I think Viofo have given up developing firmware for this cam and moved onto the newer 129 models.
Good spot.

Be nice to see a comparison screenshot against the current 2560x1440P 60fps
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You cannot use 60fps with HDR anymore under fw 2.3.
HDR can not work with 60FPS because the HDR at 30FPS is already containing 60FPS.
HDR at 60 FPS needs the camera to be capable to record at 120FPS.
HDR can not work with 60FPS because the HDR at 30FPS is already containing 60FPS.
HDR at 60 FPS needs the camera to be capable to record at 120FPS.
Those who understand how HDR works will understand this (y) but there are quite a few people whose degree of understanding HDR is insufficient and they call for it to be done then blame someone else when it doesn't happen. Yet they want you to believe that they are knowledgeable and wise anyway... o_O :ROFLMAO:

Based on all the previous discussions at this forum regarding HDR, some members suggested that run HDR at 60fps might be problematic. However, Viofo's previous fw allowed users to select 60fps under HDR. This brought all the complaints. Right now, Viofo "fixed" this by disabling HDR under 60fps, or "automatically" switching to 30fps under HDR.
Those who understand how HDR works will understand this (y) but there are quite a few people whose degree of understanding HDR is insufficient and they call for it to be done then blame someone else when it doesn't happen. Yet they want you to believe that they are knowledgeable and wise anyway... o_O :ROFLMAO:

It looks like that Viofo did not understand how HDR works, because Viofo allowed users to select HDR under 60fps. Viofo should have listened to some knowledgeable people here.
@Dan S did any of those 'experts' check that the HDR was actually functioning at 60FPS? I think not. HDR basically captures two frames taken consecutively at different settings then combines them into one frame at half the speed. So at a viewed rate of 30FPS you must record at 60FPS, and at 60FPS you must record at 120FPS in order to have true HDR. This cam cannot record at 120FPS so there cannot possibly be 60FPS HDR with it as it's currently being made. Those who are demanding that it do this clearly do not know what they're talking about but believe themselves experts anyway :ROFLMAO:

I am smarter than to claim expertise which I do not have and I have never proclaimed myself to be expert about any kind of camera. More that I'm a student of dashcams who has learned much from the many here who do have true expertise with them :cool: I share what I've learned and I help those who come here with problems when I can. I also offer general advice to newbies. I beta-test cams for some of the better manufacturers who asked me to do this, so they must think I know something; I hope I don't disappoint them. I ask questions when I don't know or don't understand something for I hate being wrong so I make the effort to learn what is right. I'm no expert with this but I do know enough to tell those who are from those who aren't ;)

HDR basically captures two frames taken consecutively at different settings then combines them into one frame at half the speed.
Hope you don't mind the correction but the camera shoots two 30 fps images simultaneously not consecutively using the cam's 60 fps capability. It then superimposes them together into a single 30 fps frame as you've pointed out.

Unfortunately, the camera has a flaw that makes it appear that there are indeed two consecutive double exposed images but they are out of registration and this issue can't be fixed in firmware. This is a shame because if not for this issue HDR otherwise works very well in this camera but the way things are it is unusable. I finally gave up on HDR with this camera.

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@Dashmellow Thanks for the correction from one of my dashcam mentors who I've learned much from :cool:

You know, I wonder if the HDR flaw in the V3 is shooting two consecutive frames instead of simultaneous frames and whether that might actually be the problem? That's what it really looks like in the images.
You know, I wonder if the HDR flaw in the V3 is shooting two consecutive frames instead of simultaneous frames and whether that might actually be the problem? That's what it really looks like in the images.
I think that was discussed when that thread came along long ago, but I can't recall there being any certain answers. Hard to imagine anything else happening with that one.

I do remember the person who got that pic needed the plate number but couldn't get it :( He'd trusted the setting would work without actually checking it in every condition as we must do. It's not enough to believe what a menu says, always verify and know ;)

You know, I wonder if the HDR flaw in the V3 is shooting two consecutive frames instead of simultaneous frames and whether that might actually be the problem? That's what it really looks like in the images.
The latest fw from Viofo disables A119V3 HDR under 60fps (2x 30fps) and only allows HDR under 30fps (2x 15fps?). In case their HDR is shooting consecutively instead of simultaneously, their HDR itself should be not be there at the first place. I remember you mentioned here before that HDR is only very good for still images.
The latest fw from Viofo disables A119V3 HDR under 60fps (2x 30fps) and only allows HDR under 30fps (2x 15fps?). In case their HDR is shooting consecutively instead of simultaneously, their HDR itself should be not be there at the first place. I remember you mentioned here before that HDR is only very good for still images.

I doubt that the camera is shooting 15 fps HDR. More likely this change was done to avoid confusion regarding whether HDR is shooting HDR @ 60 fps. I think the camera is most likely still shooting the same HDR with two simultaneous 30 fps frames but simply no longer allows you to set HDR with 60 fps selected. Setting the camera to HDR should automatically shoot two 30 fps images together just like it always has.

I have yet to try the new firmware so I don't know for sure what the new version is doing but it will be easy enough for anyone to check the frame rate when shooting HDR with V2.3.

I think that was discussed when that thread came along long ago, but I can't recall there being any certain answers. Hard to imagine anything else happening with that one.

I do remember the person who got that pic needed the plate number but couldn't get it :( He'd trusted the setting would work without actually checking it in every condition as we must do. It's not enough to believe what a menu says, always verify and know ;)


Yes, it was discussed previously. I believe that was another pic you're referring to actually. The image above was a capture from my own V3. I think @Velvetfoot may be the one your are referring to who posted about a double exposure V3 image and an attempt to capture a plate number but I'm not sure. Same result at any rate....not a usable plate number capture. @vvs49 also talked about the double exposure issue under HDR and posted some images. I posted my image because it really showed the problem very well.
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I doubt that the camera is shooting 15 fps HDR. More likely this change was done to avoid confusion regarding whether HDR is shooting HDR @ 60 fps. I think the camera is most likely still shooting the same HDR with two simultaneous 30 fps frames but simply no longer allows you to set HDR with 60 fps selected. Setting the camera to HDR should automatically shoot two 30 fps images together just like it always has.

I have yet to try the new firmware so I don't know for sure what the new version is doing but it will be easy enough for anyone to check the frame rate when shooting HDR with V2.3.

Under Viofo's fw 2.3, if I turn on HDR, all the 60fps selections are gone in Resolution. Only 30fps is available. With HDR turned off, the 60fps selections show up. If I select 1440p 60fps first and then turn on HDR, it changes from 60fps to 30fps automatically. The LCD shows 1440p 30fps. The video files show as 30fps on a computer.