased my G1WH camera.
I can honestly say that the support from GearBest is very good and the camera arrived with the G1WH-DA380-2014.11.28.03 firmware which appears to be stable and works well.

There is an updated firmware G1WH_DA380_2015.01.21.01 which I have included in another post which can be downloaded from here.
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Also posted this in the 'Vendor Review' forum:

Recently purchased 2 "Black Box" branded G1W-H from Black Box fulfilled by Amazon. I purchased through Amazon in case I needed to return them for any reason and that would be easier than an international return. They arrived today and appear to be 100% legitimate and working properly.

Both record MOV format at 30 FPS, 1080FHD.
Files are identified as NOVATEK 96650.
Firmware version 2014.8.18
Camera lens is f1.6 (don't know how this compares to other brands/sellers)
Both cameras had '3 bars' for battery level when they arrived after 6 days in transit.
The suction mount I received was different than pictured above in that it has a ball mount allowing for greater flexibility. (Although I'll be using a mirror mount instead.)

I'm using PNY 32GB class 10 cards in both and haven't noticed any issues in a couple hours of testing and playing around.

One difference I noticed from other information on this forum is the 'start up' and 'shut down' image on the screen is the "Black Box" logo versus images of various cars. This indicates to me that they have firmware that's custom to "Black Box".

Prior to ordering I exchanged a couple of emails with the vendor and their response was quick and professional.