Took my 0806 for a mini test

Thank you for the link Raven, I only stumbled on it by chance at the end of last week, and see I’m not the only one

I’ve tackled this from a different angle but hopefully with the same or better results

as I/we have discovered the DVR rocking in an up down motion, sea-saw like


after taking a look at the mount, I thought if I wedge some material (card like) in the gap between the DVR body and the mount, hoping this will eliminate the sea-saw rocking.


I’ve not yet got the 0806 back in the car to test it out but will do sometime this week and report back

I ended up wedging a cable tie in the gap, the cable tie is just thick enough to give slight friction when I slipped it in the gap, it can be pulled out with only slight friction. if this does’t work then looks like I’ll have to get out my craft knife and follow Niko’s instructions

one thing with the method I’m using, unless I glue the cable tie either to the body of the DVR or to the bottom of the GPS mount but not both, (I don’t plan to but) every time DVR is slipped out of its mount, the cable tie will be lost on the floor of the car

here are a few images showing the cable tie in the gap, if it does work then I’ll trim it, but for now I’ve left it so I can pull it out easily,






also I’ve followed others in sticking a bit of tape on the micro card for ease of inserting and extracting, hopefully not shoot out the car on to the road or where I’m parked at the time

One bit of good news, after hearing that there is on some 0806’s issues with using both card slots, last night I inserted a 32GB card in slot B, the slot under the DVR and a 64GB card in the top slot A

Card choice was set to auto, and left it running yesterday morning, then in the afternoon I went back to it and took out the cards. I was hoping it would of started on slot B, easer to take the card out when the DVR is fitted to the windscreen, and it did.

when that card filled up it started on the 64GB card in slot A.

after upgrading the FW to Nigel’s FW, it uses roughly 175meg per second, about 12gig per hour so two 64gig cards should give me about 8 to 10 hours of recording

I went to Staples yesterday and got myself a portable 2TB HDD paid on’t £70 and while I was there I took a look at their micro cards, iirc the 128gig was around £100, so I skipped that for now, maybe next year they’ll come down to the same price as 32/64 gig cards
the rocking in mount dates back to the 0801, they widened the mount foot area on one of the versions, not sure if that fixed things or not though
the rocking in mount dates back to the 0801, they widened the mount foot area on one of the versions, not sure if that fixed things or not though

I will say, I do think Blackvue (pittasoft) got the mount right for their DR500GW DVR’s

I found that rotating the body of the DR500 was nice and smooth, don’t know if in time the 0806/0805 will be smooth to re position the direction of the lens

Also on the DR500GW I very much liked the solid feel to extraction or re fitting the DVR to the screen mount

some how this on both the 0805 and 0806 feel very tight and likely to cause damage to mount or DVR body if not very careful,

I’ve also noticed, re positioning the direction of the lens on both 0806/0805 there is just a tad too much friction to make me feel comfortable when turning it up or down

maybe thats why the mounting to the GPS screen mount and rotating the body is a bit tight, to eliminate the rocking, but looks like on some 0806’s its still there,

I suppose its a balancing act, keeping mini08XX as small as they can but also ironing out some issues, maybe on the next 08XX they should take a look at the mounting system they are using and change it, seeing just how small the GPS receiver is,

maybe if the body was elongated by about 3mm. the GPS receiver could fit in to the body as also the should the power mini USB, this way they can make a solid mount (like Blackvue have) without the restraints of also fitting contacts in the mount

love the 08XX DVR’s, and now I’ve tested the 0806 out with Nigel’s FW fell happy with the results it produces
Glad to hear you're making progress with your mounting issues and the memory card problem.

Unfortunately, I'm struggling with some ignition noise issues with my 0806. I'm currently in touch with SpyTec technical support, but I'm still awaiting an answer. PurpleMoon has been very helpful and even posted photos of his noise reduction solution, which uses iron ferrites and a USB adapter as opposed to a hardwire kit or the power charger that came package with the 0806. I just ordered everything I need to attempt the fix. I really wish the manufacturer would stop introducing new models and focus on getting one of them right.

You can read about the noise solution here:
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Just checked out a review of the Blackvue. Nice dash cam. Too bad it's so expensive. :)
Just checked out a review of the Blackvue. Nice dash cam. Too bad it's so expensive. :)

I got my DR500GW very soon after they came out, at the time I wasn’t aware of DCT, I went by what Pittasof (makers of the Blackvue) said about the DR500, they showed some very nice night shots the DVR would take, and the when they showed just how brilliant daytime image capture was, I was sold on it

I went out and bought one, when the postman knocked on my door, I couldn’t wait to try it out. I belong to 3 other car forums, and at the time I had a cheap 027 DVR it was I think producing 640 x * images, was ok for the price but the images on Blackvue’s web sight were light years better

after seeing the results on Blackvues site, one could say this DVR was producing broadcasting quality images

put the DVR in my car, I drove once round the block, got home looked at the footage on the computer and what utter sh*t

