Xiaomi Yi Custom firmware with lastest revision

lines 6-8 are 35, 10 and 8. I'm not sure if that's 2k related. maybe I have to change & try it, but for now I'm too lazy. I'm very happy that everything is working perfectly for me. Maybe Fried knows something about it. @Fried: Do you know what lines are responsible for 2k?
thanks so much :-)
the lines 6-8 are responsible for 2k you can see it on the bitrate adress.txt i send you the link in #17
what software for video editing do you use?
Where do you place the powerbank since recording it would be difficult when you make action videos?
thanks so much :)
the lines 6-8 are responsible for 2k you can see it on the bitrate adress.txt i send you the link in #17
what software for video editing do you use?
Where do you place the powerbank since recording it would be difficult when you make action videos?
Yes, I noticed that later and checked the bitrate table after my post, but I didn't do any tests. I use Adobe Premiere for editing, but there are way easier programs out there for beginners. Do a little google and you'll find tons of them. Where to place the powerbank? Well, not every shot has to be an action shot. You can do most stuff without a power bank of course, but if you want to record longer, you can place the bar right next to the camera, if that particular shot requires the camera to be on a tripod or something. If you buy that rubber case, you can place the bar at your belt, which is pretty cool (I have a rubber case for my older 10.400mAh powerbanks, but I assume that's pretty the same with the new ones).
Hello Fried,

I look at you custom script 'L" version with A.F.T ../seems you have put 35Mbits on high quality in the preview mode,
2 Mbits is far enough for this mode.
you're so right my bad....
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Great observation, thanks! @Fried: Can you easily solve this? Would be amazing - then everything would be just perfect for me (and possibly many others). Thanks again for your work!!!
Yes, I temporary remove links tomorrow i'll up everything again...
so in your firmware line 6 to 8 are set to 35.0?
only line 6 is set 35mbps that is correlated to 2k resolution, and then line 9 but it's for 1080p 60fps and so on
@Fried: I modified your firmwares and changed the preview-modes to 1,5MBIT and CBR, which works just great on my 23S and 23L-cam. maybe this saves you some time and work :)

1) For build : 22 - 23 - 23A - 23S

2) For build : 22L - 23L

Maybe you could also release the autoexec.ash-script to enable 2k. I also included a little howto.txt for newbies:

I hope I could help. Thanks again for your great work!

EDIT: Since mega.nz seems to have some problems, I created a quick dropbox mirror (one zip, including all 3 files): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4473093/firmwares.zip
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@Fried: I modified your firmwares and changed the preview-modes to 1,5MBIT and CBR, which works just great on my 23S and 23L-cam. maybe this saves you some time and work :)

1) For build : 22 - 23 - 23A - 23S

2) For build : 22L - 23L

Maybe you could also release the autoexec.ash-script to enable 2k. I also included a little howto.txt for newbies:

I hope I could help. Thanks again for your great work!

EDIT: Since mega.nz seems to have some problems, I created a quick dropbox mirror (one zip, including all 3 files): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4473093/firmwares.zip
Many thanks for your work. I was able to flash 1st build on a 221 version of Yi.

Is your firmware built on the 1.2.11 beta as in its name, right? Yi Cam app still shows 1.2.10 as a firmware version.
Furthermore nutsey's 1.2.10 Yicam Movie exec can be loaded without issues?

@Fried: I modified your firmwares and changed the preview-modes to 1,5MBIT and CBR, which works just great on my 23S and 23L-cam. maybe this saves you some time and work :)

1) For build : 22 - 23 - 23A - 23S

2) For build : 22L - 23L

Maybe you could also release the autoexec.ash-script to enable 2k. I also included a little howto.txt for newbies:

I hope I could help. Thanks again for your great work!

EDIT: Since mega.nz seems to have some problems, I created a quick dropbox mirror (one zip, including all 3 files): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4473093/firmwares.zip
man I already done it... if I logged before do anything I could really save some time... thank alot anyway I'll have a look of your script and howto if is fine I'll use and give you credit... :) thanks again
@hoderer I just got it that is 1.2.11b did you get it on plus?
Another question I'm having a look on your customized firmware, are you sure sure that lined from 81 to 83 are preview mode cause I see that are 640x480 @60fps and default bitrates are 8/6/4... if you're sure about that I'll use your for new beta firmware
hoderer did you try the new beta firmware ? they really implement 2k@30fps?
Sorry, guys. My bad. It's of course 1.2.10. I already corrected the file names. The base was Frieds modified firmware as I wrote. The 1.2.11 was just a typo. Sorry again.

