Will this record infrared inside a car at night? Night vision?


New Member
Oct 15, 2015
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I was thinking of installing the rear view camera above the rear view mirror and using IR bulb which are cheap and easy to buy as a light source. The easy way to check to see if the camera is able to record IR would be to point a tv remote or dvd, stereo remote etc at the camera while it is recording. If it is sensitive to IR then a flashing light will appear at the end of the remote. I would appreciate anybody that would give this a try and tell me of their results before I buy. tia
Unfortunately practically all dash cameras lenses have a IR filter built in. If they didn't, any daytime footage would likely be completely washed out beyond recognition.

Higher end security cameras, and camcorders that work during the day and night via IR Have a switchable IR lens. This physically moves a IR filter in and out of the lens during day & night.

That being said any camera will pick up IR light. Like you said, shinning the light from your IR remote, looking at a Xbox Kinect and such. But ever though the camera can see the IR light much better then the human eye can. The IR prohibits any useful night vision.