Triggering xiaomi yi from a digital line (arduino)?

Please can you post a schematic for soldering the attiny85 and components? :)
Hi Guys,
I found this method from Shine Post

Looks like this method is working, but in his post, he did not tell how it works.
maybe someone in here will try this method and share with us how it works.

oh ya, there is another question.

is there possible, to modify the wifi shutter with physical button ?
i mean, just like Bikemike Bluetooth version but not using wireless/bluetooth and use some cables to connect to the Yi.
i'm affraid the wireless connection will give interferance to the drones. so i think it is good idea to disable the wifi/bluetooth

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I've now moved my circuit from a breadboard to a perfboard and switched out the arduino nano for an attiny85. I've attached a picture of the result.

Components used:
1 attiny85
1 330 ohm resistor
1 green led
2 bss123 mosfets

Is there possible if i do not use bss123 ?or is there any replacement parts ?
Hey...i think i have killed on of the resistors for the buttons. Please can some one tell me the values for the resistors - 1000 Ohm?

Edit: I use 1500 Ohm and it works... :)
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Hello Everyone. An Electronics guy in Greece has given us this option with no software programming. Just desolder the button of your remote and run two cables inside and you have PWM control of your remote.
In next weeks version we are told that also the same board will be able to power the remote as also have adjustable PMW input values for easier setup on all radios. It actually works really fast.