If anyone has some informations about 1.2.11 or better 1.3.0 (which is the current beta I think) please let us know. As I wrote, I believe they implement 2k in next version, but with a way too low bitrate (as always!).
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Yes they have released (beta) firmware 1.2.11-debug2 with the following changes:

And the release note:

Add 2K 30fps in video mode
Add slow motion video feature when recording with 120 and 240 fps
Add beeping sound when canceling timer shot
Improve response timing when shooting video through app

Fix the problem of beeper still make faint sound after turned off
Fix the problem of power ring LED doesn’t work after timer shot
Fix no SD card problem when system is in low power mode
Fix in loop mode, cannot start recording video when SD card is full
Fix system status LEDs problem when fail to take shot
Fix black screen problem of view finder when disconnecting and reconnecting fast with camera
Fix Image flip problem when in time-lapse mode

1.3.0 seems to have been a beta version named incorrectly, it actually came after 1.2.9 beta, so 1.2.11 is newer than 1.3.0.

It would be good to be able to select 2K videomode without scripts.
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are you sure sure that lined from 81 to 83 are preview mode cause I see that are 640x480 @60fps and default bitrates are 8/6/4
...no this lines are not "preview mode" you can see that in my attachment in #15!
...no this lines are not "preview mode" you can see that in my attachment in #15!
that's why I asked .. :) .... so I've correctly changed firmwares in first post with 2mbps for preview mode..
Fix the problem of beeper still make faint sound after turned off

Are you crazy ??? This is not a bug but a feature, imagine if you turn all the lights off and you don't have any other notification that can be seen to know what the camera is doing when you are switching between modes or when you are tuning it off, in such case I'm taking the camera near to my ear and I'm listening when it will beep very silent beep but anyway it help, and actually I'm doing it while I'm shooting a video with the baby, because he is not smiling while I'm talking to him and is getting distracted by all the lights of the camera and that's why I switch them all to off ... also the baby is getting scarred because of the the sounds (even on Mid level, but not scarred when it's in Mute WITH this feature :D )... once again this is not a bug but a feature ;) . Please make two versions of the firmware once released, one with this feature and one without it for the people who need version without this feature ;)
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Are you crazy ??? This is not a bug but a feature, imagine if you turn all the lights off and you don't have any other notification that can be seen to know what the camera is doing when you are switching between modes or when you are tuning it off, in such case I'm taking the camera near to my ear and I'm listening when it will beep very silent beep but anyway it help, and actually I'm doing it while I'm shooting a video with the baby, because he is not smiling while I'm talking to him and is getting distracted by all the lights of the camera and that's why I switch them all to off ... also the baby is getting scarred because of the the sounds (even on Mid level, but not scarred when it's in Mute WITH this feature :D )... once again this is not a bug but a feature ;) . Please make two versions of the firmware once released, one with this feature and one without it for the people who need version without this feature ;)

I actually welcome this change. It drives me nuts when I turn something mute but there's still sound coming from somewhere. They should add an option for "faint sounds" :)
Are you crazy ??? This is not a bug but a feature, imagine if you turn all the lights off and you don't have any other notification that can be seen to know what the camera is doing when you are switching between modes or when you are tuning it off, in such case I'm taking the camera near to my ear and I'm listening when it will beep very silent beep but anyway it help, and actually I'm doing it while I'm shooting a video with the baby, because he is not smiling while I'm talking to him and is getting distracted by all the lights of the camera and that's why I switch them all to off ... also the baby is getting scarred because of the the sounds (even on Mid level, but not scarred when it's in Mute WITH this feature :D )... once again this is not a bug but a feature ;) . Please make two versions of the firmware once released, one with this feature and one without it for the people who need version without this feature ;)
Writing your thoughts on their facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/YiCamera) would be good idea or just a quick email to support@xiaoyi.com. I once did and they replied within a few days.
That's not very nice.
Yeah sorry for my emotional eruption, but when I first saw that bug I thought that this is a feature not a bug, because it is logical and I know, first time It drived me nuts too but after that I've realised the purpose of it. No wories I can handle the camera without any sounds or lights, will only follow the logical steps and will virtually try to set up in my mind when the recording will be Cancelled after I press the button or when a picture is snapped :D