I remember starting threads about me getting this supper dupper DVR that I was planing on reviewing just how brilliant this DVR was, but instead I just let the threads die down without any reviews

the results were a little but not by far any better that the 027 DVR, I won’t go i to the full story now, but thanks to a Ukrainian / Russian guy on here (who like Nigel), created a better FW for the DR500, that produced images near to what the makers had advertised their DVR would capture,

later found out, in reality the DR500 could never produce what was shown on their website, because what they were selling and what they took the footage with were two different beasts , and at the time if I’m not mistaken I can’t think of many (if any) DVR’s costing as much as that DR500, they tried to pull wool over our eyes with their out and out lies so now no mater what they come out with or how good it is, I won’t be touching them with a badge pole, but thats me
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went on a long drive today and to me, it looks like that cable tie did the trick and has eliminated a good 99.9% of the rocking

the first bit of the clip I was driving around 60mph on a smooth road and no sign of rocking, the second part of the clip, I’m showing going over cobbled stone and little if any rocking at all, let’s hope it stays like this in warm weather too for my hols

and here is the mini 0805 on the back windscreen, both DVR’s have CPL filters on

quite happy with the CPL in eliminate a good majority of the reflections, if I could get rid of a bit more I’d be even more happy
I have the 0806 and the 24mm CPL filter, I have just upgraded to Nigel's Firmware and set everything to default. My question is there is a small line on the side of the CPL filter does that line up with a mark on the camera's lens as I don't see any?
I have the 0806 and the 24mm CPL filter, I have just upgraded to Nigel's Firmware and set everything to default. My question is there is a small line on the side of the CPL filter does that line up with a mark on the camera's lens as I don't see any?

No, and what's worse is that line is not relative to even the glass polarization orientation. Take any two CPL filters and you'll find that the with the line at the same spot, the polarization will be different. The best way is to simply turn the lens under the worst-case scenario (i.e. leave a sheet of white paper on the dash) and when the reflection is at the least noticeable level, you're ideal.
That sounds like a good plan of action, thank you very much.
Not happy with mine it all looks mushy and OOF particularly on the left hand side for some strange reason.
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There are many things I find to like about my mini-806 but the mounting scheme has never been one of them. The whole idea of the offset mount on the mini series has always struck me as poor design that is inherently unstable. It's no surprise that so many of us have had to come up with DIY schemes to stabilize the camera.

I would love to see a new design that supports the camera from both sides and places the GPS unit above the camera rather than next to it. This would allow the cam to be aimed up and down and it would be on a mount that swivels for a horizontal left/right adjustment. Basically, it would be a mini-8xx camera with a built in gimbal which would avoid all these vibration problems.

This graphic is very primitive but it would look something like this.

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I love your idea!

You know this is so ironic. I watched a documentary last night about the Lego company. One of the things I admire about Lego is that, after many years of arrogance, they realized that their engineers weren't the smartest or most creative people on the planet. The decided to adopt a new policy of really listening to customer feedback and forums like this to improve their products. Guess what? It worked! Today, they are one, if not the most, successful toy company in the world.
I love your idea!

You know this is so ironic. I watched a documentary last night about the Lego company. One of the things I admire about Lego is that, after many years of arrogance, they realized that their engineers weren't the smartest or most creative people on the planet. The decided to adopt a new policy of really listening to customer feedback and forums like this to improve their products. Guess what? It worked! Today, they are one, if not the most, successful toy company in the world.

I recently saw that documentary too. You're quite right! Not so sure if many of the Chinese manufacturers are quite so open to self examination but there's hope. Some manufacturers do seems to be receptive to customer feedback now and again. :)
@RavenManiac thank you, I solved my issue of getting a rocking motion from the 0806 due to the ill designed mount that interacts with the body of the DVR, they may have solved the connection from getting loose but the design on the mount is or can be a big let down if like me you discover the rocking motion

this is how I solved my issue

a cable mount was wedged at the mounting section and then to counter act that I had to wedge a foam at the other end an, I am not a designer by any stretch of ones imagination and can be seen, what a let down when people see this DVR and I explain why its bodged up like it is

but surely people that handle the material its made of day in day out would take less than 3 minutes to see this is a very weak point, I am sure they (whoever agreed with this design) went with style above function when it came to its implementation

I had noting but hassle with my Blackview DR500GW, so much so I will never be seen with any of their products EVER, but one thing I will say, they designed the mount very well, in fact I would say it is truly a DVR that can be moved from one car to another year in year out, with no issues what so ever as the mount is just great, with the 08XX range, I dare not remove the DVR from the mount un less there is a very good reason for doing it and for moving it from one car to another (for me) is not a good enough reason as the mounting point between the DVR and mount are just not design good enough, something will give and more than likely it will be the snap of the mount

Now if only the Blackview delivered what was promised with the DR500GW I would of been pleased

here is the mount on the DR500GW, the people behind the 08XX should take note
