Xiaomi Yi Custom firmware with lastest revision

Yes, i rename, i think the problem is the card, is a scandisk 8gb classe 10 card, maybe i buy a 32 gb card and try again.

I format the card and them put there the file ''firmware.bin'' put the card on camera and on, nothing happen, then plug the cam to pc and see the 2 folders:
Dcim and misc with a bin file inside.
Bin file in the root directory?

On card root i have 2 folders

And inside Misc folder i have this bin file
Hi guys, i got confused, where can i find custom firmware for z23l? thanks
On card root i have 2 folders

And inside Misc folder i have this bin file
I think your battery is too low. Plug a power bank in or load your battery. I had this once, too. If your battery got under 40% power, it simply doesn't flash. Let me know, if it worked.
I think the problem is the card, is only 8 gb, i must buy another and try again, battery is fully charge.
I think the problem is the card, is only 8 gb, i must buy another and try again, battery is fully charge.
Hmmm, an 8GB card shouldn't be the problem, unless it is damaged... how did you update last time or is it the first time?
Hmmm, an 8GB card shouldn't be the problem, unless it is damaged... how did you update last time or is it the first time?
With custom firmware is first time, normally i update by ota.
On card root i have 2 folders

And inside Misc folder i have this bin file

look at your "itm.bin"... you are not watching the file extension, so maybe you should rename your file only "firmware", not "firmware.bin"
Many Thanks Fried, you are the master, now everthing working, just delect .bin .
Amazing, thanks again fried
Can you guys still use cc.exe after upgrading to 1.2.12 fw? It connects, can access Control and Files, but Configuration gives me a blank page with no any configuration options...
SD card capacity doesnt matter for FW upgrade. It even works with 128MB card :)
Can you guys still use cc.exe after upgrading to 1.2.12 fw? It connects, can access Control and Files, but Configuration gives me a blank page with no any configuration options...
What's cc.exe??