Video quality of the "A" lens in Mobius?

Worth noting that Mobius might not work reliably in modern cars...

Mobius with capacitor worked reliably in my 2007 Diesel, & continues to work reliably in my 2015 Petrol-engined car. Both with stop-start. No problems, however, experience may vary with different makes / models of car.
Mobius with capacitor worked reliably in my 2007 Diesel, & continues to work reliably in my 2015 Petrol-engined car. Both with stop-start. No problems, however, experience may vary with different makes / models of car.

Out of interest, was/is your 12v supply always live, or does it require the key to be in the ignition? The problem with mine is that there's a brief fluctuation in power when the starter motor cranks the engine, and some cams think it's their signal to switch off immediately after they've switched on, also the same power fluctuation upsets some cams when the s/s restarts the engine.
Worth noting that Mobius might not work reliably in modern cars, especially diesels, due to stop-start systems, 'glow plug pause' and power fluctuation when cranking the engine. I tried a Mobius (C2 with capacitor) in my car (a modern diesel) but it was 0% reliable due to always powering down a few seconds after startup.

The issue has been discussed here at DCT on numerous occasions going two years now and the solution is often to be had in installing an inexpensive delay timer.



Or one can build one's own circuit.
Out of interest, was/is your 12v supply always live, or does it require the key to be in the ignition?

The accessory sockets in the old car powered-up when the 'key' (lozenge full of electronics) was inserted into a socket in the dashboard. In the new car the sockets are powered-up when the car is unlocked.
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The accessory sockets in the old car powered-up when the 'key' (lozenge full of electronics) was inserted into a socket in the dashboard. In the new car the sockets are powered-up when the car is unlocked.

Does the 12v supply flicker when the starter motor turns the engine?
Worth noting that Mobius might not work reliably in modern cars, especially diesels, due to stop-start systems, 'glow plug pause' and power fluctuation when cranking the engine. I tried a Mobius (C2 with capacitor) in my car (a modern diesel) but it was 0% reliable due to always powering down a few seconds after startup.
Change your car chager will help
Not in any way discernible to me.

That's probably where the problem lies with my car. Even the lit-up dashboard/instrument panel flickers when cranking.
Not in any way discernible to me.

I found someone else's random video clip which just happens to show how the power flickers:
Put key in ignition.
Turn key two notches.
Wait for dash lights to go out (and glow plugs to heat, if indicated by an illuminated symbol).
Turn key one further notch to start engine (which occurs 7s into the clip).
Major power drop occurs between 7-9s into video.
@JooVuu might be interested in this as it's something he and I have discussed.

You need to find a different power source (eg. the keyed power to the engine ECU), put a delay timer in or try different power supplies. You might need to do all three.

eg. I had problems with a recent change to a new vehicle and starting the engine causing the Mobius to shutdown. In my case it was a poor quality USB power supply. I did add a 5 second "delay on" circuit- just in case the power for some reason turns off for a second or so, as the Mobius won't restart under those conditions.
You need to find a different power source (eg. the keyed power to the engine ECU), put a delay timer in or try different power supplies. You might need to do all three.....

My solution was to install a cam that isn't fussy. ;) :)
Fair enough. The Mobius isn't for everyone.

But I bet your replacement can't be customised via software to the same level. ;)
I found someone else's random video clip which just happens to show how the power flickers:
Put key in ignition.
Turn key two notches.
Wait for dash lights to go out (and glow plugs to heat, if indicated by an illuminated symbol).
Turn key one further notch to start engine (which occurs 7s into the clip).
Major power drop occurs between 7-9s into video.
It looks like the ECU's system check is done only after start up and not when the key is turned the first time. Weird...
Fair enough. The Mobius isn't for everyone.

But I bet your replacement can't be customised via software to the same level. ;)
And I bet his replacement hardly needs any customization to work as it's supposed to. ;)
Isn't that what most people want?

If it's a dedicated dash camera then yes. I see a few Mobius users also use their cameras out of the vehicle, as they were initially designed to be used. IMHO that's the biggest advantage and disadvantage with using a Mobius as a dashcam. They're versatile, but the hardware/ firmware was never designed primarily to be used as a dedicated dashcam. So you often need to be inventive to get close to the desired results, or wait hoping the next firmware update will fix up some dashcam related issue (that is a low priority given the RC market the Mobius is directed at.) The RC crowd bias is fair enough as that is the targeted market.

I'm leaning towards my next purchase being a dedicated dashcam. The posted Mobius2 night footage isn't what I'm looking for and I don't want to have to wait for multiple firmware revisions that may (or may not) get it to where I'd be comfortable buying one to use solely as a dashcam.

(I'm sure I'll get plenty of harsh responses for writing the above. Go your hardest- I'm not going to post anything else on this thread.)