Very late merge


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Dash Cam
A139, M1S
This Audi TT driver decided he wasn't ready to merge until long after his lane disappeared
Thats not a merge, thats a big old Fawk You :rolleyes:

Dont get ppl spending money on a TT, in my book thats one of the most ugly cars made in the past decade.
Dont get ppl spending money on a TT, in my book thats one of the most ugly cars made in the past decade.
Each to their own. I think the current TT is one of the prettiest cars in production, though not as pretty as it's French doppelgänger the Peugeot RCZ.
Thats not a merge, thats a big old Fawk You :rolleyes:

Dont get ppl spending money on a TT, in my book thats one of the most ugly cars made in the past decade.
The original ones drove like crap too. Lousy handling and under powered. Haven't driven the newer ones yet but I hear they're better... Course it's easy to improve on such a bad car.
The really annoying thing is... He did not commit an offence.

Another triumph for my friends the road planners. Never missing a chance to punish good drivers and reward selfish, dangerous jerks.

Edit. Ah, there was a solid white line at an early point and he went over it. But why change that to a broken line? He could have waited a couple of seconds for the broken line and done much the same thing legally.

So he committed an offence but only for a few seconds and the chance of being caught were near zero. Unless someone with a dash cam was inclined to report him.

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Solid or dashed white line, it could be considered dangerous driving. He was lucky no one pulled into the right turn lane.