[Xiaomi Yi] Share your scripts and settings

Good evening. Trying edit a Yi script .ash file. It's set to 30p and I want to change it to 60p. Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance. Rick from Kansas

# WaffleFPV V8

#--Recording Adjustments--
# 4GB Clipping
writew 0xC03A8520 0x2004
# Sets Bitrate to 35Mbs.
writew 0xC05C2092 0x420C

#--Sharpness Adjustments--
# Coring
t is2 -shp mode 0
t is2 -shp max_change 5 5
t is2 -shp cor d:\coring.txt
sleep 1

#--Misc. Adjustments--
# Short Beep once script fully loaded
t pwm 1 enable
sleep 1
t pwm 1 disable
Anyone can share autoexec.ash code for enable wifi in Yi 4K? My lcd has broken
I just wonder, what does the third parameter mean ?
t ia2 -ae exp [ISO] [SPEED] [???]

just read somewhere in topics - third parameter is digital gain
It can be 0 or 6 or 12 or 18
but not sure if it's ISO gain or whatever it is.
Tried in dark environment (point at street from a window) with long-shutter (8s) and iso100 and cant see changes.
just read somewhere in topics - third parameter is digital gain
It can be 0 or 6 or 12 or 18
t ia2 -ae exp[iso|agc][-shutter_idx][mode]               mode 0: ISO, mode 1: agc

For example: ISO: 100, SHUTTER: Auto, MODE: ISO
t ia2 -ae exp 100 0 0
t ia2 -ae exp[iso|agc][-shutter_idx][mode]               mode 0: ISO, mode 1: agc

For example: ISO: 100, SHUTTER: Auto, MODE: ISO
t ia2 -ae exp 100 0 0

это конечно Вы молодец, что написали то, что знаете синтаксис команд
но написали бы что такое AGC? и почему в первой колонке, где ISO, написано ISO\AGC?
Погуглив - я понимаю что AGC расшифровывается как Automatic Gain Control?
То есть все-таки я прав, но промазал только в цифрах 0/6/12/18 вместо 0/1?
это конечно Вы молодец, что написали то, что знаете синтаксис команд
Вы, конечно, молодец, что умеете тактично реагировать на ответы...)
В первой колонке вы выбираете нужный вам параметр, проставив нужное значение MODE.
Для этой цели и приведён пример готового скрипта с описанными параметрами.
AGC именно то, что вы и нагуглили. Вопроса по нему не было изначально.
Guys, a year ago or so - i watched video on youtube
Someone uploaded testing for YI video Night Tests.
He did a manual scripted settings for 30fps video, at really dark night with only street lamps (orange colored) and moonlight
It called xiaomi yi night test iso 12800, and it was not so bad, in terms of night image.
Also - he did iso25600 test, image was so terrible image, but to be honest, so noisy, but in terms of light - it was good, but too orange\green.
At this moment - i can't find a video on youtube, possibly he deleted it, or smth else.
if someone can share line for fixed iso shutter for yi z22 - i will appreciate this and will try to make good guide for high-iso settings
Okay, i found it by myself. YI Can do shooting with fixed shutter and iso settings.
Try this script at 2.3k (or 2.5k) 24\30fps to get better result
Line runs fixed "1\30" shutter with fixed "ISO100" with "0" dgain.
These lines work on my YI Z22 with 1.2.10 firmware without any problems:

t ia2 -ae off
t cal -me 0 448 1012 0 0
t ia2 -adj tidx -1 100 -1

this will work for any FPS, but need modifications to reach some high-fps settings (60fps or higher!).
Manual shutter speed sets like in photo mode "1-2047", but should be "1012-2047".
Iris set to 0, because we don't having changeable apeture on action camera.

Explanation of numbers:
The command syntax is:
#t cal -me [mode 0\1][agc][shutter][iris][dgain]
Mode can be 0\1: 0 - for Video, 1 - for Photo
AGC - use these numbers to get needed fixed ISO:
ISO100: 448 ISO200: 384 ISO400: 320
ISO800: 256 ISO1600: 192 ISO3200: 192
IRIS - always should stay 0
- boost light and colors, can be
0 or 4096 or 8192
The bigger number - the more light and also colored noise will be in final image.
Tried with 60fps, works normal (not changing iso and shutter in bright or dark conditions)
Footage looks blurry while moving\rotating camera, it's cool for cinematic purposes.
also you can add
t ia2 -adj l_expo 50
while shooting low iso (100-400), to get crispy image.


attached zip-archive for different ISO 100\3200 and shutter speed 1\30-1\100


Last edited:
Okay, i found it by myself. YI Can do shooting with fixed shutter and iso settings.
Try this script at 2.3k (or 2.5k) 24\30fps to get better result
Line runs fixed "1\30" shutter with fixed "ISO100" with "0" dgain.
These lines work on my YI Z22 with 1.2.10 firmware without any problems:

t ia2 -ae off
t cal -me 0 448 1012 0 0
t ia2 -adj tidx -1 100 -1

this will work for any FPS, but need modifications to reach some high-fps settings (60fps or higher!).
Manual shutter speed sets like in photo mode "1-2047", but should be "1012-2047".
Iris set to 0, because we don't having changeable apeture on action camera.

Explanation of numbers:
The command syntax is:
#t cal -me [mode 0\1][agc][shutter][iris][dgain]
Mode can be 0\1: 0 - for Video, 1 - for Photo
AGC - use these numbers to get needed fixed ISO:
ISO100: 448 ISO200: 384 ISO400: 320
ISO800: 256 ISO1600: 192 ISO3200: 192
IRIS - always should stay 0
- boost light and colors, can be
0 or 4096 or 8192
The bigger number - the more light and also colored noise will be in final image.
Tried with 60fps, works normal (not changing iso and shutter in bright or dark conditions)
Footage looks blurry while moving\rotating camera, it's cool for cinematic purposes.
also you can add
t ia2 -adj l_expo 50
while shooting low iso (100-400), to get crispy image.


attached zip-archive for different ISO 100\3200 and shutter speed 1\30-1\100
Hey man thanks for the scripts, i'ts just what I was looking for, I wonder if you could point me in the right direction on how to add this to an excisting sript?
And do you know to what I need to change the shutter speed value for 1/48s?

Have a good day!
Hey man thanks for the scripts, i'ts just what I was looking for, I wonder if you could point me in the right direction on how to add this to an excisting sript?
And do you know to what I need to change the shutter speed value for 1/48s?

Have a good day!

Hi, kuchen77, if possible, send me your script in DM, i need to specify correct location of these lines in order to work correctly!

Also, i'm still working for "numeric-shutter" list, which can show all possible shutter speeds of YI Action Camera to choose it manually, hope will end up soon, and post it here!
And do you know to what I need to change the shutter speed value for 1/48s?

for your instance - use these lines:

t ia2 -ae off
t cal -me 1 448 1099 0 4096

it will give you ISO100 with 1\48 shutter speed