Xiaomi Yi 360 VR 6 Camera Rig Android app (Brahma Alpha)

BreakWG can you rephrase your question - I'm not sure I understand what you are asking?...
I read it as: The first time you take a photograph with 6 cameras, it's fine, the second time there is a problem.

This may relate to a bug I reported in GitLab, with video. i.e. it stops actually recording video after a few attempts, but beeps etc as normal.

BreakWG - this seems to happen when the app loses focus, i.e. maybe try reconnecting the app between each attempt. Remember it's an Alpha release so there will be bugs.
Thank you very much!! (I 'm not good at speaking English well.)

However, this's a different problem with the app

JOSN protocol Problem(Photo capture)
APP : Request: {"msg_id":769,"token":1}

Yi Camera : NO Answer ...
Ahh I fix for that - I believe that is a firmware bug and will put in my own fix for that for next release.
In the mean time to fix this problem make sure your camera settings are as follows -


Don't forget after changes reboot camera, and app on phone.

Last edited:
Thank you very very much!! I solved the problem :)

I have another question.

What is the video stitching program you are currently using?
and.. What are the Yi camera video_resolution?
I use Kolor Autopano video pro 2 - its expensive but the best software for stitching I've found.
I tried creating my own with hugin and ffmpeg but it was too time consuming so bought Kolor.

As for Yi Resolution I used the hack to up the xiaomi yi to 1600x1200 60/50P 4:3 lets me creat 4k+ video that I scale down to 4k :)

# Set Video Resolution 1600x1200 60/50P 4:3
writeb 0xC06CC426 0x0C

In one of the next releases I will allow you to choose hacks and apply them to all cameras with auto reboot :)
Not the next release but one after ;)
Thanks a lot :D
My Video Resolution 1600x1200 setting is not good.
Can I see the your autoexec.ash file?

I bought your rig :)
but... No screws .... :(
Where do I buy a screws?


  • RIG.jpg
    120.4 KB · Views: 22
Everything works, but there is a problem. The first photo is saved only. And then the signal is, but as a result there is no photo. What could be the problem? In standard mode, no problem. Saves all.
alemoke - not sure I understand could you try to explain the problem better?
So there is a bunch of different variants of the Xiaomi Yi cameras, and I know for 360 video it would be important to get them all identical, thus which Xiaomi Yi variant should I order?
Next minor release is out ;) - just under some testing feel free to try it out and send me feedback...
Supports 2/6/7 camera rig options - UI needs improvement but you can give it a go.
Also 6 - VR mode memory leak may now be fixed updated to latest mobile engine so fingers crossed.. not tested yet.

Download -
Works on international/asia models.
There is only very minor differences that I am aware of but nothing that impacts this software or quality of the video output.

I use the asia models I think I have 6x 23L here - but I know Brahma rig has around 80+ users now with no complaints on model variant.
hi,.. all,... I need help,....

Hi,... all Thanks for great job. I'm newbie here, and sorry for my english, I need assistance about my sta.sh script



#set to 1 if you want to use mac specified above (custom MAC address) in case you get random ones.

if [ -e /tmp/wifi0_mac ]; then
    mac=`cat /tmp/wifi0_mac`

mac2=`cat /proc/ambarella/board_info  | grep wifi_mac | awk '{ print $2 }' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`

if [ "${mac2}" == "00:00:00:00:00:00" ] ||  [ "${mac2}" == "" ]; then
    if  [ $CustomMAC -eq 1 ]; then

    ifconfig wlan0
    while [ $n -ne 6 ] && [ $waitagain -ne 0 ]; do
        n=$(($n + 1))
        echo $n
        sleep 1
        ifconfig wlan0

killall -9 hostapd hostapd_autochannel_retartchip dnsmasq udhcpc wpa_supplicant wpa_cli wpa_event.sh 2> /dev/null
killall -9 hostapd hostapd_autochannel_retartchip dnsmasq udhcpc wpa_supplicant wpa_cli wpa_event.sh 2> /dev/null
rmmod bcmdhd

insmod /lib/modules/bcmdhd.ko firmware_path=/usr/local/bcmdhd/fw_apsta.bin nvram_path=/usr/local/bcmdhd/nvram.txt iface_name=wlan dhd_msg_level=0x00 op_mode=1 amba_initmac=${mac}

/usr/bin/wpa_supplicant -D${driver} -iwlan0 -c/tmp/fuse_d/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf -B
sleep 5

#either static or dynamic IP (DHCP)

ifconfig wlan0 netmask

#udhcpc -i wlan0 -A 2 -b -t 30

just edit ip number but yicam not get ip in my router ,....

i need assistance for resolve this problem,...

thanks for u'r help,....
From banggood:


Xiaomi "STD" Z23
61 x 22 x 42 mm

They're different??? That is INSANE :-(

Now I can't use the international Xiaomi Yi in 3D printed designs for a 360 video rig like I'd planned to do.