Why Drivers Don't Use Turn Signals?

All i can say.

Thank god there is no need for turnsignals on the interweb :D
yeah, you just need to be careful of grammar nazis, trolls, and people with fragile egos (sometimes the fragile ego folks are also the trolls). and always wear your Peril-Sensitive™ Sunglasses.
White Mazda just leaves his right turn signal on all the time:
Turn signals... law vs information.
Law: Must turn on anytime changing lanes or street.
Information: If there are others on the road and turn signal is suppose to give them time to adjust speed.

Sometimes I don't turn signals when I'm on the only lane.
It's only lane for a reason and it only goes there so no point as far as info but if a cop is behind me, I do turn it regardless. ;)
Or when I'm on a highway with no one in front or back for miles.

my favorite is when i waiting to turn right, some moron in a taller vehicle than mine (which seems to be most vehicles) completely blows past the stop line and blocks my view so i can't see to turn.
That happens too often here as well. That's a time waste as we have to wait for green light for him.

Plus there are a lot of Smart A$$ who do turn the signal on but only for one blink.
One blink and off even before they go into other lane cutting off someone. :rolleyes:
At least give some courtesy of blinkers when cutting in front.
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At least give some courtesy of blinkers when cutting in front.

... and enough time to adjust. I hate it when people on the freeway drive up right in front of my bumper, turn on their signal (thinking that I am watching THEM and not the car in front of me), and then immediately cut in front so they can make their exit. :mad: If I notice someone signalling, I will slow down to let them in, but it would be nice to have enough notice ahead of time.
let's not forget the ones who REALLY don't want anyone in front of them... you pull up and there's plenty of room for you to change lanes, so you signal, and then the guy that would be behind you after you finish changing lanes accelerates HARD to try to prevent you from merging over. i usually continue making my lane change anyway and ignore them. i can do that because there WAS enough room for me to merge without cutting them off, so they're using up that buffer when they accelerate for no other reason than being a D-bag. so it's their problem, not mine. and now that i have rear-facing cameras, i'll have proof if they try to road rage me.
Back in "90's" if you didnt use a turn signal and caused some uncomfirtable situation for the "the Macho-guys" driving behind you in a fancy car with tunted widows, they stop your car, take a hammer and smash all your turn signals, justifying it: " you dont need turn signals, bc you dont use them anyway". Same story was with side rearview mirrors. This was the best school and many people learned quickly from such experiences.
let's not forget the ones who REALLY don't want anyone in front of them... you pull up and there's plenty of room for you to change lanes, so you signal, and then the guy that would be behind you after you finish changing lanes accelerates HARD to try to prevent you from merging over. i usually continue making my lane change anyway and ignore them. i can do that because there WAS enough room for me to merge without cutting them off, so they're using up that buffer when they accelerate for no other reason than being a D-bag. so it's their problem, not mine. and now that i have rear-facing cameras, i'll have proof if they try to road rage me.
Yes, that is the other side of it. When someone signals, you need to let them do what they need to. Some people claim that they do not signal for exactly this reason, but I agree that the signalling and then making your move is the better solution.
Back in "90's" if you didnt use a turn signal and caused some uncomfirtable situation for the "the Macho-guys" driving behind you in a fancy car with tunted widows, they stop your car, take a hammer and smash all your turn signals, justifying it: " you dont need turn signals, bc you dont use them anyway". Same story was with side rearview mirrors. This was the best school and many people learned quickly from such experiences.

Well, this is what i want to do in the future...smash it and tell him " you dont need them, you dont use them anyway" but i dont have a gun and i want to be able to work and take care of my family :))
Yes, that is the other side of it. When someone signals, you need to let them do what they need to. Some people claim that they do not signal for exactly this reason, but I agree that the signalling and then making your move is the better solution.
yeah, in situations where i think the guy i'm changing in front of is probably going to be a jerk, i sometimes don't signal till i'm actually moving into the next lane, so that he has less time to react and be a jerk.
yeah, in situations where i think the guy i'm changing in front of is probably going to be a jerk, i sometimes don't signal till i'm actually moving into the next lane, so that he has less time to react and be a jerk.

It happens more than often.
I see driver on fast lane going just over or at speed limit and others tailgating behind.
When that driver finally decides to move over to slow lane after miles, now all of a sudden he speeds up more than the tailgaters.
Why the hell he couldn't do that before when others were behind him?

Stupids, 1st blocking fast lane, 2nd being too stubborn to give way, 3rd finally moving to slow lane after making other drivers mad and 4th if that's not enough speeding up to prevent others from going in front.
I've also noticed when I'm on slow lane and trying to pass the slow car in front, all of a sudden the slow car speeds up when I go to fast lane and try to come back.
What the hell is wrong with drivers? :eek: It's not a racing competition.
What the hell is wrong with drivers? :eek: It's not a racing competition.

depends on the road. Houston's Beltway 8 (aka Sam Houston Tollway) is often called Houston's Ameteur NASCAR since it's a big loop road. It's where I found out that cruise control works at 120mph (yes, mph, not km/h) in my last car. it's also where a former boss told me about a time he'd been doing about 90 mph in his old corolla (limit is/was 65), and a cop came up next to him, matched his speed to get his attention, then shook his finger at him and took off. A friend also told me that the EZ-Tag toll road transponders still work at 160mph - he'd tested it in his Viper.

If they ever start giving speeding tickets based on elapsed time between toll booths (ie: you get there too fast), we're ALL screwed. :confused: The only time people go below the speed limit on the beltway is when there's simply too much traffic to go that fast. even in the rain people speed. in my hyperlapse video, where it was raining, i had cruise control set at 65 on the beltway (begins after the high-flying on-ramp, at about 1:30). Notice how i got passed plenty of times (some at pretty high speeds) and I passed almost no one. :rolleyes:
If they ever start giving speeding tickets based on elapsed time between toll booths (ie: you get there too fast), we're ALL screwed. :confused:...

Years ago the state of Ohio used to do this (or at least so it was rumored). People would actually stop at a rest area to make sure they didn't get to their exit too soon. Never did find out if it actually happened or not but the last rest area before an exit was always busy.
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Years ago the state of Ohio used to do this (or at least so it was rumored). People would actually stop at a rest area to make sure they didn't get to their exit too soon. Never did find out if it actually happened or not but the last rest are before an exit was always the busy.
My dad says they did it on the Jersey turnpike in the 70s. People would stop and have lunch/dinner or just sit in their car for a while to avoid the fines.
I know some 3rd world countries where radar speed checking doesn't exist, limit buses by minimum hours to go from point to point to avoid accidents.