Video quality of the "A" lens in Mobius?

If it's a dedicated dash camera then yes. I see a few Mobius users also use their cameras out of the vehicle, as they were initially designed to be used. IMHO that's the biggest advantage and disadvantage with using a Mobius as a dashcam. They're versatile, but the hardware/ firmware was never designed primarily to be used as a dedicated dashcam. So you often need to be inventive to get close to the desired results, or wait hoping the next firmware update will fix up some dashcam related issue (that is a low priority given the RC market the Mobius is directed at.) The RC crowd bias is fair enough as that is the targeted market.

I'm leaning towards my next purchase being a dedicated dashcam. The posted Mobius2 night footage isn't what I'm looking for and I don't want to have to wait for multiple firmware revisions that may (or may not) get it to where I'd be comfortable buying one to use solely as a dashcam.

(I'm sure I'll get plenty of harsh responses for writing the above. Go your hardest- I'm not going to post anything else on this thread.)
I don't think anyone will be harsh. After all, it's your choice.

Since the Mobius developer monitors these threads I can assure he his totally aware of the need for a low-light camera capable of capturing number plates. However, the Mobius is designed as a multi-functional camera so the sensor must also yield excellent video in good lighting conditions. The sensor used in the Mobius 2 (M2) was specifically chosen because it performs better in low-light conditions than most of the common sensors used in other action cameras and also outperforms other common sensors in good lighting conditions. However, because of it's very limited pixel count it cannot be used to take multi-mega pixel pictures. The developer had to make a decision and decided in favor of better low-light video (for dashcam use ;)) rather than high pixel specifications.

The developer is always on the lookout for new sensors. From what we saw from his clips, he once found an excellent sensor for low-light conditions but there were technical issues so it was abandoned.
He also has to consider heat and power consumption. Excessive heat will often cause cameras to 'freeze' and, in the long-term, excessive heat will damage electronic circuits.

The Mobius has proved to be very reliable, the M2 will, hopefully, prove to be even more reliable. Low light videos are already better than those taken with the original Mobius but the difference, I agree, isn't overwhelming. I'm sure it will improve a little with future firmware tweaks.
The posted Mobius2 night footage isn't what I'm looking for and I don't want to have to wait for multiple firmware revisions that may (or may not) get it to where I'd be comfortable buying one to use solely as a dashcam.

(I'm sure I'll get plenty of harsh responses for writing the above. Go your hardest- I'm not going to post anything else on this thread.)
I'm with you on that one. I said the same thing about the C2 lens night footage and now some people act towards me like I shouldn't even be allowed to post anything in the Mobius section.
That's enough, lets kick some 'anti-mobius' butt!