When the camera is in loop mode as a ash cam

So do I but that does not prevent me from using Windows when I have to. Boot camp, Parallels or VMware Fusion work just fine.

I do not have a windows computer. I do not have one I could use.
So do I but that does not prevent me from using Windows when I have to. Boot camp, Parallels or VMware Fusion work just fine.

I do not have boot Camp Program. I do not know what that is.
I do not know anything about VM Fusion either.

You seem to know a lot. Maybe you could help someone someday.
Just for the fun of it I connected my Mobius to my MAC Computer.

(1) I can read the card directly off my MAC.

(2) WEB Cam works, here's a shot I took from it:

(3) Here's the information regarding the connection:

While there's no software to set-up the camera on the MAC side, I can do some things. I do have a Windows 7 Laptop for that.
Sorry, but I'm confused by the bit in bold? In loop mode that will only happen when the memory card has filled completely- it will then start overwriting the oldest files. All of mine are set up in this manner.

This would also indicate that you must be filling the memory card completely? If this is correct, by disabling loop you should be missing some of your trip because the card would be full. What size card are you using?

I am using a 32GB Sandisk Class 10 card.
You were right about the card being full.

OK...I found out what was going on.
I found out the memory card WAS full.
No files would show up in my photo program.
But when I hit command I=(Get information) MAC, it was telling me that 29GB had been used up.
Also two files were locked. That was preventing me from throwing away all of the files as a group.
I had to unlock those two files then I was able to get rid of all the files so I had the entire memory card available.
Apparently the I Photo program cannot handle such a large amount of files.

My camera is working now.
I just tried the auto ON selection on the txt file configuration, and when I plug the camera into 12V the camera turns on without pushing buttons, but when I want it off ,I have to push the OFF button. If I unplug the camera it keeps running and continues making video.
I am getting more confidence in the camera operation as time goes by.
Just for the fun of it I connected my Mobius to my MAC Computer.

(1) I can read the card directly off my MAC.

(2) WEB Cam works, here's a shot I took from it:

(3) Here's the information regarding the connection:

While there's no software to set-up the camera on the MAC side, I can do some things. I do have a Windows 7 Laptop for that.

How do you get the camera to act as a web cam?
You can use the TXT file to set up your camera on the MAC.
How do you get the camera to act as a web cam?
You can use the TXT file to set up your camera on the MAC.
Remove the SD card and connect the camera to your Mac. The camera is now in webcam mode.
OR when your system sees the Mobius as an external drive, briefly press the shutter button to force the Mobius to go into webcam mode.
My camera is working now.
I just tried the auto ON selection on the txt file configuration, and when I plug the camera into 12V the camera turns on without pushing buttons, but when I want it off ,I have to push the OFF button. If I unplug the camera it keeps running and continues making video.
I am getting more confidence in the camera operation as time goes by.

There is a delay of about 10 to 15 seconds before the camera will automatically turn off. Perhaps you're not waiting long enough for it to stop?
How do you get the camera to act as a web cam?
You can use the TXT file to set up your camera on the MAC.

I just pressed the pressed the shutter button to go into webcam mode. The first time I did it, I forgot to remove Eject the Camera as a drive. The second time I ejected the camera as a drive. I was able to get it to work from Photo-booth, BUT for some odd reason Skype didn't like the camera.