the RC (radio control) and electric rideables thread

just had my maiden voyage with the phantom 3 standard that replaced my phantom 1. it's so much more stable.

P3S by nestor panelo, on Flickr

My friend just got a Axial wraith ( 4x4 car ) and one of those small walkera quad racers.
The little walkera quad is just able to take the 2800 mah batteries he got 10 of for his phantom 1

Quadcopters seem to be a popular xmas wish her, a lot of them have flown off the shelves lately.
If you live in the states, make sure you're a good compliant citizen, and register at the FAA on Monday. Any aircraft over .55 lbs. will require mandatory operator registration. Land of the Free!! RA RA!!
i'm torn on the UAV registration requirement. they allow you to register your entire "fleet" of rc crafts under one registration. and they're waiving the fee till february. but the fact that they're expecting everyone to register by february and aren't making it public is a little disingenuine. enforcement will be a joke. people who want to break the laws will continue to do so, just like with failed gun registration laws (note that texas doesn't have gun registration). law abiding citizens can register all they want and all it will do is give free money to the gov't, while the criminals will never register and will continue to break the laws.

we're required to register our cars too, but the potential for damage and injury with a car is WAY higher than with an RC plane/quad/etc. i'll probably register mine when it arrives (apparently it's in US customs right now after it came from china)... but only because it's free. i'd planned on putting my name and phone number on it anyway in case i crash it somewhere out of sight and can't find it. maybe i'll make up a fake little Texas license plate for it. :D
edit: that was easy courtesy of
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I need to register two out of four due to the weight criteria but haven't flown them since last month or two due to snow and cold.
Simple rules here and no need to register your quadcopter yet

Largest fine you can get as a private operator is 5000 DKkr, thats about the price of a entry level phantom 2 quadcopter.

New rules have just been passed for professional operators making the Danish Drone center even more attractive for pro operators like Boing and so on.

DK rules for private quadcopter pilots.

At least 8 Km from millitary airport
At least 5 km fron comercial airport
At least 150 M from buildings
At least 200 M from accident site
At least 150 M from any major road
At least 150 M from any house owned by the royal famely
Maximul altitude 100 M

If your quadcopter is more then 7 Kg you have to fly at a dedicated RC airport ( 25 Kg max )

You are allso not allowed to fly over ppl in any numbers.
And if you have camera on the quadcopter you are not allowed to film private property, or ppl in any public space ( the latter beeing strange as its okat for me to film ppl in a public place with my dashcam )
You always have to be able to see the quadcopter, even if you fly FPV

There is most likely even more rules here, but the above is what i can come up with diggin in the codwebs of my mind.

Offcourse all of this rules are broken by all quadcopter operators in Denmark, just like so many other rules is broken in other regards ( like traffic for instance )

As long as nobody complain a lot of things seem to be allright, and if you do complain ( call the cops ) you might be told to take a chill pill and get back to us at a later date.

Largest fine here to date was given to some guy flying his camera equipped quadcopter in a suburb ( FPV ) filming thry PPLs windows, the fine was 3500 DKkr ( no gear confiscated )

Still dont like it when quadcopters are named drones, but i can live with if its a quadcopter with camera and FPV gear on it.
Drone for me indicate a higher level of vehicle and a pro operator like army/navy ASO.
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The is so boffed, you can read it 5 times and come away with 5 different interpretations. But, the consensus at several forums is that only the operator has to register. Upon doing so, they receive a unique registration number that is then affixed to each aircraft that meets the criteria for registration.

My only question is this: What good does this do for the drone operator, the public in general, or aviation safety as a whole. My answer is ABSOLUTELY NONE. Add to that, if the FAA handles this database like they do all others, the information retained will likely be publicly searchable (as a matter of public record). They claim that is not the case in their privacy section, but elsewhere in the FAQ, they list a primary benefit of the registration process as being able to reunite lost aircraft with their owners. Thus, if I find a drone in the woods, and it has a registration number, how does that happen without revealing the owner's information.

