XIAOMI Yi sport Camera died after firmware update

It is weird how some of these cameras just die, if DirectUSB was available it would save Xiaomi no end of support calls!
Probably not actually but it would stop lots of requests on their forums :)
@mbsstc make sure it is saved in UNIX format and that there is atleast one empty line at the end.
well, they provided great support for me - they said the client mode is not supported, so i made it :D
This is funny.

While midway writing my first post in this thread, I wanted to take a video to show everyone here on my xiaoyi i.e. Power light and shutter light blink alternatively + no beep. This is when I realised my xiaoyi power light dun blink anymore i.e. it become 3 lights + no beep.

Incidentally, i also realise that something was written to my microSD card. It got me excited that perhaps my xiaoyi can still be unbrick.

Sigh...no luck. what i did later was....
1) use the version 1.0 firmware.bin (rename it to yifirmware.bin) cos I am using autoexec.ash (in UNIX mode)

firmfl prog yifirmware.bin > progress.txt
rm yifirmware.bin
rm autoexec.ash

2) use the latest version 1.20 firmware.bin (as advise by Reverend), rename it as yifirmware.bin + the above autoexec.ash (in UNIX mode)

3) reformat microSD card to FAT32 again. Use the latest version 1.20 firmware.bin (rename it as firmware.bin) and remove autoexec.ash

I let each run last at least 30 mins and check the microSD later. but there ain't any progress.txt, start.txt for run (1) to (3).

Seems like this xiaoyi cannot detect the microSD card again.

Any other thing that I have missed out and can try?

Let say I have just updated my firmware to 1.2.0 now i want to go back to 1.07 cfw or 1.09 CFW . Please tell me the procedure. This will be really help for me.
use my mirror, you can download 1.0.12 there; no 1.0.9 available, sorry.

PS: CFW = Cracked FirmWare. You meant OFW = Official FW. Yi does not have either as there is no need to "crack" anything.
but that gives me of increase video bitrate (30)? please confirm. i hope that doesnt brick my yicamera if i go for 1.0.12
CFW stands for Custom FirmWare not Cracked FirmWare.
Has anyone got this working after firmware update failed and now there is only three red leds now on?
Has anyone got this working after firmware update failed and now there is only three red leds now on?
I got the absolutely same problem. I did not find any way to get it alive.

So let's think what we can do. We can try to connect it using DirectUSB mode. And we need a valid ELF file for this procedure. Can somebody grab ELF file from the working camera? Is it possible?
Unfortunately not - I never found a way to get a working camera into DirectUSB mode - if you can get a broken one to detect as an Ambarella evaluation / developer board in Windows then if Xiaomi would supply you the ELF you'd be laughing. The problem is that no-one worked out how to get a dead camera into DirectUSB mode so if you have a broken one and can try things like OTG cables and pressing different button combos as it gets power then that would definitely move things forward.
Unfortunately not - I never found a way to get a working camera into DirectUSB mode - if you can get a broken one to detect as an Ambarella evaluation / developer board in Windows then if Xiaomi would supply you the ELF you'd be laughing. The problem is that no-one worked out how to get a dead camera into DirectUSB mode so if you have a broken one and can try things like OTG cables and pressing different button combos as it gets power then that would definitely move things forward.
I've tried t monitor USB bus when I conenct my camera. I get some output output when I connect the camera and press Power button. So it tries to interact with PC. Check out attached file.


Basically what you need is to get the camera into a state where it returns one of the following combos:

DeviceID   = "VID_4255&PID_0001"
DeviceID2   = "VID_4255&PID_0003"
DeviceID3   = "VID_4255&PID_0005"
DeviceID4   = "VID_4255&PID_0007"
DeviceID5   = "VID_4255&PID_0008"
DeviceID6   = "VID_4255&PID_0009"

I don't know if you're using Windows / Linux etc - under Linux I think lsusb shows the vendor ID and product ID pairs and under Windows you can see it usually listed under unknown devices - if you click the properties for the device and look at the Details tab and then Hardware IDs you'll see what the device is detected as.


If you can get your OS to see the VID_4255 and one of the PIDs I quoted above it means you've got the device into recovery mode and once DirectUSB is installed and the driver installed you can then flash firmware.

If you can get it that far it's a huge step forward, but still needs Xiaomi to supply an ELF firmware :/


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Nope, no luck. It is not listed in lsusb output. PC doesn't recognize it as any USB device.

I tried few another tricks with SD card filesystem, with OTG cable, with autoexec file permissions, buttons manipulation... Nothing helped, I give up.

Is there any known button combination to boot this camera in any unusual mode(recovery, debug)? Does micro-hdmi show anything if connect it to TV?