[Xiaomi Yi] Share your scripts and settings


New Member
Jun 15, 2015
Reaction score
Dash Cam
Xiaomi Yi
I came up with the idea of sharing our scripts we are using for our every day recording.

It's essential to share and other info so your post must be like this:

Camera's Serial: xxxx
Camera's Firmware: x.x.x
Android App Version: x.x.x
Settings ON (in app): xxxx

<A little description about your script you are using>

PS: If you want to upload your autoexec.ash file insted of c/p the code, you must add it to a zip archive to upload it


Camera's Serial: Z23L
Camera's Firmware: 1.2.6
Android App Version: 1.9.1
Settings ON (in app): "Preview", "Loop recording"

So. I am using a modded by me yimax script (thanks to nutsey) in which I have changed the denoise value and I have added other bitrates to lower resolutions (1080p@60FPS - 45Mbps and 1080p@30FPS - 35Mbps)


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Reserved (it may be used to have all user scripts into this post)
Camera's Serial: Z22
Camera's Firmware: 1.2.6
Android App Version: 1.4
Settings ON (in app): Preview + low light

i dont use any scrips, only custom firmware where values are 35mb / 25 mb mostly use the camera for takeing picture on water trips.

i did use long expsore scrip once and RAW scrip for trying to edit in photshop but only used them once.. here they are since i cant upload

slow shutter:
t ia2 -ae exp 100 0 0
#Shutter speed 1 == 7.9s; 50 == 6.1s; 100 = 4.6s
t ia2 -ae still_shutter 1
sleep 1

#RAW+JPEG script by nutsey
#enable raw+jpeg stills
t app test debug_dump 14
I rarely use these resolutions (2K does the job). But yes, I ll do it! :)
slow shutter:
t ia2 -ae exp 100 0 0
#Shutter speed 1 == 7.9s; 50 == 6.1s; 100 = 4.6s
t ia2 -ae still_shutter 1
sleep 1
Actually, one command is ok:
# fixed ISO, auto shutter speed
t ia2 -ae exp 100 0
# fixed shutter speed, auto ISO
t ia2 -ae exp 0 1
# fixed ISO and shutter speed
t ia2 -ae exp 100 1

I just wonder, what does the third parameter mean ?
t ia2 -ae exp [ISO] [SPEED] [???]
Camera's Serial: Z23L
Camera's Firmware: 1.2.6
Android App Version: 1.9.1
Settings ON (in app): "metering center", "Lens recertification"

2k,30fps,30Mbps via Funnel-script
1k,60fps,35Mbps for special cases

Photos, stock firmware

The Yi camera has a continuously variable shutter, but here is a list of fixed shutter speed values that some may find useful for photo use, not video - attached.


For 1.2.6 for Z221, do we have a thumbnail deletion script ? Those things eat space for fun !
This script (2 files, both needed in root) starts FTP server and telnet, so you can connect to your Yi's file system via phone or PC. I use it to switch between scripts on the go.

@sourjya guha : yes.
lu_util exec rm /tmp/fuse_d/DCIM/100MEDIA/*_thm.mp4


While we wait for the android app from luckylz and Andy_S, you can swap autoexec.ash files using Tasker($), WIFI Connect for tasker(free), JuiceSSH(free), JuiceSSH taker plugin($)

Create a connection to your Xiaomi within JuiceSSH (Nickname:XiaomiYI, Type: Telnet, address:, Port:23)
Import the attached task into tasker, replace YourXiaomiYIWifiName and YourWifiRouterName.
Run the task using tasker to verify is working.
once all working, create a task widget to run your task with one click.


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While we wait for the android app from luckylz and Andy_S, you can swap autoexec.ash files using Tasker($), WIFI Connect for tasker(free), JuiceSSH(free), JuiceSSH taker plugin($)

Create a connection to your Xiaomi within JuiceSSH (Nickname:XiaomiYI, Type: Telnet, address:, Port:23)
Import the attached task into tasker, replace YourXiaomiYIWifiName and YourWifiRouterName.
Run the task using tasker to verify is working.
once all working, create a task widget to run your task with one click.
Or you can buy a few cheap sd cards and add scripts on it . Use this cards just for boot camera, with required script .
Or you can use OTG card reader with compatible smartphone to change scripts on card, script file just needed to rename.
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For 1.2.6 for Z221, do we have a thumbnail deletion script ? Those things eat space for fun !
rm \DCIM\100MEDIA\*thm.mp4
This is a simple Unix command giving the path to follow and the wildcard name of the file to remove from the card. It's ok to use with any of these cameras and firmware versions. On startup it commands the camera to delete mp4 files with "thm" on the end of their name. The command runs once, as the camera starts up with a card containing this script. Therefore, it will not delete those files that are created during the current session. You may need to change the name of the folder for your camera.
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is there a way to reduce jpg to lowest possible setting, when using raw files.. so they dont take so much space, since I will not need them ?
thanks for sharing, any suggestions what of the parameters can make my night footage better? i feel it lacks detail and sharpness (using 1080p@50fps) z221, firmware 1.2.6
dont use 50fps.. use 25.. it will be sharper.. and thats about it.. camera is really crappy at night :D
Yeah for maximum quality use YiMax script with 2304x1296 from nutsey with 50 mbps and no NR. Also set coring to 10 (disable sharpening)
While we wait for the android app from luckylz and Andy_S, you can swap autoexec.ash files using Tasker($), WIFI Connect for tasker(free), JuiceSSH(free), JuiceSSH taker plugin($)

Create a connection to your Xiaomi within JuiceSSH (Nickname:XiaomiYI, Type: Telnet, address:, Port:23)
Import the attached task into tasker, replace YourXiaomiYIWifiName and YourWifiRouterName.
Run the task using tasker to verify is working.
once all working, create a task widget to run your task with one click.
Hi Aldo Duran , your xml file sound interesting !
Should I put it into XiaoYi, or use somewhere else?
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