Xiaomi Yi Sports Camera - Custom Firmware (Base 1.0.7) - Bitrate Increased to 30Mbps all modes

If xiaomi yi cam is going to produce a dash cam, what do you guys think? Not officially released yet:
That typeface makes me think it's a Novatek based camera
If xiaomi yi cam is going to produce a dash cam, what do you guys think? Not officially released yet:

BTW, where is the 2k recording update you talked about a lot?
a) would be nice
b) would be handy to have GPS with overlay in video
c) would be handy to have G-sensor output in video overlay


  • AFT.jpg
    93 KB · Views: 64
Hi folks!

great thread and tutorials. Few questions if someone can help. I have Yi Z22L, Pretty satisfied (bang for buck). i Don't have that much issues with soft focus, tho there is a noticeable loss of details compared to GoPro4.
I have made custom fw with 25-35 Mbit/s for 1080p 60fps, since i notice lots of compression artefacts in night videos.

I didn't get is it possible to change to 2k rezo from iOS app or is it just via autoexec boot load to override default/last used video reso to 2k so it shows in iOS app 1080p but it is recording in 2k? Is it maybe better to hack iOS app via Flex 2 (great app, bought it in Cydia: http://cydia.saurik.com/package/com.fuyuchi.flex2/) to show hidden resolutions ?

Any hacks for photos jpeg quality?

Anyone tested hi bitrate on 240fps 480p?

i see this thread is becoming a general question thread and dont feel like opening a new thread so il ask here.

i saw someone taking a few pictures and combining them together and the quialty was nice.. better then regular. something like HDR manualy.

is it possible to create a scrip that will take 4-8 picture with diffrent iso. and then we can combine them together with photoshop on 25% each one to get the perfect image?
maybe this is like burst mode , and if so, does burst mode take picture in "16 mp" quailty (same as regular picture quialty?)?
Hi guys one question, when i read this values and then check into the firmware all these hex address are over end of file. For example:

writeb 0xC06CE446 0x02

C06CE446 is not in the file, is over the maximum hex address in it. There is a number to subtract from C06CE446 to get the real address in firmware file? Thanks
Your adress its from RAM, it useful for scripts autoexec.ash .
Where is it in firmwaare i dont know.
Hello guys, is there anyone who has modified the firmware version 1.2.6 for the 22L ? Thanks in advance
never mind this isnt L version. its the regular..
hey guys, xiaoyi released the upgraded waterproof case on 20th July, thus I made a video about "how to prevent your xiaoyi cam from foggy"
if u guys have other solutions I really want to know, plz leave comments below my video
Have somebody trying to sharpness fix in 23l ? they have a "teeth" and i dont know, can it still can be rotate, because of this blocking "teeth"