Xiaomi Yi Camera: GUI Control & Configure from PC (Win/Lin/Mac)

barboss: these "all possible values" are changing as per firmware version, same for available options to select. My approach ensures that you always get proper list for your camera without messing about other unavailable options.
0.4.5 released - minor update that autoupdates battery stats.

Oh i forgot, minor change to File Manager - better file selecting option with ctrl and shift for multiple files selection (just as in explorer) :)
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sorry this may be a stupid question but i guess u need a computer with wifi, or u can access it via a router your computer is connected on ?
right now the only way is computer with wifi. There, however, IS a possibility to connect the camera to existing network. Sadly, as i don't own the camera, i cannot test that properly and find proper config options for it to work. Right now i am able to change SSID, password, camera IP, but i am not able to toggle it into client mode. Well... i am, but it won't connect :)
ok thank you andy !

i may try with my laptop if i can find it :)
Alright, to stop whining of some ppl (:D) i spent a day doing this "unnecessary" yet large change :D.

Config page redesigned...

Hope you will enjoy it more than i "enjoyed" tracking bugs and getting it to work as it should :D
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I love the CC, since I do not own a cell phone or any Android device. CC is a life saver for me. Great work Andy.
The "timelapse_photo" option seems to follow what ever is selected in the "precise_cont_time" option. However, I still don't know what the "time lapse_photo" option does. My CC runs great on my Win 7 64 bit PC. I only have to establish a connection to the camera with the WiFi BEFORE using the connect button on the CC app. I would like to see better wording on the Config settings. The word "Precise" is a poor one. Could say "picture" or "photo" instead.
i don't have a clue what timelapse_video does either :( (there is no timelapse_photo option so i assume you mean _video).

Connecting to camera with your wifi is a no-brainer ;)

Wording in config screen? You, me, both! It uses exact wording taken from the camera - it simply shows options which camera uses. So blame xiaomi devs for that :D
i don't have a clue what timelapse_video does either :( (there is no timelapse_photo option so i assume you mean _video).

Connecting to camera with your wifi is a no-brainer ;)

Wording in config screen? You, me, both! It uses exact wording taken from the camera - it simply shows options which camera uses. So blame xiaomi devs for that :D

Hi @Andy_S !
It's me again. Tested your code in ver 0.4.6 in timelapse mode, the button need to click twice to switch the status in program, but actually the Yi Cam already start / stop taking photos in timelapse mode.

when click [Start TIMELAPSE], Yi Cam already start taking photos, but the status not yet change, need to click one more time. [Stop TIMELAPSE] is the same issue:

In the configure, the tag [timelapse_photo] & [timelapse_video] doesnot work at the moment.
Good stuff Andy and Co......... I'm going to buy one of these cameras just to play with stuff :D
luckylz: thx for bugreport, i will take a look at the button issue ASAP.

what FW version are you using? i don't see timelapse_photo with .12 :-O
BTW You and your different font is breaking the layout again :) I will have to try to fix it :]
luckylz: thx for bugreport, i will take a look at the button issue ASAP.

what FW version are you using? i don't see timelapse_photo with .12 :-O
BTW You and your different font is breaking the layout again :) I will have to try to fix it :]

I'm using mod firmware of 1.0.12.
Thanks for the Font fix for me if possible ---- I think this is not a big issue.
I see, that option shows only when "timelapse" is displayed. Well, i have no idea what it does :/

Timelapse start / stop is fixed now, layout will take bit more time.
I see, that option shows only when "timelapse" is displayed. Well, i have no idea what it does :/

Timelapse start / stop is fixed now, layout will take bit more time.

Thanks a lot ! Don't worry the layout too much!:D That's not an urgent thing~
Hi guys, just thinking about the timelapse section.
It looks like the timelapse_photo has on/off option and underneath there is this section for timelapse_video.
Doesn't it work in a way, that you must have timelapse_photo ON and than you can use timelapse_video section settings?
Probably you could also choose to take photo every 2seconds without creation of video by xiaomi directly and use some 3rd party software directly in PC so it won't consume resources of YI and SD card space.
It would also be great to have the possibility to choose a different value than 2s.
Luckylz: Exactly, thats why i released this update quickly and will try the styling later. (PS: do not quote post you are replying to if your reply is just after it)

Leto: Nope, there is also off / 2s option (i will add it to the types definition, but i still don't know what it does).
Sadly you cannot select different number (most probably, honestly didn't test as i dunno what to test :D) as alowed params contain only "off" and "2". Feel free to experiment with it :)
0.5.1 - Expert mode option, layout changes, filemanager changes preview

- Expert mode added
- Connection screen modified
- Autoconnect option added
- Filemanager now accepts doubleclick
- Filemanager in expert mode now allows to BROWSE and DELETE files in file structure
- Downloading possible FOR NOW only in DCIM folder
- More functions in Filemanager to come

Due to limitations in current method of file downloading it is not possible to download files elsewhere than in DCIM/101MEDIA folder. THAT WILL CHANGE IN NEXT VERSION which will be released very soon and will contain downloading and UPLOADING files wherever it is possible (most of the camera filesystem is readonly, so a file can be uploaded only to certain paths).

Oh, and small extra feature - try doubleclick in filemanager on file/folder name :)

PS: settings.cfg file format changed, so please accept my apologizes if you did use different ip/port/vlc path, but it was necessary to allow more options in more script-friendly way.

EDIT: Minor bugs found minutes after release so i just uploaded new version with same version number. Apologizes...
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Your program is better and better ! :)

I'd like to add a feature request on FileManager, Yi Cam will create a small preview video named: YDXJ####_thm.mp4. And I don't think we need to download this file when we backup videos to PC.
Could you add some file-filter for it, maybe like: [Show All] / [Hide _thm] / [Video Only] / [Photo Only] / ...
One more thing. I did a stupid thing today that I pull out the micro sd card, and start Yi Cam to record test videos, and found out the Yi Cam doesnot flash the red-light. I try to figure out happen for half an hour. Then later realisize, my card is still in my PC card reader.
So could you add a blocker if no card in the Yi Cam, and alarm the user can not take photo or record video?