the RC (radio control) and electric rideables thread


I hope to be reviewing this one early 2018 ...

The multi protocol modules are not that expensive if you have a transmitter they can plug into ... ( 9x type module )
Thats a sweet little joypad TX there, but i really want to move over to a pistol Tx as it is after cars i deal with.
But for some strange reason pistol Tx radios with many channels are extremely expensive compared to stick radios that have more mechanical parts.

I just dont get it.
Yeah ! , there are a few ( or were ) car transmitters that were not overly $$ ..
I think Flysky makes a few , but I am seeing fewer car transmitters these days .. ( ?? ) Perhaps the market is shrinking !
Yeah ! , there are a few ( or were ) car transmitters that were not overly $$ ..
I think Flysky makes a few , but I am seeing fewer car transmitters these days .. ( ?? ) Perhaps the market is shrinking !

yup. i got my GT3B for $30 shipped IIRC. it has a bunch of programmable settings that make it pretty good for speed or crawl purposes.
I was surprised to see throttle and steering rate adjustment knobs on the Remo tx. I can turn it down and feel safe giving it to my 5 year old son who doesn't understand that you should NOT actually crash into things as fast as possible, no matter how cool it might look. :P

Then again, he's getting this for Christmas. Actually larger than my truck but no suspension and only 2wd.
I think Flysky makes a few

Yeah i found one at BG, god awfull looking and its a 3 or 4 channel expanded to 8 channels, and its only 80 or so bucks so not bad at all, and the looks i can live with as i am looking at my car when driving and not the radio.

Thats all together different than the 500 USD pricetag for a nice futaba with 7 channels.

Will probably have to grab that one some time next year, but first order of the day are the new body, and then i can start modding.

My DLG came today .... :)
Hehe yeah the guys getting out of here had a hard time giving up some things, in parts of America they formed colonies of Danes, so we / they absorbed slowly into American society, though i think that's the case for all new Americans.
These were common in rural areas here because poor farming families could afford nothing else, and even if they could it meant a trip to town which could take half a day or more. But everyone had some sugar and some rags ;) People today don't realize how good a life we have. A hundred years ago most of the world population worked from sunup to sundown 6-7 days a week for just the barest essentials in life, and you created whatever you needed instead of buying it. Life wasn't easy back then :whistle:

When a child my little sister got juice and so on in her bottle, making her first set of teeth look as if she was a hardcore crack addict.

Yep you really have to be careful whining in this day and age.
Not long ago farmers would walk all day with a pitch fork beside a horse drawn cart and throw 2 x 2 x 4 feet hay bales 16 feet into the air for the guy up there to catch and stack neatly, today repetitive lifts over 20 kilos are not allowed.
I knew a real farm kid when i was young, he could trow adults around like toys and he was just 15.
Just depends where on the social ladder you were ! ( As to how hard life was )
Life is always hardest for those on the bottom , and unless you have been at the bottom most people simply don't have a clue !
And if you think you have been at the bottom ? , better double check to see which bottom you reached ..
Because the real bottom is a true hell hole , even today in this time of awesomeness !
We Danes are quite protected, but still there are vast differences between the low incomes and the top ones.
So protected that up until lately there was little reason for a person with no education to take a job as it would only mean a slightly larger income, and i can testify to that though i have several educations i have some times been in jobs that only gave me 10% or so more in income Vs getting unemployment support.
And people have said to me why have that job its a joke.
But even for the guys that never gotten as far as being able to get unemployment support still got so much in welfare that working just seemed stupid, and that really piss me off that people that's at least have tried and had some dedication towards Danish society get so little more ( less in cases ) than a ( excuse my choice of words ) parasite than never worked a single day.

We really need sanctions towards those people to protect society against them, at least the expense of society, cuz feeding and housing like we do now are unsustainable and waste of tax funds we never really been able to afford as a society.

It use to be you actually had to work hard to get to a place where you was living in a cardboard box and your ride was a shopping trolly, sadly it is far more easy to get to that state now, but no wonder its like that now when we just throw money at people with no interests of being part of regular society.

As i see it at least 100.000 people here need to get a severe motivation treatment, and i mean severe to the highers degree, poor houses are on my list with these people to feed and house them as cheap as possible.

And still a warm bed to sleep in clothe on the back and 3 square meals a day that what many truly poor people in the world can only dream about, but here it would save us one helluva lot of money.
And all the help they would need if they want to play ball with the rest of us, i am not talking about abandoning anyone and just forget them that would be so wrong.
Test run with the WLtoys A979-4. I really like it as it's a A959 (50km/h version) with large and soft tires, has better ground clearance and it won't roll or flip easy.

Fun fun fun ....
I have a spare FPV camera I just modified to run of a external lipo ...
Put it in my WL crawler .. ( FPV )
Just waiting on goggles form Hobbyking ..
Hmmm , had so much wind lately , tempted to go another buggy or truck
Driving FPV are so weird,,,,, and cool too, but it is very easy to loose your direction, i once did and the car was just out of hearing range.
After a few turns here and there and no trail or anything to follow in the small pine plantation i was lost ( no GPS or such just video feed )

A Australian guy named wobbu01 on youtube made some awsome videos and some of them quite long range drives.

Sadly he seem to have dropped out so havent seen anything new from him.
I took it for a drive in the back yard ...
The camera is a bit old tech , it worked but was slow to adjust to changing light ...
Also the camera has a SD card slot , I might try and get SD recording working ...
There are some signal wires , if I hot wire them ? Will the cam die or record video ? ( Hmmmm )



