Xiaomi Yi 360 VR 6 Camera Rig Android app (Brahma Alpha)


Dec 7, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom


Latest Release
v7.0.6 - 15-June-16 - Now Available

Hey Guys;
I've developed an Android Mobile app for the Xiaomi Yi for 1, 2, 6 & 7 camera Rig setups.
Plan to support desktop and IOS coming soon ;)

This isn't as feature rich as Ponerine or C&C.
I am working on more features - 6 months of dev and on Release 7!

Head over to Google Play to download and try the app.

If your interested in becoming an Official Beta Tester msg me and you will get access to the pre-release development version - where you can post requests and issues.


  • - Connect to 1 or multiple cameras simultaneously
  • - Scan network for connected cameras and auto-configure connection
  • - Record Videos across multiple cameras with 1 button press
  • - Take Photos across multiple cameras with 1 button press
  • - Configure Individual Camera settings
    • - Select sync to migrate Camera Settings across all connected cameras
  • - 6 Rig Camera has ability to preview and set 360 VR Mode for GEARVR
  • - Custom App Settings
    • - Disable/Enable Camera Auto Record Buzzer
    • - Set Buzzer Duration
    • - Buzz After n Seconds after recording has started
  • - Virtual terminal access (Run Ximode or other scripts)
Coming Soon
  • - New Wifi startup script
    • Video/Time lapse resolution 1600x1200 60/50P 4:3
    • Bitrate 35M bps
    • File-size Limit 4GB
  • - Photo Time Lapse
  • - Setting custom video/scene names against all videos
  • - ffmpeg integration - processing videos
  • - 24+ Camera Rig Support
  • - ISO, Shadow, Highlight, Gamma, bitrate - Adv Settings
  • - Custom App Settings
    • - auto disable video when camera battery reaches specified level.
  • - View, delete files on camera
  • - Youtube integration showing the best 360 Videos created with Xiaomi Yi Action cams
  • - Heartbeat - Check all connected cameras are still actively connected and not crashed
  • - Preview mode - take either a photo or 10s Video from each Cam and enable preview.
  • - Preset configuration - change camera Rig modes with 1 click.
    • Normal
    • Night
    • Tuned

Please use Andy_S wifi script to connect the cameras to phone or router if you have multiple cameras.

If you have just 1 camera you wish to configure turn on the camera wifi and connect phone to cameras wifi - you can now connect & configure the camera settings within the app.

More Info

Where To Buy A 360 VR Rig for Xiaomi Yi Action Cams.
I am not part of and do not design or receive any money from Brahma 360.
- these are just the best Xiaomi Yi Rigs Currently in my opinion.
Head over to the Brahma Shapeways page for the Best 3D Printed Xiaomi Rigs.

If you use and like my app...
Please show your support and donate ;)

Warning (Fixed in next release - coming soon..)
Photo mode does not currently work with Frieds Custom firmware - please use stock 1.2.13.

Update 25L cameras fw 1.3.o

Please make sure you downgrade to fw 1.2.13 as bitrates have changed in the new release and I haven't had time to test this release. I am waiting for Xiaomi to officially release it for the older cameras before putting effort into supporting this fw.

Current Device Support
Android 5+
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What variance in sync are you getting when starting video recording through the app? Does it give you solid frame level sync, or perhaps even millisecond sync?

What routers have you tested this with? I am working on reflashing the original firmware on my DSLRController'd TPLink portable router and should have some feedback soon afterward :)

Thank you!
I don't have solid sync yet - The cameras all start recording and then I push a 400ms tone/beep out.
The plan for future release is to sync time with android phone - push a script onto each camera via telnet that is executed to start cameras 5 seconds in the future.

Clapper and rotation is still recommended currently until future releases.

Tested with local BT homehub5 router and One Plus One, Note4 and Samsung S6 mobiles in hotspot mode - portable router will be useful once I go above 10 cameras.

Viewlet -
- 25:32 shows you hitting record and beep sounds ;)
The plan for future release is to sync time with android phone - push a script onto each camera via telnet that is executed to start cameras 5 seconds in the future.