Anyway, those people who fly recklessly - i.e. in the landing pattern of manned aircraft, over stadiums, or onto the White House lawn, do you think they will register? And even if they do, if the drone gets sucked through the jet engine of a commercial airliner, how legible do you think the registration number will be? Same if they use it to deliver a payload of explosives to a stadium or other political event.

What it DOES do, however, is give local law enforcement the right to now harass every legitimate, honest, legal drone operator for paperwork - even if they're flying over their own (or otherwise approved) property. Currently, you do not have to talk to anyone when you fly. Now, if you don't, or you don't have proof of registration, you could face $27.5k in fines, or 5 years in prison.

I get that politicians want to appear to be doing something about the neighbor with that pervy spying drone. But the reality is, this registration process is the proverbial camel's nose under the tent. $5 for 3 years. Right now. What if it becomes $100/yr per drone? There is literally NOTHING that will stop that from happening. With a database of registered operators, should some nefarious actor use a drone to assassinate a high-power VIP politician, how quickly will that database be used to confiscate equipment?

It is clear to me that government absolutely does no like citizens who have the ability to put their own set of eyes in the sky. Fly near a crime scene, a DUI checkpoint, or the scene of an accident, and already government actors intimidate, harass, and issue illegal orders to ground the craft. All this does is give them more control over who can watch of them. This has as much to do with safety as the Patriot Act has to do with patriotic Constitutional protections.
Yeah. some ppl ( those in goverment ) forget that you can not legislate your way out of everything, or rather you can do that, but then you have to turn the whole country into some police state dictatorship.
This is true not least when dealing with stupid, to deal with that you have to use drastic legislative mesures.
Mesures that will be hard to stomac for most ppl, but thats really what you have to do dealing with stupid.
With stupid you have to go case by case, and live with it as many do, and then pray the legislative body of you country have made laws to take out the really stupid ones.
But the everyday stupid ppl :rolleyes: i am affraid we all just have to live with those and do our best to ignore them ( though i know its damm hard to do )

If i had a house where a quadcopter came visiting all the time, i would do somthing about it myself, just like i am sure most americans would do, and have better legal means of dealing with.
Most other Danes would be screwed in that regard as all they can do is call the cops, and here they are downsized too much to bother with a low flying quadcopter.
Here if you buy a piece of land and build a house on it, its still not really your land, there is still a vast multitude of things you can not do with the land you own.
The same is proberly the case in the US but to a much lesser degree as i undestand it.
Even if you owned the whole upper 1/3 of the Jutland peninsula you would still not be allowed to fly your quadcopter over 100 M.
To legally go above 100 M in Denmark you would have to own a really tall house and fly indoore.

We allready had a near miss on the glideslope to a airport here, sadly that quadcopter operator was never busted, and sadly we dont have legal mesures here to deal with a stupid person in that caliber.

As it is you can get off with a 5000 DKkr fine for flying your quadcopter into the engine of a landing Boing dreamliner.

Okay maybe a little jail time too, but i can not with my knowlege of screwed Danish legislation see it would amass to more than 1 year ( the norm for killing 1 person is 12 years here )
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i'm trying out a new iphone video editing app:

Okay the use the "D" word i dont like, but this is still pretty damm cool.

i don't mind the name UAV, but drone is easier to say, so that's what the mainstream latched onto.

that was pretty neat, and i liked the arrangement as well - a little synth thrown in to spice it up some from the standard performance of that song that everyone's heard a million times.

here's something perhaps a little more "productive" using multicopters. :D


hehe yeah that beerlift thing have been going for some years i think, and it is a worth wile job for a quadcopter.
here's my vacation vid. I was flying a bit timidly as this was my first time flying over water. skip to 3:05 for the aerial shots.

One of the first things my friend did was put his phantom 1 over water.

I need to register two out of four due to the weight criteria but haven't flown them since last month or two due to snow and cold.
Didn't stop me when I was visiting Colorado over Christmas... :D

side note - the Git2 will survive a fall from this height while attached to a quadcopter and in the waterproof case. at least, it did when it landed in a snow drift next to the house.
I've never been very good at video editing but I'm playing around with color correction a little bit on this one.

I would be afraid that at that height and that distance, it would get caught by the wind and I'd be out several hundred bucks just like that.