VIOFO A119S Modified Firmware MODs Archive

Here is the first Clips of the requested comaprison:

Comparison Folder of 6Nv VS 6Vf:

I'll add more clips as they become collected.
There is a special surprise about 22 seconds in watch the sky from left to right.

Happy Veterans Day!!
Great comparison footage, First clip shows 2 pairs of Fighter Jets looks like F16's and clearer on 6Nv Lens1. Hold off the cloudy day comparison clips we have enough now, need blue sky clips in parking lot.
Plan to spend a day or so comparing and combining for 6Nw Beta. thanks for sharing all the footage, great job and perfect timing.
WOW !! Amazing sharp highway 6Nv footage! that is going in the next A119S Promotional compilation video. That is the best footage from your A119S so far, near perfect for Normal & Soft levels, brightness is higher without the CPL but acceptable, clips suggest almost no changes but could try reducing -4 Edge and -2 Saturation , possibly drop Brightness 1 point to reduce blown-out whites. thanks for sharing RAW clips.


currently working on Alpha 6Nw if anyone has sunny skys will send link.
DCTeam Note:
The 6N series modified firmware has combined the most IQ controls into a single MOD, especially the 6Nt - 6Nv versions using the extracted FW v1.01 IQ tables. As a result 6Nv is brighter with crisp edges. From direct official FW comparisons one very interesting difference was found between official FW v1.01 - v2.0 - v2.2 - v2.4 - v2.61 - v4.02B - v4.03B , only FW v2.61 has value 00 for an important sharpness control, this one specific IQ table looks very much like an Alpha version to test the 00(disable) effect and probably never meant to go public. Oddly enough FW v2.61 is also responsible for all these MODs and the creation of a Team of dedicated Firmware Testers.
Lets finish this job so we can start the Epic Project.
Great high speed highway 6Nv footage, the strong clip at 162KM/h is extreme, currently being adjusted on 6Nw Alpha. Normal level looks great with no CPL filter. thanks for sharing the high speed footage.
Firmware: 6Nv- Normal Sharpness - 1080p 60fps WDR=Off Ev=0 CPL=On

Here is a night time clip from the weekend capturing a horrific crash on the other side of the motorway which nearly took us out also.
WOW ! Close Call ! That poor guy in white van must have hit the opposite guardrail then headed full speed across 3 lanes directly at you, the center guardrail was only thing between you, at those speeds it must have ended badly. Dashcams should be in all vehicles, probably good idea to send that clip to local Police. Seeing that accident would rattle anyone, its amazing van didn't hit any other cars on that side of highway. Glad you are alright.
Here are some road trip footages.
Currently running FWA119S_MOD-6Vf_v4.02B+26Mbps+Sharp506070+Edge138+DCTeam,
1080p 30fps
Sharpness 70

Some great colors.
Forgot to turn off while parked so some pedestrian traffic
AMAZING High Country Stable 6Vf footage !! This is the best footage using 6Vf so far, fantastic scenery, colors are perfect, Lens focus is perfect. That small town looks like a movie set. There is zero chance any current A119S official VIOFO firmware could produce that image quality. Good choice in using the Stable MOD for your road trip. Excellent work, thank you for sharing these clips, well done, Sir !!

Your DCTeam level has risen, you now qualify as SFC = Scenic Footage Collector , congratz!
Comparison Folder of 6Nv VS 6Vf:

I just added about 14 more clips to the folder. Lots of Sunny clips both into the sun and away from the sun. In Soft, Norm, & Strong. and in Both L1 & L2.
Excellent collections of 6Nv + 6Vf footage, very useful direct comparisons, interesting differences. Great variety of scenes for assessment under all lighting conditions, well done Sir !!
After many hours reviewing, created 2 new Beta 6Nw versions, posting the adjusted sharpness table version now.

Your DCTeam level has risen, you now qualify as LLS = Lens Lottery Survivor , congratz!
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Created new A119S - Beta version 6Nw , See post #1 of thread for details and ChangeLog.
Welcome to Wacky Weekday MODs !!
Request footage & feedback on all 3 levels of Sharpness under all lighting conditions. Unable to Alpha test due to continuous rain, there are 2 flavors > Spicy & Mild > first test clip fails Spicy , use new link below for Mild version.
More adjustments made to Sharpness levels, Edge Detection to 130 and Saturation to 108 , all feedback is needed.

FWA119S_MOD-6Nw_v4.02+26Mbps+Sharp5960120C+Sharp200B+Edge130+Sat108B+Sat20A+DCTeam.bin <=== removed
Download >
YouTube Channel:
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Firmware: FWA119S_MOD-6Nw_v4.02+26Mbps+Sharp5960120C+Sharp200B+Edge130+Sat108B+Sat20A+DCTeam

Well I goofed on settings a bit:

  • On Lens 1 Cam I forgot to change to 1-min files. (Space is not an issue for me so they will stay for now)
  • Audio to ignore on these early clips. The IntoSun clip the audio is blown out due to driving with the window open.

The Clip Folder:

After gathering these earlier clips I noticed a different 6Nw version posted and all future Clips will include.
Firmware: FWA119S_MOD-6Nw_v4.02+26Mbps+Sharp5960120C+Sharp200B+Edge130+Sat108B+Sat20A+DCTeam

Well I goofed on settings a bit:

  • On Lens 1 Cam I forgot to change to 1-min files. (Space is not an issue for me so they will stay for now)
  • Audio to ignore on these early clips. The IntoSun clip the audio is blown out due to driving with the window open.

The Clip Folder:

After gathering these earlier clips I noticed a different 6Nw version posted and all future Clips will include.
Thanks for the footage, after first test clip realized that MOD was horribly over sharpened.
Please download the replacement 6Nw from link above.
Great cloudy day 6Nw footage, looks surprisingly good, this MOD has Sharpness range tighter so all 3 levels look good. Perfect Lens focus + perfect Lens angle + perfectly clean windshield + poor atmospheric conditions = swap-out the sky for improved acceptability. thanks for the clear crisp clips.

This MOD combines two Sharpness tables, a modified v1.01 table, to reduce High and increase Low a very different way. It may introduce graininess in low light conditions
Will wait for more footage but need to compare 6Nw vs 6Vf.
Excellent 6Nw night footage, this is some of the best night footage i've seen from A119S, very crisp and all sharpness levels are acceptable. This could be the winner for Stable version. thanks for sharing all those useful clips, well done, Sir !

Once Beta Testers share direct 6Nw vs 6Vf comparisons it will be confirmed. @BlackCloud has the best side-by-side setup for Normal Sharpness 6Nw vs 6Vf comparison.

Download >
Busy time of year.

Hopefully I got most lighting conditions for 6Nw. I think I'm still a fan of the more vivid look, with a higher saturation (Sat118 from before I believe). But the brightness is much improved than on 6Nv. Things aren't so blown out. Overall though, 6Nw is looking good.

6Nw + usual settings + soft sharpness

Daytime - Sun at various angles
Daytime - Highway Run
Daytime - Street Stretch
Afternoon - Sun Setting
Night - Beached Whale

6Nv + usual settings + soft sharpness

Daytime - Street
Daytime - Parking Lot