Solid plan :cool:
Take a look at your app screenshot, it's very pretty UI !

I'd like to know, how to trigger video starting via telnet ?
I havent looked at the telnet I'm going to execute the Json call direct from the camera from script on localhost using telnet.

Not from remote to camera this should fix the latency issue.

And use 'at xx:xx:xx' to specify when to run the call from the script on the camera.

If you find the direct telnet call let me know - I would be interesting to see if there is much difference in latency of the calls.
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I can only create or modify a "amba shell file" with telnet, and let it run with autoexec.ash loop.
something like this:
while true
  sleep 1

But if I try to sync all cameras date & time using ntpd, the autoexec.ash won't run any more, as because ntpd will cause "sleep 1" stop.
something like this:
#telnet linux command
ntpd -d -n -q -p [date-time server ip address]
ntpd -d -n -q -p
I'm not planning to use ntpd..

My thoughts were to get date time from where the app is installed PC or mobile and sync with that across all devices.

Something like this

date -s "19 APR 2012 11:14:00"

hwclock --set --date="2012-04-19 16:45:05" --localtime

What do you think?
All cameras will sync with the time from app device. Maybe slight latency. Need to test..
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i will test your application on samsung note 4 with Cube rig and 6 xiaomi yi. On your website it's the lattest version of application ?
Yes latest version.
There is a known memory leak swapping modes that will crash the app.

Otherwise it should work well.
New features will be coming out soon!! ;)
The most suitable option would be a choice of settings of photos / videos.
I'm looking forward!
Hello i have followed your steps on the site and successfully connected all the 6 cams to my note 4 but they don`t connect to the brahma app... as you see here..
one step that confused me was
  • Update line 51 of \wifi\sta.sh and manually set the ip of your camera or dynamically set by commenting this line and uncomment the following line
i left it like as its.. i didnt change anything.. i only added my SSID ana PSK... in the \wifi\wpa_supplicant.conf and it connected but it didnt wanna connect to brahma app

so my guess it something has to do with the camera IP..


1- how do i know each camera ip address ?
2-what exactly should i write in the line 51 and what should i delete because when i asked stephen he said leave it as its it will auto assign ip or sth like this?
3-what should i write in the brahma-6 app when i configure each cam IP address.. ?


E12767300_1194329180619246_2042540608_n.jpg 12782416_1194329123952585_801476859_n.jpg
Have you clicked the menu top right and added the address of each camera?

BTW I'm finding this app really good, very stable and the cameras are very close to being synchronized when they go off. I can never get the preview to load (I may not be waiting long enough, but the image is there on the camera)

I'm using the Android Wifi Hotspot rather than any other apps and it's working well.
Have you clicked the menu top right and added the address of each camera?

BTW I'm finding this app really good, very stable and the cameras are very close to being synchronized when they go off. I can never get the preview to load (I may not be waiting long enough, but the image is there on the camera)

I'm using the Android Wifi Hotspot rather than any other apps and it's working well.
Yeah obviously i clicked to enter the Camera IP manually... my problem is with that exactly as i mentioned above..
I never got it to work with a fixed IP. Does your wifi hotspot give you the IP address of each connected device? If so use that.
I believe the fox-fi addon will give you the ip address -

I don't use fox-fi I just use the OOTB android hotspot and it tells me what's connected and the IPs.
Steven uses fox-fi and Note 4 and hasn't had any issues.

I use fixed IPs when connecting to my local router and it works fine.

I took a look at his video -
around 23:00 it also doesn't show his IPs but he can connect so I've reached out to ask him what magic he does with the note 4.

ok wait.. he just told me.
He says there is another window that shows all the ips connected its the default android app that shows you them there.
You should be able to just swipe down and see the android menu with the IPs. - hope that helps.

Beek - Preview there is a known bug where the preview wont display - this is fixed in the next release.
You can fix it in this release but its a bit of a long manual process where you update the camera settings on each phone I think you need to enable wifi auto on in the settings and it fixes it from memory..
Six camera to connect app and take a picture.
first is possible.
However, it is not possible to the next photographing
What is the problem?